
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Ashes to Ashes ( #BOTB & #AtoZChallenge )

A fire roaring on the hearth on a cold night can be cozy and romantic, but eventually you have to clear out the ashes...

Ashes to Ashes

         After major fires like some of those we've had in California, we'll inevitably see those sad TV images of homeowners sifting through the ashes in hopes of finding something that might have survived.  I have a lot of empathy when I see those kinds of situations.  A life's accumulations gone up in fire and smoke is something we all probably have thought of at some point.

        But it's all just material stuff isn't it?  Everything can be replaced to some extent.  Even people when it's time for that to happen, in which case we have memories.  Sometimes I wonder if I have too many memories.  They mostly seem to be good memories because the bad stuff always got better or got fixed in some way--or I just accepted and moved on.

         That's all something to do with clearing the clutter out of the path ahead of us.  I'm sure you have things that impede your progress or even your success.  One hindrance I see in my life now is material possessions.   I can see a move to a downsized living situation in the future so maybe now is the time to start the process.  Actually I guess I've already been working on this for many years.

        A big part of life has to do with cycles of decluttering and recluttering.  That's what it seems to me at least.  Hopefully, I'll never lose my home to some disaster or unwillingly have to relinquish all that I own.  For now I'm comfortable relaxing before a cozy fire, but at some point in the not too distant future I'm going have to clean out the ashes to start a new fire when it's time to do that.

        As we often hear, it's dust to dust and ashes to ashes...

Battle of the Bands

Ashes To Ashes

        One of my favorite videos from the eighties is David Bowie's "Ashes to Ashes" which was in regular rotation on MTV (the network that used to play music).    I was never much of a Bowie fan prior to seeing that video, but the eighties brought music from him that I liked and I began to more appreciate his work.  If you've never seen the Bowie video or want to refresh your memory you can see it here, but please Don't Vote On It PLEASE!
       Keeping in the spirit of my A to Z theme I'm featuring covers of the Bowie song by two contrasting groups.  Take a listen and I hope you enjoy...             

Warpaint  "Ashes to Ashes"  (2014)

         If I were a much younger man with polygamous tendencies I'd marry this band.  I like their dreamy sound which has a pop psychedelia leaning to it.  Their bass and rhythm is very solid.  Warpaint comes from the Los Angeles area.

         This live version is a bit ragged in the vocal and guitar department, but to me this makes it more endearing and interesting.  If you can't take the "ragged" live sound then you might prefer to listen to the less flawed studio version.   Whichever version you choose I hope you enjoy these talented ladies...

Fish and Bird  "Ashes to Ashes"  (2015)

       This Canadian band originally from British Colombia re-imagines this popular music piece with a folk jazz sound.  Their acoustic version of Bowie's song is filled nifty little music tricks and nice playing. 

Time to Vote!

 Is it ashes to ashes or funk to funky?   In other words, what's your preference between these two choices? Which song version do you like best? You don't have to know about music to have an opinion since it all comes down to your own personal taste.

Please vote on your favorites by letting us know your choice in the comment section and tell us why you prefer the version you chose. Then after you've finished here, please visit the other blogs listed below who may or may not be participating this time around. And if you've put up your own BOTB contest let us know that as well so we can vote on yours.

Here are some other places where you might find BOTB posts:

 StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands


'Curious as a Cathy'

Sound of One Hand Typing

Angel's Bark  

Jingle, Jangle, Jungle 

Cherdo on the Flipside 

Winner of this Battle Announced on Sunday April 8th

         Blogging A to Z is going to mess with my normal schedule since I'll be posting nearly every day in April.   So, what the heck, might as well have a special announcement day on next Sunday, something I normally wouldn't do.  Then I really will be posting every day this month (except for the 29th).   Please stop in for my regular daily A to Z posts if you can, but be sure to come back to see who wins this post's Battle.

         Have you ever lost most of your possessions due to some catastrophic circumstance?  Do you tend to have life cycles of accumulating and other times of ridding yourself of things?   Do you have a wood fireplace in your home and if so, do you use it?



  1. First of all Lee Good luck with the A to Z,
    Sorry I can't participate.
    I love the David Bowie version of Ashes to Ashes.

