
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Surprise, Surprise! (#IWSG)

           I think I'm a pretty good writer.   Some people have told me that before.  And I've told myself that before too.   I tend to trust what I tell myself more than what other people tell me.   But it's my world after all and who knows, I might be dreaming all of this and what anyone says is really an extension of my own mind...

The Insecure Writer's Suppport Group

Join us on the first Wednesday of each month in Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Support Group--a forum of writers who gather to talk about writing and the writer's life. For a complete list of participants visit Alex's Blog

The co-hosts for the September posting of the IWSG are Tyrean Martinson,Tara Tyler, Raimey Gallant, and Beverly Stowe McClure!

Sept 6th question:

Have you ever surprised yourself with your writing? For example, by trying a new genre you didn't think you'd be comfortable in??

Surprising Myself    

        Tucked in my office closet is a box of writing going as far back as high school.  It seemed like I wrote a lot more back then than I do now.  There are short stories, poems, songs, and other miscellaneous scribblings.  On occasion I have looked into this trove of writing and read some of the work of younger days.   I'm impressed by much of that writing.

        Even looking back over some of my older posts on any of my blogs I feel a certain satisfaction with my writing.  It should come as no surprise that I think my writing is often pretty good since otherwise I wouldn't have written it.  I tend to like what I write and, to a degree, fall in love with my writing.          

        What has been lost over the years might amaze me even more than the writing samples I have on hand.  Thinking of written work that has been lost on old computers, writing that I've turned in as test essays, and other examples that are no longer in my possession for one reason or another, I seem to remember some of that writing as having been pretty good.  Too bad I can't get all of that writing back so I could reevaluate it.  Too bad...

        I am among my top ten favorite writers.  Yes, I know it sounds a bit egotistical, but why not.  Liking what I write gives me incentive to write more.  That attitude doesn't surprise me because I see great logic in thinking that way.   What surprises me is how damn good I can write!  (Yes, I keep telling myself that.)

          Delusional?  Perhaps.  But why not.   We all create our own fantasies about who we are--who we want to be.   And even who we've been.  The writer is the main character of the book that continues to be written.  If I am writing my own story then I want it to be good.  The best story that I've ever read.

           Are you aware of your own attempts to build yourself up?     Does insecurity blind you to your own abilities?    Where would you rank yourself in your list of favorite writers?


  1. With the exception of one story, I'm rather glad all of my old stuff was lost.
    Somewhere out there is a floppy disc with your name on it.

    1. Alex, I don't remember if I put anything on floppy discs or not. I kind of don't think so since other storage devices had come into play after I started using computers to write with.


  2. I hope that one day I will have the self-confidence in myself that you have in yourself. That would be awesome. I think in will come with time and with practice...and lots and lots of positive self-talk.

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. Elsie, self-confidence could potentially be deceiving. I could use some critical analysis of those writings that I think are good.


  3. I've managed to save most of what mattered, including a ton of journals and short stories.

    1. L.Diane, I've probably saved a lot that doesn't matter that much, but still it's interesting to have in my files.


  4. It's good you like what you write! You should be writing for you, and you are the one you must impress the most!

    1. Loni, I'd hate to spend time writing what I didn't like. Well, unless I got paid well to do it and then I'd probably start liking that writing as well.


  5. I once thought that everyone had the ability to express thoughts in writing--well and clearly. Well, that's just not the case. Most people I know as "friends" do not have that ability. I think that's why I enjoy hanging out with writers. They have such a fabulous talent.

    1. C.Lee, writing has always come somewhat easy to me. I recollect how much other students used to dread essay test whereas I enjoyed them because I liked to write. Writing involves a desire coupled with the act of writing.


  6. Lee,

    You are a good writer. I think we all feel good about what we write, especially when revisiting old works. I know when I was going through my blog posts this summer I found articles that weren't bad and it prodded me get back to that again. Although I try to give my blog hop posts a sense of me, I feel something got lost along the way. I hope to change this in the coming posts. I think it's okay to like your work and to feel proud of what you wrote.

