
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

No Regrets, But... (#IWSG)

Would Have, Could Have, and Should Have are three old friends who I try to avoid these days.  They just waste my time talking about things I can't do anything about...

Join us on the first Wednesday of each month in Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Support Group--a forum of writers who gather to talk about writing and the writer's life. For a complete list of participants visit Alex's Blog

      The co-hosts for the December 6th posting of the IWSG are Julie Flanders,Shannon Lawrence, Fundy Blue, and Heather Gardner 

December 6 question - As you look back on 2017, with all its successes/failures, if you could backtrack, what would you do differently?

         "No regrets" is one of my life rules.   But sometimes we can speculate and it's not like it's not obvious to me.  My answer is simple:  The thing I would have done differently is I would have written more.   

        Really though I can think many things that I should have done more of--a lot of them being the things I should have done more of every year.  I don't want to complain though as I have a great life and for now my future looks fine.  Things could always be better, but they could get a whole lot worse so I give thanks to God for what I have.

        So rather than think about what I did or didn't do last year, I'll start mapping out what's ahead.  Downsizing my life is definitely a big priority for me and I've been working on that one.  I need to start reading again--at least a half hour a day at barest minimum.  There are several other things I have in mind but no point in rambling about them here.

          The big thing that concerns this current post is that I need to start writing more.  Writing with intent.  Writing with a goal in mind.

           Keep telling myself.

           Do you ever really do enough of anything that you enjoy doing?    Do you spend more time writing or reading?   What is your favorite part of a journey taken?

To vote on my current Battle of the Bands please click HERE.  


  1. I, too, am one of those no regret people. The way I see it, the things that I didn't do, or the places that I didn't go, or whatever else, were things that were not meant for me. I do my best not to get caught up in trying to do it all or trying to be where everyone else is, or write as much as everyone else. It is a great discourager trying to keep up with a pace in your life that is not yours, and I avoid it like the pest.
    Wishing you a safe crossover into 2018, Lee.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Pat, I agree. We have to set standards for ourselves based on our abilities, our needs, and what we feel like doing. Our lives are a blip in the history of the world. Legacy is fine, but a well-lived life makes the here and now a better place for the one living it.


  2. Thank you to remind us of looking forward and not backwards, Lee. Downsizing is huge. I have no problem throwing things away, and sometimes I throw things away without thinking. LOL. I love how you want to write with intent and a goal. Happy Writing :)

    1. Erika, your comment is encouraging to me. Thank you!


  3. We can't change the past, but we can learn from it and make the future better.
    And I don't think any of us have enough time for anything.

    1. Alex, theoretically we can learn from the past, but often we don't and continue doing what might have not served us well in the past. Time is often illusory and we get caught up in more things that don't really matter to us than the things that could move us forward in bigger ways.


  4. I still read a lot. I don't write anything other than blog bits, but I'm always reading three books concurrently -- one of them always being The Word Of God.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    1. STMcC, I don't consider my blogging a distraction from doing things I'd be better served doing, but it's like a steam vent that keeps the boiler from blowing up completely. Most reading can be a diversion or an enhancement to life, but reading the Word of God is essential nourishment for one who wants better spiritual health and continued growth.


  5. Here's to writing more and downsizing away. Just have to keep on keeping on.

    1. Pat, I could sit and do nothing that moves me forward or I could be on a mission. That latter choice is more fulfilling.


  6. I'm ready for some downsizing. How do we collect so much stuff?

    1. L.Diane, the more I get rid of, the more I see around me that I might consider getting rid of. Some things are difficult to part with especially when you've got a place to store it all. I keep trying to think in terms of moving to a smaller house--not that I'd want to, but...


  7. It's good to look back at the end of the year but moving forward has to be top priority. More writing is always my aim!

    1. Nick, I enjoy taking inventory and evaluating the past as long as I don't dwell there overly long. Roots dig deep where they are unseen while the branches reach for the sky.