    Have a good challenge, you will all be in my thoughts.


    1. Yvonne, sorry you're not going to participate and sadly we start off voting with a non-counting vote. Did you want to vote for one of the other two in the running?


    2. I vote for Fish and Bird.
      Sorry about the mix up .


    3. Thank you, Yvonne!

      A vote for Fish and Bird

      Arlee Bird
      Tossing It Out (A)

  2. Ashes to Ashes will always be David Bowie for me. As far as losing everything in a disaster, I think it comes down to not being too attached to "stuff" - that being said, I'm sure there would be items I'd mourn if they were lost forever.

    Leanne |
    A for Avoid Negativity

    1. Leanne, some things I think we are attached to because of what we call sentimental reasons. But we can't be overly attached. David Bowie's version was great of course, but that doesn't help with the voting here.


  3. Interesting start to the challenge. Haven't had to face any catastrophes like fire or floods so far, deeply grateful. Always lived in the tropics so no fireplaces, some places were as hot as furnaces without any human devices...

    Voting for Fish and Bird.


    1. Nilanjana, in those hot places I'd want air conditioning, but I know a lot of people can't afford it. We don't run ours that much.

      First vote goes to Fish and Bird.

      Thanks for voting!


  4. Downsizing is what I'm thinking about too. But only thinking -hahaha. I always enjoy reading your thoughtful posts.
    Kalpana from

    1. Kalpanaa, I've been mostly thinking too, but now and then I get down to action.


  5. Great topic to start things off. The trouble with fire and other natural disasters is you often don't have time to think of let alone go searching for the things you want to keep. I've been lucky not to have been involved in one, but watching last summers' hurricanes and fires reminded me of how lucky I am to live where I do. Good luck with the challenge
    Susanne Living the Dream

    1. Susanne, a disaster typically catches people so unexpectedly that they can't gather much more than some necessities if that. Thanks for stopping by.


  6. I, too, have been fortunate to avoid a total loss of possessions due to natural disaster. When I voluntarily got rid of almost everything for a move abroad, the beginning was incredibly difficult. By the end, it was liberating. Hope you have a similar experience.
    Emily In Ecuador | Almuerzo - Good Lunch Choice in Puerto Lopez

    1. Emily, any moving calls for getting rid of some stuff, but that would be especially true in moving out of the country which I doubt whether I would ever do at this stage of my life.


  7. I'd be happy with a little decluttering right now.
    Very different versions. Wasn't sure at first, but think I'll go with Fish and Bird.

    1. Alex, there's probably almost always an occasion for most of us to declutter some.

      Another actual vote! Fish and Bird.


  8. I'm working on decluttering my material and mental space to, and so glad you have chosen to write about it, as it will be an impetus of sorts to keep me going, Arlee. Thank you. David Bowie's Ashes to Ashes is way to incredible.

    My April Anecdotes, alphabet A: Anachronism

    1. Natasha, hopefully my series will be an impetus to me as well. Tackling my stuff can be a difficult task.

      Bowie's version was indeed good, but I'm not taking any votes for him


  9. Holy moly, Fish and Bird make that song theirs. That's a fantastic version.

    1. Harry, sounds like an enthusiastic vote for...

      Fish and Bird.


  10. Getting right down to a nitty gritty start Arlo! I'm hoping I never have to face a complete loss of all my possessions, but like you I'm doing some serious considering of what exactly I do have and what I'm ready to release. I'll definitely be using you as an inspiration in my own decluttering journey this April.

    I'm going to have to pass on band voting though. I genuinely like both versions equally and they're so different. I'm just going to hold them both as wonderful. I'm a huge Bowie fan, but I think these are both worthy covers indeed.

    1. Deborah, guess my start is a warning about getting overly attached to ones possessions. I will try to inspire something--maybe not totally getting rid of stuff, but evaluating it more.

      Sorry you're not voting on my BOTB, but thanks for stopping by.


  11. Well, I was all set to vote for #1, I loved the vocals. But the second one, I GOT the words. So I go with #2!

    1. CW, somewhere I've heard it said that words matter. I guess that's true in your case.

      A vote for Fish and Bird.