    I do think insecurities blind a person from seeing what others see. Growing in confidence has been a life changing experience in many ways I've found. Confidence gives one the ability to try to do what you otherwise may not out of fear of failing. I've adopted the attitude of having fun trying to learn from these experiences. Maybe I'll surprise myself or I can say nope that's not! I don't know if I can rank myself but yeah I guess I am one of my favorite writers. There are many blog authors like you who I really enjoy and connect with which definitely means you are one of my favorite writers, too. I like how you approach this monthly meme. I tried participating in it in the past but I couldn't find my footing. This is not a reflection on anyone participating in this meme but it's a fault of my own making. I think I was trying to conform to what I think it should be about instead of what it really means to me regarding those underlying insecurities we all suffer through from time to time. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading your thoughts. Have a good day!

    1. Cathy, thank you for that vote of confidence.

      If we don't try to do things then we never know if we are good at them or not and if we don't practice and hone our skills then we don't become better.


  7. That is definitely a great attitude to have. Sometimes it's good to look over old stuff from a distance, especially if you forgot you wrote it, because you can appreciate it more objectively. And then get re-energised for your current project.

    1. Nick, looking at my old work from college is almost like reading something written by someone else and in a way that person we were in the past is often a different person from who we are today.


  8. Excellent and outstanding. I love my writing too. hehehe

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Anna, we should start a couple of fan clubs :>


  9. That's a great line--"I am among my top ten favorite writers". I will have to grow into that one.

    1. Jacqui, I think it's a logical conclusion we should come to if we are going to be serious about writing.


  10. I like that. I think it goes hand in hand with writing the story that we want to read (can't remember the exact quote) or writing the untold story inside us (Maya Angelou). We do need to love our own writing because the content comes from our thoughts, imagination, and experiences.

    1. Tyrean, I can't understand why anyone writing fiction would write a story they didn't want to read. Success at anything starts with liking ourselves.


  11. Well said, Arlee! All of it.
    I lost a lot of my early work in a fire, but have since quadrupled the amount of what I once had. It's true, we do write first for ourselves.
    I do occasionally trip on the loose life-laces of my own writing boots, but I can usually talk myself back into anything ;-) And with IWSG and encouraging folks like you, we (I) can't lose.

    1. Diedre, a good balance of encouragement and reality checks is what we need to improve ourselves.


  12. I need to go find some of my old writing. I think there's something from fifth grade in a box at my parents. See what it looks like...

    1. Raimey, I've got some pre-high school writing saved and some of it is kind of interesting when put into perspective. After high school is where I see my writing starting to develop into credibility.


  13. In our move, boxes of journals and old writing were uncovered. Journals reflected struggles and successes. Old writing showed growth. It all made me happy.

    1. Susan K, much about ourselves as well as our writing skill can be revealed when looking back.


  14. What a great way to look at it! Of course it makes me into a hack, but...

    1. CW, I enjoy reading hack writing sometimes. If I got paid for hack writing I'd be okay with that.


  15. If I could get one thing from my estranged father's attic, it would be my boxes of journals from High School. Wishful thinking, I fear. I love your attitude!

    1. Nancy, I hope that one day you can recover those boxes of journals. It would be better than unwrapping presents at Christmas.


  16. That's awesome that you saved so much of your older writings and still like them. And that you're one of your top 10 favorite authors. At least you have confidence. That's a lot of the battle.

    1. Natalie, my confidence doesn't necessarily mean that I'm good by critical or commercial standards, but that I think there is some merit to what I've written and may yet write.


