
Monday, August 21, 2017

The Sun Is Like a Star (#BOTB results)

  Happy Eclipse Day!

           Our Sun is like a star--well, because it is a star.  Today millions of observers will witness the moon passing in front of their view of the Sun.  The Moon covers many stars on a regular basis, but very few of us notice.  On this day (Monday August 21, 2017) millions will see this rare phenomena first hand while those like me will mostly watch on television.  I'll peek outside now and then to see what my view will be, but I don't expect things to get very darkened where I live.  And watching on TV I shouldn't have any risk of going blind.

          Anyway, since I can't really compete with a total eclipse of the Sun and I don't have all that much to say about the science or history or whatever about eclipses, I'll just move along to announcing the winner of my previous Battle of the Bands match-up.

Battle of the Bands Results

      I figured this match between Jane Monheit and Corinne Bailey Rae performing Rae's "Like A Star" would be a close one.  This Battle did not disappoint.  Even without my vote, my preferred artists won by a tiny margin.

        My wife and I both agreed that Corinne's version was perhaps more heartfelt and more dramatically delivered, but from an aesthetically musical standpoint we agreed that Jane Monheit's version was more pleasing to our ears.  Besides Monheit's dreamy vocals, the instrumentation put me in a faraway contemplative state of mind.   Love that kind of sound!

Final Vote Tally:

Jane Monheit              13

Corinne Bailey Rae     9

Next Battle on Friday September 1st

       Yes, I will be trying a two Battle a month schedule to see what response I get.  Hopefully some others will join me on the 1st--but I hope plenty of you will at least stop by to vote.

         Will you be (or did you) watch the total eclipse?   What were your feelings about it?   Had you been facing this day will some uncertain sense of dread or apprehension?


  1. Have a good eclipse Arlee, may it be a spectacular view.


    1. Yvonne, it was a spectacular view on television which was probably the best way to watch it.


  2. My husband made us each a pinhole camera so we can see it.

    1. L.Diane, too much work for me. A lot of pinhole cameras were made for that eclipse.


  3. Dammit, I missed your battle. Sorry about that. I don't care about the eclipse, but I do care about your next battle. See you there.

    1. ABFTS, that's the spirit! Good to know you have your priorities straight.


  4. I saw it on TV, only was about an hour ago my time. It's fascinating, but I wouldn't go as far as travelling and camping out like some do.

    1. Nick, if the timing had been right I might have been willing to time my Tennessee trip for the eclipse as they were in the path. My wife had to be back at work at this time so it wasn't possible for us.


  5. Replies
    1. Mike, indeed it was! I'm happy with this outcome.


  6. I'll be dropping by to check out your battle on the 1st. I think I'm going to stick with the one battle a month schedule for awhile.

    1. Mary, I'll see how an additional Battle goes. I've got so many queued up that I need to get rid of them more quickly.


  7. Replies
    1. Kali, yes, watching the eclipse on television brought the event into greater perspective for me. I hadn't been paying it much mind prior to Monday.


  8. Hurray for Jane! ☺ She was my choice as well. I kept the dogs indoors during the eclipse and checked it out on TV. We only had partial coverage here. I'm sticking to a once-a-month schedule for BOTB but will check out your battle on the 1st.

    1. Debbie, our solar blockage might have been about the same as yours. It got perceptively less light outside, but still the Sun seemed to be shining brightly.


  9. I'm surprised JANE won because it seemed to me that she was quite a bit behind for quite awhile. She must have made a pretty impressive comeback. (Unless I'm remembering the Battle all wrong.)

    I'm pretty sure I'll see your 9/1 Battle. But just in case I miss it and forget, please be sure to remind me about it if I haven't cast a vote after a couple days.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    [Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    1. STMcC, you are right that Jane seemed to be losing and then a bunch of votes started coming in for her.

      I'll hopefully remember to remind you if you seem to have forgotten.