  12. I liked Warpaint's version ... light ..and of course a great choice for first A-Z post Lee - ashes to ashes, dust to dust ... I reckon we all think about de-cluttering at some stage, even tho it's a difficult thought. But it's rather free-ing! Right now my husband is outside burning some papers that are as old as Moses ..

    1. Susan Scott, I think many of us declutter cyclically. I've done so in various stages of my life depending on what was going on. If I had kept everything that I've had over the years I really would be in hoarder trouble.

      A vote for Warpaint.


  13. Good luck with the A to Z Challenge, Lee! ☺ Decluttering the house is one reason I'm not participating this year. Having two packrats under one roof can lead to disaster! LOL As for the battle, David Bowie's original is so deeply ingrained, I didn't really care for either of those covers. That said, Warpaint's live version was fairly interesting, so I'll go with them.

    1. Debbie, decluttering can be a major job which is why it's mostly been ongoing for me. Doing it all at once can be tiring and a likely cause for getting rid of stuff I regret later.

      A vote for Warpaint.


  14. Hi Lee - letting go is difficult .. but forced letting go through disaster would be a nightmare ... have fun through your Challenge! Cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary, if I have to give things up it would be because I was willing to do so.


  15. Arlee, I'm reminded about the line from the cancelled TV series "Life On Mars." At one point, Sam Tyler says "What is it about David Bowie anyway?"

    1. Zulu, I've never really gotten Bowie that much, but mid-80's he seemed to get more normal. I do like a lot of his music.


  16. Hey Arlee, I know you write more than I have time to read, but I love to catch up with your work each year during the A-Z Challenge. Looking forward to another year. Zulu Delta

    1. Zulu, I haven't been writing that much on my blog in the past year or so.


  17. LEE, you wrote:

    "Winner of this Battle Announced on Sunday April 1st"

    I think you meant April 8th(?)

    I didn't recall the song at all, and decided I would go back to watch / listen to the David Bowie video after I was done "boting".

    I used Warpaint's live version for BOTB purposes, since that was the one you chose to embed in the blog bit. (I suspect I'd like the studio version better, but wanted to play by your 1st choice.)

    You were right that it was a bit flawed, particularly the vocals which sounded a bit flat to me in a few places. But overall, I liked the mellow, atmospheric sound of the piece.

    But when I scrolled down and saw where you had typed "This Canadian band originally from British Colombia re-imagines this popular music piece with a folk jazz sound", I figured they were a shoe-in for my bote. Jazz? Let's do it!


    Any chance they might have had for my bote was killed by that lead (supposed) singer. Gee, in all seriousness, I can sing better'n that, and I can't sing for beans - I admit it!

    So, my bote goes to WARPAINT.

    Then I went back and watched the original Bowie video, figuring it would immediately jog my memory in a big way, considering the thousands of hours I wasted getting wasted while watching MTV in the 1980s.

    Nope. Don't recall that video at all. Maybe I blocked it out of my mind. Or perhaps MTV had stopped playing it by 1981, when I first acquired that channel.

    Question: What's up with that? Is it an actual LAW in Canada that all its males are required to look like bearded eunuchs in a Starbucks coffee shop? For the last 3 or 4 years, I haven't seen a single male Canadian anywhere who didn't look exactly like the guys in Fish And Bird. I think Canada must have soy in its water! [;^D


    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

    1. STMcC, thanks for the correction! I fixed it.

      I wouldn't have thought you would have liked the original Bowie video. To me it seems visually Felliniesque and I do like the song a lot.

      Actually your vote surprises me. I don't know about the Canadian observation since I see that look on a lot of white guy who appear to have an intellectual leaning. But I really don't know.

      I'll put you down as a vote for Warpaint.


  18. Hi Lee!

    Cleaning out ashes isn't often necessary around here, but when it is, we do it rather gingerly since its where the scorpions like to hide.

    No wonder your thoughts on Warpaint. Very nice! Good harmony, too. They get my vote ;-)

    1. Diedre, I haven't had to clean out a fireplace in years, even decades. Never had to deal with scorpions in Tennessee.

      A vote for Warpaint.


  19. Gah this is a tough one, but I'm going to have to go with War Paint. I get to see David Bowie in concert in two weeks, I'm super excited!

