
Monday, January 7, 2019

Let Me Sleep Before I Wander (#BOTB Results)

If people hibernated like bears then maybe the world would be a more peaceful place.  I'm ready.  Somebody shake me when warmer weather gets here...

       People in colder climes probably would chide me--a fellow living in the more pleasant year-round temperatures of Los Angeles--for complaining about the cold.  But, seriously, it's been in the fifties and sixties of late where I am and I've been feeling very cold.  And from what I've been hearing it's been getting down in the forties at night when I'm asleep.  Maybe I should just go to sleep until May or so, wrapped in blankets in my cozy bed.  I don't think it will work, but on this Sunday I've been making an effort.

        I guess I should take a break from my hibernating nap to announce the winners of my recent Battle of the Bands post since I know everyone out there is waiting with great anticipation for these results.   So let's go...

Battle of the Bands Results

        My most recent Battle of the Bands featured a song first used in a Twilight Zone episode.  The versions of "Come Wander With Me" that I presented were performed by artists Émilie  Satt and Jay Lamm.  My vote goes to  Émilie Satt because I liked the arrangement with the violin.  I liked Jay's version as well, but the style of his competitor was more to my preference in music.

       Out of the starting gate it looked like Émilie was going to leave Jay in the dust, but the voters quickly came to Jay's rescue giving him a massive win.  Way to go, Jay!

Final Vote Tally

Émilie  Satt      7

Jay Lamm       16

Next Battle on Tuesday January 15th

        I plan to be there, will you?  I'm going to set my alarm right now so I don't sleep through that Battle.  Stay warm!

       Has it been cold where you are?  Do you tend to sleep more in winter?  Do you ever feel sorry for us folks in L.A.? 


  1. Hi Lee - I guess those temperatures are low. I've been lucky since I've returned - the temperatures have been higher than I'd expect at this time of year here in the UK - I suspect the cold will turn up sometime. We're about 50F during the day ... and a little colder at night. Take care and all the best for 2019 - just don't hibernate! Cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary, I was being a bit facetious about those temps--they've just been feeling low to me. I've never liked being cold though.


  2. It's 12 here this morning. Getting up at 5:15 for work i horrible. I am ready to hibernate and agree how people would be kinder if they didn't have to get up so early. Smile. Stay warm.

    1. Erika, 12 degrees sounds very low if Fahrenheit scale. I've been through very cold mornings in the past. I think the worst was in my younger days and I was working construction. So cold!


  3. Here in my part of the UK the weather has below freezing. Loved the photo Lee. Look forward to the next BOTB. Enjoy your week.


    1. Yvonne, I'll keep my weather and leave yours to you. It sounds very cold.


  4. I would have voted for the loser. Winter has been milder than normal, even though I am near the coldest place in Fl.

    1. Mike, no matter which you had voted for at this point wouldn't have changed the results by much.


  5. My pick one.
    You have no sympathy from me on the cold.

    1. Alex, uh, yes your pick won.

      I didn't think I'd get much sympathy from anyone. It really isn't all that cold here, but it's me.


  6. Some people are always cold.

    I'm in Houston and we only get a few weeks of cool weather per year - weeks when I can turn off the AC and keep my electric bill low.

    I enjoy the few weeks we get. Those who don't, well, keep covered.

    1. Harry, I used to tolerate cold weather better, but I've never been neither a cold or hot weather person. For me 75 degrees is just right.

      We don't have to turn on the A/C or heat very often so fortunately most of our electric and gas bills are relatively low.


  7. My husband says never ask a skinny woman if she's cold as the answer is always yes. True to form, I am sitting here with my space heater blasting.

    1. L.Diane, I'm still considering that small localized heater for whatever room I'm in. My wife would probably prefer that I did it that way as she often gets too hot.


  8. Hahaha! You're not getting a lot of sympathy from me, living in Canada. ☺ We've actually been having what we consider a mild spell (40s and 50s), which is your idea of a cold spell. I hope those sunny and warm California temps come back to you, soon! Glad to be on the winning side in this battle. That was a resounding victory for Jay!

    1. Debbie D, I've experienced your weather in the past when I could handle it better. These days I'm never overly anxious to go to where it is colder.

      Yeah, Jay really cleaned up on this Battle. Actually I didn't expect that outcome.


  9. I do sleep more in the winter even though I'm in Vancouver, British Columbia and milder than most of Canada. It's the darkness which makes me want to hibernate too. Temps have been similar to what Debbie D. said here. More like autumn which was also warmer. I had geraniums blooming up to December. Take care and stay warm.

    1. D.G., I think the longer daylight hours have a lot to do with wanting to sleep more. I'd like to sleep until the sun comes up, but my wife has to get up before then and I feel kind of obligated to get up at the same time to help see her off to work.


  10. 50's and 60's I might run around the complex nekkid! Well, maybe without a coat...

    1. CW, I know, I'm being a big baby--or maybe an old man would be the more accurate description.


  11. I was grateful it didn't rain on me today and it could have been worse with freezing cold which thank GAWD, hasn't returned since November.

    1. Guy, my morning started out rainy so I stayed inside until it stopped then went to the post office--another exciting day.


  12. Someone should have bought you a flannel shirt for Christmas.

    Great contest, Lee!

    1. Michael, don't get me started on shirts. Recently I organized my clothes and found that I had many many shirts including a few heavy flannels and light ones as well. What I need is more sweats since that's all I wear when I'm inside the house.


    2. Michael, I probably should get some heavy socks to wear around the house as well. I thought I had some but couldn't find any of those the other day when I was searching. Lately I've been wearing socks to bed since my feet get so cold during the night. Things sure are changing for me. Damn getting older!


