
Monday, January 22, 2018

Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind? (#BOTB results post)

My thoughts are a million miles away, but I've got plenty right where I am to keep me busy...

Photo by Arlee Bird

           Somewhere there's a place for me.  Probably a lot of places before I get to that great final place.  And maybe that place is a lot of places for eternity.  But for now I'm here and all is well. 

Battle of the Bands

          My most recent Battle was "Hammond Song" performed by the original artists The Roche Sisters and the group The Colourfield.  This was a very close choice for me.  I think both recordings are outstanding.

        The version by The Colourfield has a crystalline sound as clear as glass bells.  The vocals and instrumentation have a dreamy relaxing sound that I could listen to for a long time.  At least until I was lulled to sleep.  I've listened to some other songs by this group and decisively like what they do musically.

        However, The Roches have such a unique sound that carries me to places of reverie and wonder.  I like their vocals even when they approach a certain harshness.  But the angelic side of their singing demands authority in the end.  Everything that I've heard by this group earns consideration at least.  In this match I give my vote to the Roches.

         Still, the voters decided the outcome of this round of Battle.  After an even start, The Colourfield took a commanding lead to the end.

Final Vote Tally

The Colourfield              13

The Roches                       7

Next Battle Thursday February 1st

          Something else will happen on this blog between then and now.  Let me think on that a bit.

           Does your world keep up with where your thoughts go?  Or do you feel like the world is leaving you behind?   


  1. I'm not sure who I voted for since they were so close.

    1. Alex, you didn't vote for either because you said they were so close. They are kind of, but not really.


  2. I sang your blog title along w/ that 60s song.

    1. JoJo, I sang it too for a while, but I didn't know most of the words.


  3. The world of technology is doing its best to leave me in the dust. I know that very well. I read something a few months ago that brought me up short. Here's the paraphrase: The new illiterates will be people who are unable to re-learn. I'd add two adverbs: fast and continually.

    1. C.Lee, you have to be able to learn fast and continually because change is rapid and never-ending these days. I'm just learning what I need and within reasonable limits.


  4. Now I will have that song worming through my head. Have to make up my mind--Starbucks is hard.

    The world may leave me behind, but God has not.

    1. Susan K, yes, and what you say is all that really matters in the end.


  5. This was interesting BOTB. Thanks, Podner!

  6. A bit of a blowout, LEE, but sometimes it's good for the BOTBer to just do something they want to do without any real thought toward the outcome. I know I've done that a few times (and still narrowly avoided a shutout).

    Well, in a mere ten days we get to do it all over again. I gotta say, after those first couple months of me BOTBing only on the 15th, it sure did seem like a lo-ooooo-ng time before BOTB rolled around again. Just too long between Battles. I'm happy to be going back to the original BOTB schedule.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

    1. STMcC, my mind is already in gear for the next Battle. Now I need to get the rest of me moving toward action. First I need to think about fixing dinner.


  7. Look forward to the next BOTB Lee.


    1. Yvonne, sorry I haven't visited much lately, but I've been off the internet a lot lately. Finding other things to do.


  8. This song was new to me and therefore made the battle all the more interesting. Glad to be on the winning side. ☺ I'm having a hard time keeping up with all the new technology. Still haven't mastered the smartphone entirely and I've had it for over a year now. Old dogs, new tricks. That's life, I guess!

    1. Debbie, new tricks are often hard for me, but they can get easier with practice--if I practice.


  9. I feel more as if I'm leaving pieces of the world behind. I balked on the smartphone obsession and carry a Tracfone cell only for emergencies and when I travel. I decided it's okay to reject some technology, and it's okay if I don't jump into every new victim pool or march at every protest or whatever latest obsession rears its ugly head via social media. I'm leaving behind a world of stress and hysteria so I can enjoy a world of reading, writing, and bird-watching...or whatever I want. (I follow your blog so will see what happens next here, Lee. I hope you plan to continue the blog.)

    1. Patricia, the blog might slow down--much like myself--but I'll try to keep moving onward.


  10. Lee,

    I went with the winner this round! *clap hands* I went back to listen your pick, The Roaches. I just can't see owning their version. Maybe it's my mood. Who knows? It's just okay to me. I liked The Colourfield's cover so much that I shared it in my Tuesday post crediting you for the introduction.

    Now for your questions!

    Does your world keep up with where your thoughts go? Or do you feel like the world is leaving you behind? Perhaps a little of both at times. I'm not hugely into social media sites other than blogging. I visit Facebook a few times each day just to see what's going on with friends/family. I do share daily on Twitter, usually it's an auto post from my blog but I do tweet a few important news articles DH shares with me each evening. However, I don't watch the feed closely. I find it too involving and it can be depressing at times. I prefer staying in my zone where happiness and good energies flow. :) I love technology! I have an iPhone and an iPad which I use frequently throughout the day. Obviously, I'm on my computer, too. But, I'm discovering a whole new world with my newest obsession (art sketching) which is mentally enlightening. I guess in part I can thank you for this because if you didn't host the A to Z challenge then I would've have pushed myself from thinking about to actually doodling again last year. Your annual challenge is what I needed. :) There are areas like trends that I do not fall in and could care less about, so the world can pass me by on this count. Overall, I'm content doing my own thing and loving the blessings of our times. Have a good weekend, my friend!

  11. Life usually has far different ideas when it comes to what I want and what it wants.

  12. I think I'd have to feel like I'm part of most of what you'd call "the world" for it to leave me behind. Honestly, this world, this society, it isn't MY world, so it leave it behind a few times a year. I accept this as the place I have to be now because I no longer truly belong where I came from, but nor do I belong where I am. I get snippets of moments where I feel like I'm part of something, or I'm in the right place.

    Then I get an egg tossed at my back. Or a deer crashes into me.

    When my thoughts wonder, it's always back to the forest, back to my origin. But there are reasons that I stay out here. I have a purpose, I guess. Maybe it doesn't feel like enough to me some days. But maybe there's more to it than I can see from my limited point of view. I'm not a crow, after all.

  13. I think we probably all have had times (either many or few) when our thoughts have come thick and fast, competing for attention at the same time. Somehow, my elephantine memory is able to keep many of the important thoughts and plans memorized backwards and forwards before I'm able to write them down.

  14. I feel like my thoughts have a hard time keeping up with the world, especially with the way things are right now.

  15. As I get older, I think the world is not seeing me and definitely leaving me behind. Don't worry, I'll go down kicking. :)


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