  17. I have boxes of writing from elementary school to high school, but I'm more embarrassed than impressed. haha

    1. Chrys, you probably have a lot more than I have. I have samples, but not a library.


  18. I think that great that go back through your work and reflect. I have tons of middle school notebooks and character collage books. I admit, I am a bit nervous to go back through them. It's good to love your work and be proud of it. I don't think I am on my top ten list of great writers but that is ok. I love it and keep trying. Have a great rest of your week :)

    1. Erika, keep in mind that I said "top ten favorite writers" and not great or the best by any means. I can think of so many writers greater and better than I am. But I have a greater stake in liking my writing. I'd say go back through those old writings and have fun with them.


  19. I don't think its egotistical at all to think you are good at something; to believe in yourself. How else do creative people KEEP putting themselves out there for the public to scrutinize?

    Definitely pat yourself on the back for all your creative outlets, and the accomplishments - even if you are the only one sometimes to see those achievements. A healthy amount of self confidence is what keeps the world entertained.

    1. Dolorah, Thank you! And of course you're exactly right. If we didn't have at least some degree of self-confidence we'd likely spend our days in seclusion and never trying anything.


  20. Hi Lee - as Donna says ... we'd all prefer to read our own work - usually!! I think what you've told us - is ready for a consolidation... ie put into a memoir for the family ... that would make sense - you've had so many experiences ... to put it into some format would be great for them ...

    Take care and happy writing - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary, Thank you for that encouragement. Hopefully I'll do as you say before it's too late.


  21. I have done that, too. Found and lost so much I've written. Took a college class and did some good stuff that led to writing a novel for NaNoWriMo in 2013. I adore the store, but still don't have the confidence to tackle the first edit. My core just doesn't believe I can do it. And I don't know how to overcome that...

    1. Calens, I always have a tough time editing my work. Repeated edit attempts would start to annoy me.


  22. I love the idea of your life being the best story you'd ever read. How wonderful you've long liked your writing Lee. I think for myself it took quite a while to feel like I found my voice, but once I did, I found I liked it. It's always a bit of a delight for me to stumble upon old writing - like meeting up with an old friend.

    1. Deborah, Going back to something I've written many years ago provides somewhat of an insight to that younger me who now is almost like a stranger at times.


  23. My insecurity, low self esteem and fear of criticism and rejection keeps me from being serious about making and selling my crafts and photos.

    1. JoJo, I get what you're saying, but I do think you have a lot of creative talent.


  24. Well said. If you're not one of your top ten favorite writers how the hell can you expect to be on anyone else's top 10 list. I admire you for saying it. I believe a lot of people love their writing, they just don't have the confidence to come right out and announce it the way you have. I enjoy reading my old writing. Some of it I love , but most of it makes me cringe.

    1. Melissa, in our society we are often taught that it is wrong to be proud of ones work. Why do the work if we aren't going to be able to brag on it a bit? Marketing is usually about being good or even the best.


  25. Great attitude. You have to believe in yourself to succeed at anything.

    1. Sharon, if we don't believe then it's difficult to succeed and share our success with others.


  26. Best to have a positive self-image, Arlee. Mine varies as does my writing. I have some old pre-computer pieces that I typed and kept from decades ago; some good, some with interesting ideas, and some signs of the 'purple prose' that I specialised in.

    1. Roland, we our first line of advocacy for ourselves and sometimes if we aren't willing to take up the cause then no one else is either.


  27. If you didn't like what you're writing you shouldn't publish it, so good for you!!!

    As you may know I am participating in the monthly "use your words" writing challenge. You get assigned 4-6 random words and you have to craft a post using them. That's definitely a surprise month after month because when I get them I usually go "what on earth am I supposed to write?" and somehow manage to come up with something not half bad.

    1. Tamara, good to keep up with writing skills like you are doing. It's almost like taking a writing class, but without an instructor's grade and no grade in the end. Experience is the best teacher.


  28. Enjoyed this post....I'm not sure I can say I really like my writing, but I'm happy to say my readers do!

    1. Donna, thanks for reading and commenting. I figure that the first reader of anything I write is me. And if I don't like what I've written then why should I let anyone else see it?



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