  8. Downsizing is a big challenge and something most of us need to do, eventually. We have a basement full of stuff that we kept "just in case". Best wishes for your future writing endeavours, Lee.

    1. Debbie, a lot of my "downsizing" has been more of a matter of organization. In bringing like things together I start realizing how much duplication I have among my possessions. Can't find a tool that I need? I buy a new one and after a number of years I might have 2 or 3 of this and 5 or 6 of that. I've been pretty good about keeping things in their places, but I still have amassed a lot of things that were things I already had.


  9. I need to downsize the clutter areas of my home, but finding the time is the hard part. That and convincing my family that they can live without items that have been packed away for the last 2, 3, or more years.

    1. Tamara, I've been doing the work in small increments over time. If I happen to be in my garage then I'll look for something to throw away or an area to organize for just a minute or so. Progress has been slow, but it is also noticeable over the period since I started my project.


  10. Lee,

    It's good to try not to look at life with regrets but find the blessings where you are and like you said there's always room for improvement. Hopefully, that's something each of us can work on in the new year. I'm learning how to balance my schedule a little better for a more rounded, productive day and that gives me sense of accomplishment instead of every day is the same ole same routine. I like my approach. We need to downsize on unwanted stuff but we need to move into a bigger house to accommodate us better. Although I'm thankful for a roof over my head but this is one of those areas I see improvement needed. God willing, I pray 2018 is the year we finally move into a place we can feel more comfortable in and with. :) Have a good afternoon, my friend!

    1. Cathy, hope we all find our temporary homes that will suit us while on this Earth as we wait for a more permanent home in eternity.


  11. Rather than worry about mistakes, I think it's better to try to learn from them and so avoid repeating them. Like you, I could (Should?) have written more.

    Next year I will.

    Well, I'll try.

    1. Patsy, we can plan and then try and then hopefully next year we can smile and announce "Mission accomplished."


  12. That's the attitude I need to keep. It's so counterproductive to wring my hands over what I didn't do, and obviously a waste of time.

    1. C.Lee, I know people who are so hung up on their past that they never seem to move forward. I don't mind hearing old stories now and then, but when negativity from the past is the sole focus of everything about a person then I tend to move away from that.


  13. Lately I've been spending more time reading. There were times when I wrote more. I figure it's a pendulum. It'll swing back the other way sooner or later.

    1. Liz, I've bought more books than usual in the past year, but they pile up and many don't get read. I need to get that reading out of the way and move on to the older books on my shelves that still haven't been read. Then maybe someday I can start reading what's in the library. A lot of reading ahead for me.


  14. We need to declutter which I guess is a form of downsizing. Best wishes for healthy and wealthy 2018!

    1. Stephen Tremp, my downsizing and decluttering go hand in hand. If I can just get everything organized better then maybe I won't feel such a need to downsize. Neatness can create the illusion of downsizing in that it makes the appearance of clutter not as obvious.


  15. I think all of us wrote so much in the past years that we dried up the well of words and that's why a lot of us struggled to write this year. Hopefully that well will be full again for the New Year and we'll get back to writing. :)

    1. Chrys, I didn't dry up any well of words, but I just didn't write because I was doing so many other things. I do need to write more in the year(s) to come.


  16. I like your guiding philosophy, a very important lesson there. So fruitless to weep over what's past.

    Best always,

    1. Nilanjana, I've heard it since I was a kid: Don't cry over spilt milk. I just never knew what exactly that meant for a long time.


  17. I'm with you, Arlee. Looking forward and living without regret is how I prefer to live. I learn, grow, and evolve that way. I'm so far behind on reading, it's embarrassing.


    1. Elsie, we have some degree of control over what is to come in our own futures. It's no guarantee, but we can have some influence over our own lives.


  18. I would say I am pretty much on the permanently distracted list.

    1. CW, I've been distracted all of my life. I even get distracted from my distractions.


  19. I prefer to look forward as well. Have a great Christmas Season.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Anna, hope we all have wonderful things to look forward to in the weeks and years ahead.