    1. Shopgirl, I'm a bit concerned. Bowie died last year I think it was--maybe longer. Now I'm curious who you really are going to see.

      A vote for the still alive Warpaint.


    2. OMG Ya I totally got my artists confused! SUPER CONFUSED! What was I thinking?! Haha, sorry about the blonde moment. ;)

    3. So who are you going to see? I'm curious to see the connection.


  20. Can't beat the original, sorry! We don't have a wood fire, wish we did, I love the smell of burning. And decluttering, definitely, the last couple of years we've been clearing out a lot - benefits the charity shops and makes the house feel less busy.

    1. Suzanne, wood fires are nice, but there is the matter of maintenance. I made a lot of trips to Goodwill this past December--really helped my declutter project. Still more to go.


  21. Sixgun McItchyfingerApril 1, 2018 at 2:41 PM

    You never know what people are going to think with a BOTB contest. I listened first, then read all the comments - which as usual vary up and down the spectrum. And I don't know that my own take fits in with anyone else's, either.

    I don't like much Bowie and never did. Only a couple of songs did not have me swerving outta my lane as my gaze left the road and had my finger frantically searching to hit a button for another radio station. This song is no exception. Blaaaahchhh. His awful voice is only topped here by having to look at his lipstick-smeared mien in this video. I knew automatically that I would prefer EITHER of these covers to the original.

    Lee, I'm afraid that, setting both lack of youth and polygamy aside, Warpaint would NOT want to marry you. I suspect they prefer women.

    And, although I would much rather listen to Warpaint than
    Bowie, theirs seemed altogether a weak performance.

    On the other hand, I ALMOST actually liked listening to Big Fish Bird, or Fishy Birdsmall, or whatever the heck they are called. I did not think the singer's voice was that bad, as did McCarthy, and their take was certainly original and was better than Bowie's own version. Plus, they were certainly more manly than Bowie himself, as evidenced by the extreme lack of lipstick. And clown costumes. So, a vote for the wildlife, eh?

    1. 6gun, Bowie got off to a bad start with me during his glam rock days. Later around mid-80's he became more normal and I thought he put out some decent stuff. But it's that old preference thing.

      I don't know what the preferences are with Warpaint, but I can dream I suppose. No nightmares please! I thought the wildlife folks were excellent in musicianship and I also liked the guys vocals.

      It's Fish and Bird.


  22. HI Lee

    A year ago when I moved from Oregon to Colorado, I was leaving an apartment that I had lived in for 20 years. I was 'making a clean break' so to speak, so I got rid of 99% of my belongings at the time. At first, it was difficult to let things go. But by the time I was done, it was much easier to just cut it all loose. Such a feeling of freedom. Of course, I have moved a second time just a few months ago, and that move was much easier to handle.

    I didn't really get into Bowie much growing up, and I wasn't allowed to watch MTV until I was out of the house. So I'm not familiar with the tune.

    That being said (and I know I've said this before on my own battles) One does not need to be familiar with an artist or a particular song to be able to state which version they have a preference for.

    You are correct. The ladies do give an endearing rendition of the song. The gents were a little more clear in the singing, and for half a minute I thought I would be giving my vote to them. But then I thought about how I felt while listening to each version. And honestly, I was more comfortable with the ladies. Please give my vote to Warpaint.

    I'll be 'unofficially' participating in the AtoZ this year. I didn't add my name and blog to the master list, but I am doing the AtoZ in my own way. It is my hope that you don't take offense. Perhaps next year I will be able to bring myself to join in officially.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle
    #AtoZChallenge Unofficial participant

    1. Mary, glad to have you join us in A to Z. Your name doesn't really need to be on the master list. You probably get better response on Facebook and such places.

      I like your case for deciding your vote.



  23. Lee,

    Well...I'm here finally! I thought I wasn't going to make it today but while I'm heating dinner I thought I'd check out your battle. First off, thanks for the introduction of two new bands. After listening to both covers, I found that I actually liked Warpaints the best. I did enjoy Fish and Bird's mewsic arrangement, though. It was the vocals that failed to capture my ear. Great battle!

