
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Uniquities and Ubiquities ( #AtoZChallenge )

    I want my home to be like a book with pages to be read and lots of stories to tell.  And indeed, my home is like a thick volume that can't be read in one sitting...


          Upon first entering our home, a visitor might not find anything particularly unique at first glance.   As with any of our dwelling spaces, the uniqueness of who we are often requires a closer scrutiny.   Perusing the artifacts of a home one is likely to see representations of family history, personal interests and pastimes, as well as those assorted oddities that might leave one scratching their head or could be the opening of an interesting conversation.

          The built-in shelf seen above gives a good idea of certain things that are ubiquitous in our home.  There are books, media (CD's, DVD's, etc), decorative items, and even a set of juggling beanbags.    In nearly every room of our house you can find these same things in an assorted array of formations.  Each room is like a variation on a theme.  My home is my personal symphony--or more appropriately a symphonic duet between my interests and those of my wife.  

           Our home is my comfort zone.  If I were to be plopped blindfolded into my own home I would immediately know where I was.  With a feeling of security I would relax and settle into that homey feeling.  But if my blindfold were removed and I were to find myself in a room at your house, please let there be books, music, or something to explore and wonder about.

          While in your home I want to see your uniquities and I want them to be ubiquitous.  I don't just want to know where I am, but I want to know who I am with.  Excuse me if I look at the things on your shelves or on your walls.  Tell me what this odd little mystery item means to you.

          Tell me a story.  What you have around you provides me the details, but you have to tell me the words.

          Have you ever visited someone and perused stuff they had on display?   Would you be offended if a visitor started looking at what was on shelves or on the walls?   What might the decorative items displayed in a house tell you?  


  1. They'd walk in my office and know I have a serious Minion addiction.

    1. L.Diane, yes, I've heard about that Minion addiction. They are fun.


  2. What people display in their homes says a lot about them, what they care about, where they've been. If I walk into a virtually barren home I wonder what happened - or what didn't.
    You'd see mementos, books, whimsy and heirlooms here. Oh, and dog hair ;-)

    1. Diedre, a barren home is kind of sad, but the resident can start fixing that pretty quickly if they want to add character to their surroundings.


  3. Mary has a lot of her knitting bags hanging wherever she can find room in the living room, and she's taken over the mantel with her knitting supplies, yarn, and a few books. A lot of our stuff has been necessarily hidden away because of the four-legged members of the family, who think everything they can move with their paws is a toy...

    1. John, when I see signs of work or ongoing activities it makes me think that someone is being very industrious.


  4. I love seeing glimpses of people through what they surround themselves with. If you visited my home there most certainly would be oddities and curiosities for you to explore, and very very many books. I imagine we could have an interesting conversation, and you might be happy to find a spinning plate or two and some juggling balls tucked amidst my many treasures.

    1. Deborah, I think I might enjoy visiting your home. And now you've got me curious about the spinning plates and juggling balls.


  5. You'd certainly have enough identifiers to work with here...

    1. CW, a bottle-cap collection for instance?


    2. That, a broken down beagle, Barney Fife on the furnace bulkhead...

    3. Can't argue with Barney Fife!


  6. Those are great U words. In my house people would see that I love quilts and my husband loves a variety of books and dvds, just like you. The curio cabinet is definitely well named.

    1. Susan K, quilts can add such a warm homey feel to ones surroundings. A curio cabinet well stocked can make me smile.


  7. I love the words today and I would consider it insulting if a person came into my home and didn’t look around. I have a library..yes, I do and it was a dream I had when I was little and I fulfilled that. It is one of my dreams that became realized. I have books in there that are worn right down and others look new but they are all read and loved. In the same room I still have a turntable with. 5 disc CD player and cassette tapes! I love my cd’s and my records plus I love my Da Vinci on the wall...again an art piece I always wanted to have since I was a kid.

    1. Birgit, I think I'd like looking at your collection. Looking at and talking about music can keep me occupied for hours. If I didn't want people to look at my stuff and ask me about it then I wouldn't put it on display.


  8. I want my home to be like a book with pages to be read and lots of stories to tell. And indeed, my home is like a thick volume that can't be read in one sitting...

    That resonates Arlee. My home has tons of books, music and artefacts. Though most of the music has been transferred to iCloud, but some still remains. My home is also dotted with lots of plants, in the balconies as well as inside. And yes, how could I forget the comforting slurpy kisses of my two furry girls.

    1. Natasha, plants are a nice touch to any home. We have fake ones that look kind of real. I don't want to have to tend to real ones--they'd probably wither and die under my inadequate care.


  9. Wonderful post Lee, If only I had visitors to look at what I have on display......I wouldn't be offended. It tells a person's character I believe.

    1. Yvonne, if our belongings don't say something obvious about our character then they certainly can open a door to conversation where we can learn more about each other.


  10. Entering my home, the first thing people would probably noice that it is set up for something I think I have never mentioned. We have cat scratching areas, ramps, toys, and all breakables are on cabinets behind glass to prevents cats knocking them over. Also behind that glass are our few remaining books. I read on a Kindle now but that sits on my nightstand.

    We do have a small bookshelf set up as a charging station - laptops, WII remotes, phones, and other rechargeable devices go there, attached to a UPS.

    I love that set of encyclopedias on your top shelf. Are encyclopedias sold anymore? I think Google might have replaced them.

    Emily In Ecuador

    1. Emily, animals and kids can rearrange the appearance of a home. The books on that top shelf are actually half of a series called "Great Books" and is exactly that--a whole lot of good classic reading that I haven't delved into yet. The other half of the set is in a matching bookshelf on the other side of the fireplace in the living room.


    2. How cool to have the classics in one set! The only issue with that particular set is the books look less than ideal size and shape for curling up with. Perhaps it is one of the reasons they have not yet been read. They do look great, though!

  11. I suspect the unique bronzes might give my equestrian career away - well, not quite unique as they are limited edition. But there are some unique items hidden by knick-knacks and clutter, but then you might think I was an eclectic collector.

    1. Roland, I hope would hope you were an eclectic collector. I'd be looking and asking a lot of questions.


  12. When people come into my house the spend time looking at all the photos on my walls, they are everywhere and make my house a home

    1. Jo-Anne, now that's that kind of house I like to visit. People are usually more than happy to talk about their photos.


  13. Yours looks pretty neat and tidy Arlee. I also know my way around my home blindfolded. I like looking at others' photos, paintings, artefacts etc - they tell a story. Anyone who saw my study as it is at the moment would be shocked - a mess ...

    1. Susan S, you and I will keep our messy work areas a secret.



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