
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Happy 20th Anniversary!

December 13, 1997 
              Twenty years ago on this date my lovely wife and I were married at Trinity Baptist Church in Downey California.   At that time we merged my family of three daughters with Betty and her daughter.  In those years we have watched our daughters grow into beautiful successful women who among them have given us six grandchildren to date.       

         It has been a great ride that has whizzed by far too quickly.  I look forward to many more years ahead  filled with travel, spending time with family, and just enjoying our time together.

        I love you Betty!  You have made my life special and especially beautiful.  I thank you for that and I thank God for bringing us together.



  1. Happy anniversary, Lee! May God bless you with many more years together.

    1. Alex, I'm going to be taking each year as it comes, but always staying optimistic that there are decades of quality living still ahead.


  2. A very nice tribute to your wife, Lee.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. STMcC, my wife loved it having seen it first thing after she woke up. It was worth waking up at 2 AM realizing that I had forgotten to do my anniversary post.


  3. Happy Anniversary. May the two of you have many more joyful ones!

  4. Happy Anniversary! Here's to twenty more wonderful years!

  5. Happy anniversary to you both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Happy 20th Anniversary, Lee and Betty! A toast for many more to come.

  7. Congratulations Lee and Betty - here's to many more - cheers Hilary

  8. Congratulations to you both and many more to come.


  9. Congrats! Continued happiness to you!

  10. Happy Anniversary Lee & Betty! Congrats on 2 decades together. A beautiful tribute to your family and your lives together. God bless!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  11. Aw!! I love it! Happy anniversary to you and Betty! Here's to another twenty years!

    Have a beachy week!

  12. Hearty congratulations! What a wonderful story.

  13. Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful couple. May you have many more years of happiness!

  14. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! And many more!

  15. My thanks to all for your kind messages left in these comments. Twenty years goes by so quickly!


  16. Happy anniversary to you both. Enjoy many decades to come.

  17. Happy Anniversary Lee; looks like you've lost some weight since then, unless the closeup is misleading! :-) I wish you 20 more!

    1. Mitch, I don't recall for sure, but I think my weight has been fairly consistent between then and now. I still could stand to lose 30 or 40 pounds. Maybe the dark suit blending in with the background and in contrast to Betty's white dress makes me look bigger too.

      I'm going to keep looking forward to another 20 at least, but knowing that we can never be sure how long this life will go on.


  18. How wonderful! Congratulations to the two of you!

  19. 20 years is a nice big milestone, and I know it is comforting to know that you are on the right path with the right person. Next year is our 30th anniversary. But you know, it only seems like seven... or ten. But NO WAY 30. The time has fled at an unbelievable rate, a testament to how wonderful it has been.

    I hope you two have MANY DECADES more of happiness!

    1. SBoy6, chemistry and compatibility play a big role in couples staying together. Betty and I have managed well together, weathering the rough times and enjoying the good times together. It's been amazing to see how time has flown in our marriage as well as in my years as a parent. I can really identify with my own parents now, but they set a good example for me.


  20. Happy belated anniversary Arlee and Betty! May you have many more years together!


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