
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Almost A to Z Time! (#BOTB Results)


        If you've been wondering about this year's A to Z Challenge then I suggest you hop on over to the A to Z Blog and see what's happening.   We're looking for your input and have a nifty survey that we'd like for you to fill out.  Those who help us out will be eligible for a prize drawing.  Survey closes on March 3rd and sign-ups open on March 5th. 

        Keep posted with updates on the official Challenge Blog.   Hope you'll join us for the 9th annual Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.

Battle of the Bands

         My recent Battle was between two covers of the Cafe Tacuba song "Eres" as performed by Colombian artist Elafrojack and Mexican artist Nath Campos.

         To me both recordings are quite good.  No losers in this match and I think that was reflected in the results:  It was a tie!  That's before my vote.

          As much as I enjoyed the version by Nath Campos, there was something I liked more about Elafrojack.   Unlike a few of you, I did like vocals by Jack Vargas.  However as some of you agreed, the guitar really rocked.  My vote goes to Elafrojack giving them the win.

Final Vote Tally

Elafrojack            10 votes

Nath Campos         9 votes

Next Battle on Thursday March 1st

        Please tell me it ain't so!   Almost March with April right around the bend?   I better get cranking on my A to Z posts!  But first I'll have my next Battle which will feature a motivational song from a Broadway musical.

         Do you plan on doing the A to Z Challenge in April?    Have you filled out the survey yet?   Can you think of a motivational song that comes from a Broadway musical?


  1. The rocking version won!
    Heather mentioned a survey - I'll check it out.

    1. Alex, the survey is pretty good I think. I thank Jayden Vicente for putting it all together and monitoring the results.


  2. That was a close battle! ☺ I'm glad the rock version won. No A to Z for me this year; but I wish you all much success wtih it.

    1. Debbie D, I was kind of surprised how close this Battle was. You can always change your mind about A to Z. I haven't started writing any posts yet, but I think I have an idea for a theme.


  3. I am more a sentimental soft person. My favorite musical song: Man of La Mancha, To Dream the Impossible Dream.

    1. Cannot participate in A-Z this year. Migraines have become more serious.

    2. Susan, "The Impossible Dream" is a great guess and would make an excellent Battle--but not this time around.

      Hope your migraine situation improves soon.


  4. I've never been able to think of any more A-Z entries. I so wanted to do the Grateful Dead but there are at least 2 letters that had no words relevant to the Dead at all. And believe me, I searched for a long time.

    1. JoJo, for a few letters you just have to be creative and kind of make up stuff or something. You should join us. Lots of Dead fans who would probably enjoy reading your thoughts and memories of living the Deadhead life.


  5. The survey just popped up in my Feedly today. I'll have to get to it. I have no idea if I'm doing it or not. I usually write every day, so probably.

    1. Liz, if you're writing everyday anyway you might as well join us for the Challenge. It would just be business as usual for you from the sound of it.


  6. This was a fun battle...looking forward to the next. I think I will do the A to Z again but wondering if I should do the movie theme again. I think of To Dream the Impossible Dream, You’ll Never Walk Alone, Born Free

    1. Birgit, you can't go wrong using a movie theme as far as I'm concerned. I've got some movie theme ideas in the hopper to use eventually, but not this year. Unless I change my mind.

      Good song guesses, but none are the song I'll be using. "You'll Never Walk Alone" would be a really good Battle.


  7. Wow! A-Z already? That snuck up fast. I won't be doing it this year. Work is a bit too crazy for me to commit to it. Although, if I write the posts in advance...hmm. I'll think about that for few.

    Have a beachy week!

    1. Elsie, yeah, I know. The months just keep coming faster than we can keep up.

      If things change for you do join us. You've still got plenty of time to write your posts in advance.


  8. I love, love, love the A to Z thing and I'll be there again this year. I grabbed the 2018 badge from your blog, I hope you don't mind. I have such hard time getting it on my side as a widget. I think I will start now and maybe I'll have it there by April ;) I hope you'll follow me...Scarlet

    1. Scarlet, I'll be glad to see you back with us in April. Feel free to use the badge I've posted, but watch for the official A to Z badge coming soon at the A to Z Blog.

      Have fun and I'll be watching for your posts.


  9. It's a shame my choice didn't win, but a close match is more exciting than a one sided battle.
    I really missed not doing the A-Z challenge last year. Though I am starting to dip my foot back into the blogging well, I have yet to makea definitive decision and you are right, I need to get cracking if I want to. I just need to come up with a decent theme.

    1. Jeffrey, we'd love to see you join us in April again. You're an old pro so you can whip stuff up pretty quickly I'd think.


  10. Other than that I boted for Campos, that was a perfect outcome, LEE! Dang, I love that, man, when my own bote determines the winner of my Battle. I've experienced that 3, maybe 4 times, and that's the ultimate.

    I mean, heck, I put the whole Battle together, so why shouldn't MY OPINION count the most?! Ha! ;^)

    See ya again in 7 days, Brother.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    1. STMcC, to me a tie tells me I've picked two recordings of comparable merit or something else that pulls at the heart. I could vote either way for these two choices depending on my mood and all.


  11. A close one indeed. My a to z was done a year ago lol will give the survey a look indeed.

    1. Pat, you must have your whole life planned out in poetry.


  12. Hi Arlee,
    I plan on attempting A to Z for the first time. Will keep an eye out for the new badge. I believe I got all my bad luck over with at the beginning of the year, so what could it hurt?

    1. Adrienne, might as well give April a shot. Lots of bloggers have done it and many have done it more than once.


  13. Thanks for visiting my WEP entry this month, Lee, much appreciated. I've had so little time as I'm the full time caregiver for hubs since his illness in 2014. I do read some of the blogs when I have time, but it's so erratic. I will check out the survey you mention. Take care!

    1. DG, your role as a caregiver to your husband is an important one. I admire your dedication.


  14. Lee,

    I'm like 99% sure I left a comment on this post and yet it's not showing. *scratch head* Oh well...maybe I didn't and just thought I did. Silly, silly me!!

    What a close battle! My pick didn't win but I'm not feeling bad since it was a tight race. :)

    Yes, I'm planning to participate in the A to Z Challenge. I'm working on my art sketches. I don't know if I'll have everything done by the first of April but I'm gonna do my best. That helped so much last year. I did take the survey but I didn't enter the contest. Right now I can't think of any Broadway mewsicals with motivational songs. Have a good day and thanks for visiting. I'm sorry for not leaving a comment before now.

    1. Cathy, no problem about the comment. Maybe you were thinking about the comment you left at the A to Z Blog site.

      If you've already started then I'd say you'll probably have your posts ready by April--or at least close to all finished.


  15. I filled out the survey soon after I saw the post go up. I researched and wrote my A to Z posts for my main blog in January, but haven't done my secondary blog yet. The theme I'd wanted needs more preparation than I had time for, so I'll have to push it off to another year. It also seems right for my names blog to take a break and have a theme that's not quite so intense and research/labor-heavy as it's been the last three years.

    1. Carrie-Anne, the way you research your posts I think one blog doing A to Z is probably sufficient. I haven't done all that much research for any of my themes and I've felt overwhelmed doing more than one blog.


  16. Woot! The version I voted for won!

    I won't be doing A-to-Z, as I've found it too stressful for me to handle on top of a job, family, and writing. But woot for the upcoming challenge!

    1. Loni, I can understand the time constraints. I don't put as much into it as I originally did, but I still enjoy the Challenge of coming up with the posts for the month.


  17. This is a great battle! Thanks for sharing :)


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
