
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Crazy Love Affair (#BOTB Results)

        Love can make you feel crazy and love can make you feel cozy, but love doesn't pay the rent.  If you think it does, then that ain't love.   ---someone somewhere sometime must have said this or something like it. If they didn't then I just said it.

English: Old computers (including a Xerox Star).
 Old computers (including a Xerox Star). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
My Crazy Love Affair

          I've got this crazy love affair going on that seems to have hopelessly taken hold of me.  Many years ago I said--with complete sincerity--that I didn't need no stinkin' computer.  Then I started messing with someone else's computer and discovered Google and Amazon and stuff like that and before I knew it I was hooked.  Not long after that I became a computer junkie.

         Computers are so darn helpful.  They're also a huge diversion and time suck.  Now I don't know that I'd ever want to be without computer access. This is why I started getting frantic a few weeks ago when my internet started becoming very inconsistent.

          Seems like every year shortly before the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge I start encountering strange computer problems.  Probably I just notice more at this time when abnormal computer things start happening, but some years the slow downs and disruptions have been serious issues for me during April.

           So when my internet connection totally shut down on me one day I contacted my provider to see what the heck was happening.  They said they were upgrading the lines in my area and had no idea when the job would be finished.  Up until last summer I'd been getting service from Verizon and then suddenly for reasons of which I am not aware, my provider become Frontier.  Okay, no big deal if I've still got service, but last November I began noticing that my connection was no longer reliable.  I was becoming annoyed with this new provider.  And as the months went by, the service got worse until that day of the shut down.

          The tech guy at Frontier said that it could be a while before the upgrades in our area were completed and he had no idea when things would get better.  He did, however, offer to connect me with a sales rep who might have some other service to offer me.  I accepted--after all, it couldn't hurt to listen and I wasn't doing anything else.

          The rep said that they could install a different kind of service through another cable other than my phone line and that service would be far faster and more dependable.  After I inquired as to how much additional I'd be paying, he checked my current plan and told me that the new faster plan would be about $25 less.  Sounded like a deal to me so I said to proceed.

          The technician came today and set me up with the new service.   I've only been working with the new set up for half a day now, but if this is how it's going to be then you can count me as a happy camper.  If everything continues as it's been going today then I'll be rocking and rolling this April.  And if the price and service stays like it is now I'm going to be so crazy in love with Frontier.

         And by the way, if you haven't been doing so already, be sure to be checking the A to Z Challenge Blog for updates and tips about the upcoming April Challenge.  Things are being done differently this year and that's where you can get your Challenge info as well as helpful pointers to make the Challenge--and blogging in general--a bit more rewarding.

Battle of the Bands

        In my most recent round of Battle, I pitted two versions of Paul Anka's 1958 hit "Crazy Love" as done by the Serbian artist Miki Jevremović and the Cuban singers Dúo Los Diablos.   I liked both of these a great deal.   Miki's version was certainly the most commercial sounding and closest to Anka's original recording.  The Dúo gave a darker jazzier bluesy turn to the song and that is the version that I gave my vote to.  My vote was enough to break a tie and push the Cuban duet over the top for the win.  And before doing the tally I was sure that Miki had won.  What a race that was!

Final Vote Tally

Miki Jevremović      12

Dúo Los Diablos      13

Next Battle on Wednesday March 15th

       I'm planning a post or two before that next Battle.  I may not get directly political, but I might be a bit controversial nevertheless.  After all, Tossing It Out is my business on this blog.  My next Battle is one that came to me recently and mid-March seemed to be a good time to do it.  With the April Challenge quickly approaching, the pairing I've planned seemed to be something on the minds of many.  The next Battle will consist of two different songs by two well-known groups.  The songs involve a related theme--it's something we all deal with on a daily basis.   Maybe that gives you some hints so you're free to guess the songs or the theme.  You've got some time to think about it.

       Are you planning to participate in this year's A to Z Challenge?   How's your internet service?  Have you become somewhat dependent on computers and internet? 



  1. Hopefully the new service takes you through the Challenge. I have nightmares of waking up on IWSG day and discovering our Internet is down.

    1. Alex, I hope the new service serves me well through April and beyond.


  2. Sure a tight race this time indeed. Yeah, had crappy internet for a while and they tried to blame it on us. Turns out the modem was a dud, now all is good.

    1. Pat, I also got a new modem with the new service so that might have been part of my problem.


  3. I'm not a computer junkie. Always looking for ways to not have my time sucked. Writing consumes empty spots in my day.

    1. Shelly, I'm a sucker for time sucks. And when in doubt there are always naps.


  4. Wow! That was a hell of a comeback for The Devils. Early on, they seemed to be dead and buried in this contest.

    Well, devils may be DOWN but not necessarily out.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Check out my new blog @
    (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    1. STMcC, Funny, but I initially wrote the post as though Miki had won and then after I actually counted the votes I had to go back and change it. I was surprised that The Devils were hotter than I had thought.


