
Friday, October 6, 2017

Garage Sale Time! (#BOTB results)

If you are looking for my #IWSG contribution for October then scroll down to my next post.  Otherwise, keep on reading for BOTB results after an opening word from our blogger...

Out of Control

       How can I rule the world if I can't keep my garage in order?   Forget about wanting to run the world.  I don't need that headache.  So next best thing is a garage sale, right?

       Our community has scheduled a neighborhood sale this coming Saturday.  Since this is a gated community we all have to do sales at the same time, which is good if a lot of home owners participate.  For the most recent sales it doesn't seem like there were many participants.  Consequently browsers and buyers have decreased over the past few years.  But no matter.  Being the community minded guy that I am I'll participate.

       Really it has nothing to do with my community spirit.  I just need to get rid of stuff in case I move in the coming years.  I sense that a move is imminent so I want to start getting ready. And if it's a matter of something else then I want to be ready for that as well.  Whatever the case, I've got a lot of stuff in my house that my wife and I don't need.

         I've also been running across some things that are making me think about my life and also my blog.  Maybe I'm going to take a detour with my blogging in the upcoming days or weeks.  I'll just have to mull this around a bit and see what I think next week.  After that stupid garage sale.

         At least I've been finally cleaning our garage.

Battle of the Bands


         Speaking of ruling the world, my October 1st Battle was two artists with their versions of the Tears for Fears hit "Everybody Wants to Rule the World".   First up was the version by Lorde which a good many concurred as being dark.   Since this version came from the Hunger Games soundtrack I figured some fans would lean toward Lorde.  But it was the perky version from Christian group Relient K that won most voters over including me.  I also think that version stepped things up from the original version.  Relient K does some excellent music.  And we needed some perky music this past week.

Final Vote Tally

Lorde                 6   votes

Relient K          15 votes 

Next Battle on Sunday October 15th                                           
        I'll probably have more posts before then.  Most likely I'll post again this coming Monday the 8th.   Let's see how this garage sale turns out.  It's supposed to be hot on Saturday so I'll likely only stay out until ten AM--or at the most eleven.  No point in wearing myself out selling stuff.  It's going to take a week to get that darn garage back in order. 

         How often do you have garage/yard sales?   Do you ever shop at such sales?   Do you think you are capable of ruling the world?


  1. A garage sale sounds like fun Arlee.

    Had the winner of the BOTB.
    Have a good weekend.

    1. Yvonne, I think I'd prefer to do something else than the garage sale, but that garage is long overdue for some organization.


  2. Enjoy the many pain the butts that will arrive. Have something for a dollar and they'll still ask, "what's the lowest you'll take for it?" or some crap like that.

    1. Pat, I rarely make much at my garage sales because I mark everything real cheap. Probably too cheap.


  3. No surprise they won.
    I hate garage sales. We just donate everything to Goodwill and be done with it.

    1. Alex, garage sales can be more work than they are worth. We usually donate stuff to Goodwill, but if I sell it then I have some money and don't have to load up and drive to Goodwill. Don't want to be bothered with pick-ups.


  4. Whew! I'd been voting for the winner a couple times. It's a relief to see I'm back on the losing side again.

    1. Harry, change can be good. I've been on the losing side more than a few times.


  5. I am with Alex. When we moved, Goodwill received an avalanche of good stuff.

    1. Susan K, I got rid of a bunch of stuff after my mother died. I took loads to Habitat for Humanity, Goodwill, and a church. That was part of my prodding to get rid of stuff from my house.


  6. I have given up on yard sales. I just donate to the Happy Hour thrift store. They use their money to help the developmentally delayed clients they serve.

    We have five pack rats in my house and I am the head pack rat. It is difficult for me to let go. But I have been trying to get rid of things. I worry that as I get older, I may not be able to unload and need to move.

    So good, good luck in October. I will try to do the same. Take care.