    Thankfully I have not lost anything to a natural catastrophe or fire. That would be really hard to deal with but you're right things can be replaced to a point and that's the thing to focus on because some aren't so lucky. After years of hoarding more than we can keep, we're slowing purging our home of things we no longer want. It's hard when you're pack rat, too. Ok, I'm a little bit of a pack rat and DH is a whole lot of a pack rat. :) Thanks for hosting the A2Z fling!

    #AprilA2ZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter “A” on Curious as a Cathy

    1. Cathy, unless one can afford a larger home with more storage it's difficult to keep hanging onto things and adding more. A lot that we keep is probably kind of useless anyway and only kept due to sentiment.

      Another vote for Warpaint.


  24. We had to live in a motel room for 11 months in 2007/2008 when we had a major "smoke event" from a burning tv in our basement. And just before that our basement flooded. We lost most all of our family photos, clothing, books and other items that couldn't be cleaned. It was amazing what we learned to live without in the year we were out of our house.

    1. Donna, to me photos are among the worst things to lose since they are harder if not impossible to replace. I lived on the road for most of the eighties so I learned to do without having a lot of stuff although we did have a lot that my wife and I stored at our parents' houses. After we got divorced I guess some stuff of mine got left behind at my wife's parents' house and I've never seen it since.


  25. I lost some of my possessions in my divorce which I was OK with till my ex's health and finances crashed and burned within months of my leaving....then he died a little over a year after I moved back here, so all my stuff I conceded to probably got thrown away, stolen, or sold.

    1. JoJo, losing some personal stuff often happens in a divorce. It happened with me as well. Too bad you weren't able to recover your stuff.


  26. Our daughter is at Sonoma State and had to evacuate last year because of the fires. She was fine but it was a decision as to what she would bring home and what she could do without. As far as the Battle, the creative in me likes the background and colors in the Warpaint but the singing in the Fish and Bird, so count that as my vote.
    Janet (hoping my linky thing works)
    Janet’s Smiles

    1. Janet, leaving a home under emergency circumstances creates a dilemma. Usually necessities are easily replaced while other stuff that seems frivolous is what we miss most.

      A vote for Fish and Bird.


  27. "Do you tend to have life cycles of accumulating and other times of ridding yourself of things?"

    Most of my life I didn't accumulate a lot of "stuff" because we were constantly moving (rentals, job transfers, new jobs) and I did all the packing and unpacking.

    In 2004 I was widowed at the age of 58 and decided to sell it all and become a full-time RVer. So I did...sold everything but what I needed to live in the RV (other than a couple of totes of memory stuff stored at my daughter's).

    I met my now husband, also a full-time RVer as well as widowed and also a Harley rider. We full-timed in his rig for ten years but during two of those years we lived in Cuenca, Ecuador ( and learned how little we really needed. When we moved back, we tried to simplify things here in the US.

    Well, the first year was good but then we bought a house. LOL! Oh well...

    Donna B. McNicol|Author and Traveler
    A to Z Flash Fiction Stories|A to Z of Goldendoodles

    1. Donna, it was fortunate for me that my parents moved several times and then I spent many years of my adult life living on the road. I still accumulated stuff, but not as much as I have since staying in one place for 20 years.

      My wife is originally from Ecuador. We visited several years ago and it was nice, but neither one of us would want to move there. Though my wife life the country when she was in her thirties, she since became a U.S. citizen and expresses very little interest in the affairs of Ecuador.

      I think a house is like a possessions magnet.


  28. Great start to A to Z! I'm simplifying our lives from now until summer! Great to visit your blog once again!

    1. Sand & Snow, anytime is a good time to try downsizing a bit. Welcome back!


  29. If I can't vote for Bowie then I choose Warpaint.

    1. Roland, thank you for not voting for Bowie.

      A vote for Warpaint.


  30. Lovely post. Looking forward to read all of them.

    Mrs Dash's Tongue Twister for A

  31. Great post, Arlee. Haven't LOST any of my possessions, but we moved into our house the year after we got married and we still have boxes we've never opened. That was 46 years ago!

    1. Calensariel. I know the feeling except it's only be about twenty years for me. I did consolidate some of the old boxes back in December and that helped my space issues as well as it being very interesting and enlightening.