  13. Lee,

    I'd like to hibernate through the winter, too. :) I'm glad you roused yourself to report the outcome of your January 1st battle. I went with Jay this round. He really left Emilie behind in the polls, didn't he?

    The last couple of days has been very nice weather. It's felt more like spring than winter with plenty of sunshine. We had temps in the low 60s for the highs and last night it only dipped to the low 50s. That being said, the cold is returning this evening with expected lows to be in the 30s again and getting worse in the days to follow. As we age, we become less tolerant of the cold or at least that's what we've discovered. Of course, we've never been fans of cold weather but that's another thing. While y'all have warmer weather than us, I think it's what your body grows accustom to. I'm sure if we visited L.A. then we'd be lovin' your weather which reminds me years ago of an incident I thought was odd. I was going to school at the time and like I often did I waited for DH in the TVA lobby west tower where I sat still wearing my heavy coat. It was winter. I reall seeing these folks talking to receptionist wearing short sleeve tee shirts. I got cold just looking at them. Anyhow to make a long story short, they were from Canada, so our temperatures had to feel mild to them and no doubt probably thought we were the crazies bundled from head to foot. :) I'm indoors a lot like you. I flind it very necessary to wear snuggly apparel and socks are very important. I found that wearing the fleece type with houseslippers generally keep my toes warmer. The shoes are a tremendous help, not run around in only socked feet. We have some really expensive fleece socks like Polartec that we've gotten from LL Bean over the years but we found that for inside most inexpensive versions work very well. DH really likes the Port and Starboard's fleece socks. They cost half as much if not more than high priced ones and keep his feet warm. You may want to check them out. It's hard to feel sorry for folks living in generally warmer climate but I do understand. It's just what the body gets used to and when it's cold there then it's uncomfortable for folks just like it is for us here. I know those up north have it tons worse than either of us.

    You'll find my BoTB results in Monday's post. Stay warm. 'll see you on the 15th!

    1. Cathy, I talked to friends back in TN yesterday and they said the temps had been in the 70s of late. That's more like what I prefer. When I first moved out here I used to tease folks who thought it was cold in the winter in L.A. because I'd just moved from back east. Someone warned me to just wait a few years and I would also think it was cold. Turns out they were right.

      I'll have to look at some footwear alternatives for wearing around the house. Fleece socks sound nice.


  14. I don't mind winter at all, although I admit to fewer walks with the dog when there's snow or ice on roads and neglected sidewalks. My husband and I spent eleven years in South Florida after growing up in the Midwest. We missed change of seasons so much that we retired from Florida to Colorado, a move I'll never regret.

    1. Patricia, I've never been particularly thrilled about being out in the cold, but in my younger days it was much more tolerable for me. Given your choice I would have also picked CO over FL. I'm not a big fan of Florida or hot humid weather in the summer.


  15. I remember being in LA one December and it was cold and rainy the whole time. We get the same kind of weather here during the winter, and we also get worse...

    1. John, cold and rainy is not the norm for L.A. but it does happen now and then. I know you've seen more ice and snow than we have here. I only see it when I look up to the mountains when they are snow covered.


  16. I hope to be back into the swing of things with listening to the BOTB. I am bugged by the fact that is has not been colder! Today we have had a high of 8C which is 46 and then it will drop to -3 in by tonight (26F). We have had hardly any snow which is a bummer. I don't skate or ski or anything like that but I love the snow and the way it glitters like diamond dust in the moonlight. When it has been 30F here and I am in track pants and a sweatshirt, I get too hot and have to put on something lighter up top.

    1. Birgit, you can have all the cold if you'll give us the warmth. I do like looking at snow and frosted windowpanes, but I prefer to do so only in brief stretches outdoors or from the comfort of a warm place.


  17. I don't feel sorry for you being cold in LA. I feel sorry for you living in LA! LOL. I lived there for a short while many years ago and it was not for me. I am from the south and now live in Ohio, so though it is cold here for me, I've been told Ohio is breaking us in gently to winter here, as it really hasn't been as bad as I expected...yet!

    1. Lisa, you really nailed it with that comment! I'd take cold weather small town Ohio over this madness that is L.A. Well, it's not so bad where I am if I don't pay attention to what the state government is doing.


  18. LEE, sorry I'm so late getting here, but I've been busy driving back and forth between two cities, meeting people, paying money, and buying the house I will die in (unless I'm raptured by God in the next 10 or 11 years).

    As for L.A. ... as the saying goes, "When California sneezes, the rest of the country catches a cold." Ha! L.A. was "the pLAce" back in the day. (FYI: "the pLAce" was an actual, officially sanctioned promotional slogan for L.A. ... about the time that 'Moonlighting' was the rage on TV.)

    I loved L.A. when I was young but, now, in my "Golden Years", even Reno is too much of a P.I.T.A. for me!

    Funny, but when I submitted my vote for Jay, it was looking like the chick was gonna clean his clock. Guess I shoulda known better.

    Odd how some of these BOTB installments start out totally one-sided but eventually do a 180 and turn into a blowout in favor of the contestant who was getting pounded on initially.

    Dang, Lee, I am SO-ooo far behind in my blogging life - due to the new-used-home-buying - it's hard to believe that the next installment of BOTB is now only 5 days away. Thankfully, I've already got my next Battle pretty well set. It's just a matter of typing some bibbidi-bobbidi-boo to surround the videos.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  19. STMcC, I think your vote turned things around for Jay Lamm.

    I hear you about getting behind and I'm not even in the process of making a move--although it's been like I've been prepping for a future move. I have been.

    I'm looking forward to some great years ahead, but I must go to wherever it is destiny calls.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