  10. Lee,

    I believe I sided with Corinne this round. Too bad she didn't win! :(

    Yes, we witnessed a total eclipse. We drove south of Knoxville about 30 minutes just north of Sweetwater to watch the show. I was afraid this big ole cloud the sun was behind would eclipse the eclipse but God intervened moving it out of the way. It was funny, as the sky began to darken we heard insects singing their evening song. There were cows in a field nearby but we didn't hear a peep out of them. I was a bit apprehensive since the media reported animals might act strange. Luckily, we weren't bitten on the ankles by a crazed rattlesnake hexed by the solar eclipse or anything else. I enjoyed watching through solar eclipse protection the moon passing in front of the sun and then boom lights totally out. I can't say it was dark enough to see stars as the media reported but it was fairly dark. It was beautiful to see the solar rays flashing around the moon's edge. I wish I had better prepared and was able to buy the recommended camera lens but I didn't. Oh well, lesson learned and I won't be caught empty handed next time. It was a totally amazing and wonderful experience and well worth being caught up in the horrific traffic mess back home. :D

    Thanks for sharing the results of your BoTB and I'll see ya on the 1st. I won't have a BoTB post until Sept. 15th. Have a good day, my friend!

    1. Cathy, maybe I can catch the next eclipse. Maybe I'll be living closer to the path by then.


  11. My kids and I got those special glasses to view the eclipse. It was interesting to see! We had 98% coverage.

    1. Sherry, 98% is a lot! Now I kind of wish I had had those eclipse glasses--I'm not sure what the coverage was, but the Sun was very bright.


  12. The eclipse was only about 60% here in coastal MA so it was only 'meh'. I got some crescent shaped shadows with my colander. The light got dim but nothing like what some of my friends in WA, OR and NC got to see.

    1. JoJo, same where I was. That's why I mostly watched TV during the eclipse.


  13. That was a very good battle Lee. Both women were fantastic and I appreciated being introduced to both of them.
    As for the eclipse, nothing much here. It got a wee bit darker, like cloudy, at the appointed time but nothing to speak of.
    It would've been way cool to see it in complete totality.

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele, I wouldn't have minded being in a place of totality if time and finances would have permitted.

      This was a Battle that I really liked, but it's rare that I don't like my Battles. Actually, I don't think there have been any that I didn't like.


  14. We were blessed to live in an area that had great viewing opportunities. Although, much like you, I peeked outside a time or two, but relied on TV. It was still really cool to go outside and see zero clouds in the sky but it looked like dusk was approaching.

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. Elsie, the overall effect of the event to me was very interesting. Even with the special glasses I might have been hesitant to look directly at the Sun.


  15. We traveled a long distance to visit my parents and see 99% of the eclipse. It was pretty cool and made me regret not traveling a bit further to see 100%. Maybe next time. Seriously. In seven years the next one is supposed to go through my town.

    1. Tamara, I wonder where I will be in seven years?


  16. There was totality where I'm currently at, though the people back in my hometown up North got a lot of clouds. It was really awesome to see the sun turning into a coppery or bronze sliver, and to see the light reflection on a piece of cardboard through a telescope. The insects began humming and buzzing like crazy as it got darker, since they thought nightfall was coming. The birds also seemed to feel night was coming.

    I still have 44 years to wait for the most special astronomical event of my lifetime, the return of Halley's comet. It was too overcast to see it when I was six years old, and I'll be so disappointed if I miss it again after waiting so many decades! Unless science significantly increases lifespans, I won't get a third chance.

    1. Carrie-Anne, I guess I missed Halley's Comet during the most recent showing--or I've forgotten. I kind of doubt that I'll be around for that next showing either.


  17. I watched the eclipse on TV. Unfortunately I couldn't catch it live as it was happening.

    1. Gina, TV was the most convenient way to watch the eclipse as well as providing the most coverage from coast to coast. I enjoyed the coverage from the various locales. Almost as good as being there without the hassle and expense of actually going.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