  32. Has to be David Bowie's Ashes to Ashes for me Arlee. You are so right about possessions really being material things. We have some devastating bush fires and floods in Australia and although I've never experienced either, I would rather have my family safe and no possessions. Material things can be replaced. We all gather too many possessions in life don't we?
    A is for Ageless Attitude

    1. Sue, sorry it can't be Bowie's version in this vote, but I understand. I think gathering possessions is part of the natural human condition.


  33. Decluttering and minimalism! That's something my wife is into these days. I'm ok either way. Other than clothes (I need to start giving the ones I don't wear much away, seriously!) I don't buy much for myself. It's not like conforming to this theory or other, just the way I have always been.

    Coming to the song, I was heavily leaning towards Fish and Bird (solid stringwork) then I decided to listen to the studio version of Warpaint. Absolutely loved it. My enthusiastic vote goes to the good ladies of Warpaint.

    1. VR, having stuff is nice when it has special meaning. A lot of it is just stuff to dust off and keep maintained. I don't buy much for myself anymore.

      A flipped vote for Warpaint.


  34. #1 gets my vote indeed.

    At least with a fire you declutter all at once lol They aren't fun, as I've been in one. But you quickly realize that they are all just things and can be replaced. So burn baby, burn.

    1. Pat, I don't want to lose any of my stuff because someday I'd like my kids to have it so they can get rid of it all and make fun of me for keeping it all.

      A vote for Warpaint.


  35. That's such a hard choice - both bands bring something to the song. I think I have to go with Fish and Bird though - love that double base.

    I cannot imagine losing everything in a fire. I am very bad a decluttering and such a loss would devastate me.
    Tasha's Thinkings - Movie Monsters

    1. Tasha, A fire would be a big hassle as well as kind of devastating.

      Another vote for Fish and Bird.


  36. Ah! Another theme that's right up my alley. 2018 is my "get organized year" which most means sorting and getting rid of a LOT of stuff. Looking forward to seeing what you have to say on the subject. @mirymom1 from
    Balancing Act

    1. Samantha, I don't know about you, but I actually enjoy sorting and organizing stuff. I'm not so good at throwing stuff away.


  37. I really like this Bowie song so I am not over the moon with either one but I am actually go8ng with Warpaint. I was not enamoured with them but the Canadian band was just....there and didn’t offer much to the song. So the gals get my vote. I am all for decluttering but my hubby keeps stuff and there’s is stays in the basement. God help me when we ever have to move

    1. Birgit, "Ashes to Ashes" is one of my favorite Bowie song though I found a lot of covers that I liked almost equally as well as Bowie's version including the two versions I offer in this post. I'm having a tough time choosing because I like both of them a lot.

      It's another vote for Warpaint.


  38. Another vote for 'Fish and Bird'. How could I not go with the Canadian Band from BC?
    Thank you for initiating this awesome blog challenge. I am new this year and am already loving it...and the warm and welcoming A to Z Community!

    1. Retiree, thanks for participating--the bloggers make A to Z an awesome success.

      A vote for Fish and Bird.


  39. Fish and Bird, please... Nice and tight. That one has my vote, Sir.

    1. Michael, to the point...

      A vote for Fish and Bird.


  40. Hi, Lee! I am loving your choice of topics for the A-Z this time around, since as I grow older I am also thinking of downsizing in the future, and what a massive task it will be! Starting slowly now is the only way I can deal with it. I love the analogy of having to deal with the ashes at some point of the cozy fire we are currently enjoying! We use a wood stove for heat in the winter time, and cleaning out the ashes is a daily chore. Maybe the picture you planted in my mind will keep me focused and help me in this endeavor! Thanks for posting!

  41. Another good vote. Looks like a couple of you are still doing the battls on the first a well.

    1. Mike, yeah, I never stopped doing BOTB on the first. I have too many songs lined up in my queue.


  42. One-third of our town was destroyed or heavily damaged in a tornado in 2011. We missed it by a mile (storm took a last minute turn, or it would have gotten us), but by helping friends salvage what they could from what was once their homes, we learned that stuff is stuff, but photos are everything.

    1. Dyanne, some stuff certainly has meaning that we in ownership attach to it. But the photos actually take us to past events and people. Now we at least have the option of storing our photos "in the cloud" or on small digital storage devices.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