    1. Ann, I doubt that I'd do any more sales, but I won't say 'never'. I've been a bit of a pack rat and I don't like getting rid of a lot of things. For me it's a gradual process that has taken years.


  7. Garage sales are tough. I have a hard time parting with my belongings, so I like to do the quick and easy drop off at goodwill.

    I'm not surprised that Relient K took this battle. They did a pretty good job of keeping their version similar to the original.


    1. Mary B, I hate getting rid of stuff and it always seems more valuable to me than what people are willing to pay.


  8. We are due for a garage sale as well. We did a block sale once that worked well. Our city also has a huge one in the park twice a year but we really don't want to cart our stuff across town. My husband has a lot of tools that he no longer uses and tools bring a fair amount of money. We schedule a donation pickup for the day after the garage sale and leave it all outside for them to get. If we were ready to sell it, we don't need to bring it back in the house. Good luck, Arlee!

    1. Janet, tools are always a big hit at yard sales. I don't have any tools to sell and I kind of doubt whether any of my stuff will be a big hit. Still it's worth a try. It will probably take a while to put things back in order. It's something to keep me busy.


  9. >>... "Do you think you are capable of ruling the world?"

    Soitently! But at least half of the people in the world wouldn't like it in the least.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    1. STMcC, that seems to be the problem with all leaders. Especially now in the U.S. we are so divided that it's unlikely that any leader can keep the masses all pleased. And the world is such a mess that no earthly leader can ever fix it.


  10. >>... And the world is such a mess that no earthly leader can ever fix it.

    Boy, you got THAT right!

    Fortunately for some of us, The Un-Earthly Leader is coming soon. That's going to be the best or the worst day for everyone who's here at that moment.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    1. Finally a UFO that is real and the bestest brightest UFO that mankind will ever see. I'm ready so come and get me--please.


  11. I definitely don't have the personality to rule the world, though on a somewhat smaller scale, I used to want to be president. I'm old enough to run now, so maybe I'll give it the longest of shots someday.

    I've enjoyed going to garage sales, both individual and community-wide events with multiple tables of merchandise. My ex gave me some stuff he knew I'd want before he had a chance to offer it at garage sales, like a vinyl copy of Van Halen's 1984.

    1. Carrie-Anne, I've never had presidential aspirations, only daydreams.

      I wish I'd had a few more visitors like you to my yard sale. Most of the folks who stopped by on Saturday were either other neighbors checking out each other's stuff and the yard sale pros who are looking for very specific things and very cheap prices. There was not much market for what I had to offer.


  12. I have done garage sales and they are tiring and irritating especially when young people look things over and scoff at the stuff you have and older women come and grab what they can. It shows how much kids are spoiled nowadays. I have gone garage saling and enjoyed it!

    1. Birgit, I had nice visits and met some neighbors whose names I've mostly forgotten. Participating in the sale forced me to do some socializing that I don't do much of these days and I think that's a good thing.


  13. Lee,

    We have more stuff than we know what to do with and during DH's unemployment period, we did manage to get rid of a lot of things. However, there's still more that needs gone through and done something with. I just wish we had the space to better organize. day we will get into a bigger place. This house is just too small for us and forget company! I'm just glad we don't get any. :)

    Looks like I went with the winner this round but I'm not surprised. While Lorde's cover makes sense for why it was produced this way, it's still a hard sell for the listener in passing. Totally cool showdown, though.

    I haven't been to a garage sale in eons but there's only so many nick-knacks you can buy at these things. I do like getting a good bargain and when it comes to buying something I look for coupon codes or special offers before making a purchase. Shopping at the end of a season is an excellent way to get some good deals! I have to jet. It's time for dinner! :)

    1. Cathy, I guess the more room you have, the more apt you are to accumulate a lot of stuff you don't really need. In discussing our status this past week-end, my wife and I agreed that we need to stop purchasing more stuff that we don't really need. There is so much that we buy and it just eventually goes into storage with so many other things--it's really kind of ridiculous.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