  5. Hopefully Frontier provides you better service then they do here in my town. I'm powered by Frontier and they suck- quite literally- at about 12 noon everyday when their service drops to about 22 mpbs and by 3 PM 11 mpbs because everyone is getting off work and on the Internet at the same time. :(

    1. Gossip Girl, your situation sounds like where I was before the upgrade. Maybe you need to check into your service as well. The service tech said that they were upgrading everyone's service, but maybe it's really another ploy to spy on us.


  6. Lee, very close battle! Unfortunately, my pick lost but it was a tight race! I'm definitely like you, I can't live without my computer and Internet. I'm totally hooked. We have Xfinity/Comcast service and for the most part it works very well. *knock on wood* Yes, I'm going to participate in the A-Z Challenge and as you know I'm busy working on my art sketches. This is the first time to commit to doing art sketches on a big scale basis. I'm not an "artist" but always liked doodling when I was younger but then life got in the way - college, career, and then motherhood. I'm doing this for myself to see what I'm capable of doing, instead of keep talking about doing it, I'm putting action behind my words finally and I have you to thank for this because it's the April challenge that inspired me. :) See ya around, my friend!

    1. Cathy, I'm glad you're using A to Z to stretch your abilities. It's a good time to practice new blogging techniques and skills.


  7. Your opening paragraph reflects my attitude as well. ☺ I was totally disdainful of computers, until my father bought me a laptop for Christmas in 2008. It sucks when the internet goes down. How great that you were able to get better service at a cheaper price! Long may it last. We upgraded to fibre optic internet and TV a couple of years ago and it's been great.

    That was a close battle! I thought both versions were good but chose Los Diablos as well. Not sure what your next battle will be, but they're always interesting.

    This will be my 4th year in a row for the A to Z and I'm looking forward to it. Posts have all been mapped out, but only the first 6 are done, so far. Time to concentrate!

    1. Debbie D, the first 6 posts are a better start than I've got. Good for you!


  8. Internet problems are terrible. We've got two options for our home: super expensive or doesn't cover the whole house. It kind of sucks. Hope your new internet rocks!

    1. Loni, Hope it rocks and I hope the rockin' lasts.


  9. That my friend is a crazy kind of love! LOL Reminds me of the crazy hate I had for an unnamed internet provider who said things would be faster and cheaper if he made a giant hole in the house stucco into the garage to add some contraption which he did, only to find out the service was slower and a month later they jacked the rate. I was boiling mad and told him to come out with a drywall specialist to fix the hole in the wall. Can't remember what happened now because we moved away to a new home! They made me furious!!

    1. Eve, I seem to remember your story or a similar one from someone else. It's hard to know sometimes whether to trust service people, but it's nice when you get a good one. I can understand your anger.


  10. Don't you love it when there's new faster service available for less money but you only find out about it if you call to complain about your service? Hope it works great for you, through A-Z and beyond.

    1. LD, I might have never known about my service if I hadn't complained, but considering that I had no internet on that day I had to call to see what was happening. I thought it might be my equipment.


  11. I freak out when our internet goes down. We're talking panic attack. I call Comcast right away and they walk me through a reset. And I don't trust my laptop either. I really hate Windows 10, but not as much as Windows 8.

    1. JoJo, those resets can be so frustrating and time-consuming. I haven't had to do one of those for many years. I agree that Windows 10 is not all that great--at least it's not been good for me.


  12. I do love the internet but get more freaked if the tv goes down:) I picked the duo so glad they won. I am thinking taxes since everyone must do taxes starting now until the end of April and we all can't escape the taxman

    1. Birgit, taxes is a good answer but what I'm thinking is something that affects absolutely everyone--even tiny babies and even animals.

      Losing TV for a day would probably be okay with me though I guess I would get a little miffed.


  13. Wow - Duo by a nose!
    Computer problems cause the worst nightmares - come April I'll be dashing PAST the coffee pot just to be sure the internet still works ;-)
    Often when cable goes out, phone and internet also don't work because we're "bundled". Cell phones don't work well here so I have to drive (or walk) a mile or so toward town to pick up service in order to call the other company about the outage - only to hear a recorded voice telling me they don't recognize my number and maybe I should try the internet. Life on the edge of town...
    I'll keep thinking the good thoughts for April!

    1. Diedre, my TV is satellite though certain functions do require internet connection. Now losing electricity pretty well knocks everything out of commission for me so that wouldn't be good.


  14. Excellent post Lee, always a good read from yourself.
    Lost out on BOTB.

    1. Yvonne, maybe you picked the version with the lesser number of votes, but there are no losers in BOTB.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