  20. My problem is actually submitting my work. Trying not to regret not submitting more in 2017. Trying. ;) Your don't look back attitude is refreshing.

    1. Adrienne, maybe fear of the submission process hinders me from finishing anything I start.


  21. Hi, I probably read way more than I actually write. I only get in about 15 minutes a day. For the past couple of years, I've been in the revising writer's block. My plan is to write more; there's too many stories in my head that needs to be released to the world :)

    You have a very positive attitude. Very inspirational. Good luck with 2018!

    Keep smiling,

    1. Yawatta, I wish you well as you continue on your writing journey. I have stories in my head too that I need to capture before they get away.


  22. I would like to spend more time with both writing and reading. I think I miss reading more than writing. I can definitely benefit from setting a few priorities for 2018. I haven't done a "resolutions" list in years because I always break them. A nasty habit I should "resolve" to break this year, lol.

    Love your opening statement. Looking back is good as a learning tool, but looking too closely and feeling regret is a waste of valuable time.

    1. Dolorah, never enough time to do everything it seems. I read a lot of this and that here and there, but it's been a while since I just settled down for more than fifteen minutes and delved into a book. I need to do this more often. And like you I miss reading more than writing.


  23. I think most of us get in a downsizing mode as we age. When we're younger, we seem to be in an acquisition phase. At least I was. More more more. Now I look at all the stuff I've collected over the years and it's absurd for me to have ever thought I "needed" all that stuff. Case in point: I have beautiful art and wall hangings sitting in closets and tightly sealed in my garage because I don't have enough walls for it all! Why do I continue to hold onto it? I guess I'm still waiting for the day I get that big dream house that I've always longed for...But since I'm 55 and headed more toward downsizing, that just doesn't make much sense...

    Good luck with writing more in the new year. I recall that we both have mentioned that same goal every year since we've been blog pals... :)

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele, I've been in a downsizing mode since entering college decades ago and I was transitioning from living with my parents and going on my own. Thank goodness because if I hadn't I would be inundated with so much stuff now. Being on the road for years put a lot of limitations on how much I could accumulate. Like you I have a lot of "artwork" or framed items that I don't have room to hang on the walls. And a lot of that kind of stuff is what I'd like to be able to hold onto.

      I say every year that I intend to write more. I've been saying that since high school.


  24. Being a retired librarian, being organized is in my DNA. And that means continual elimination, especially if there are space concerns (as there are in a library). Now, I live in a big house on a farm, so that doesn't apply. But for sanity's sake, I still try to keep things organized and minimized and jobs getting done. Here's a great book you might like: Getting to Done. There is also a great app called Nirvana GTD. I LOVE the book and the app.

    1. Actually, it's called
      Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen.

      Sorry about the inaccuracy.

    2. Cathy, I've got several books about organizing and such. Now to get around to reading them and applying them to my own life.


  25. Hi Arlee,
    Besides the lure of the destination, the best part of any journey for me is the adventure; the experience, and the lasting nuggets of knowledge that come from discovery. Funny how that kind of clutter never looks as bad as my desk does right now ;-)
    Merry Christmas and happy writing, Lee!

    1. Diedre, my desk is a mess right now and I keep finding things to do other than clean it off.

      I tend to enjoy the journey the most if I'm not overly rushed or stressed to get where I'm going--for all the reasons you mention.


  26. I love your beginning words, Lee! An excellent couple of sentences to live by. My husband and I are in the midst of downsizing, slowly but surely. I've had a life rich in experiences, and the downs only make the ups more appreciated. I tend not to look back with regret, because I wouldn't be the person I am today without my past. That said, I'll happily take a fewer bumps in 2018! All the best to you!

    1. Fundy, thank you for the recognition. When I look back I mostly see the ups which are blocking the downs from my sight. I so agree with you about not looking back.


  27. I couldn't have said it better myself. Best I can come up with is:

    Regrets, I’ve had a few
    But then again, too few to mention...

  28. Roland, at least you did it your way.



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