
Monday, October 24, 2016

Is Nationalistic Pride Offensive?

       Again we are seeing the push toward globalism with a bent toward one-world government.  Apparently some see a universal society as not only appealing, but a possible dream that can be achieved.  I would be more prone to say nightmare under the rule of humans.  Utopia might be nice to imagine, but the perfect world in all likelihood is not achievable as long as people are in charge.

Picture of John Lennon's Strawberry Fields For...
Picture of John Lennon's Strawberry Fields Forever Memorial from July 14, 2007. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
        Flag wavers who swell with pride when they tout the great achievements of their nation are looked down upon by some and even ridiculed by others.   While the credo of "America First" might be an anathema to future minded globalists who seek to diminish the role of the U.S.A. on the world stage.

         To me there seems to be a nefarious plot to take down America as one nation under one God and merge our people into a one people of all peoples on the planet Earth. According to the propaganda that is seeping its way into the world mindset, nationalism is bad and globalism is the way of the future. I'm sure the latter is the case, but I'd prefer not to see globalism in my lifetime or even the lifetimes of my grandchildren.

          Certain la-la heads want to bring to life some version of  John Lennon's "Imagine" where there is a world with no borders, no countries, no government, and no religion too.  Sounds nice if you don't think it through which is exactly how some in the ruling class would like for us to approach this brave new world.  Dull our brains with television and all other forms of entertainment.  Oppress us into a state of well-fed laid-back bliss where anything that is the least bit disconcerting to our brains must be glossed over.  We must be protected from the truth at any cost and think only happy safe thoughts.

          If we become dependent on the governing system and that system is providing for all of our needs then why should we complain?    Citizens of the World may be in danger of becoming much like the Eloi, the homogeneous race of passive characters ruled over by the cruel Morlocks in H.G. Wells' The Time Machine.

          The naysayers who deny that what I'm saying is really happening need to take a long thoughtful look at what's going on in the United States and all of the world.  Some will consider my admonitions as being paranoid and reeking of nonsensical conspiracy theories.  So be it.   Don't think too much if you are afraid of hurting your head.

          From my point of view we are being ruled by political professionals.  Show me someplace in the world where this isn't happening.  Maybe there are still a few good politicians, but I'm afraid they are outnumbered.    Sadly, in the democracies at least, we the voters are partly responsible for what is happening.

          I see where this is going. Do you?

          Those who believe in Biblical prophecy might come up with an end of days scenario that rings familiar with the world today, while others will say that this is how things have always been.   On the other hand the world has never seen a United States of America.   Pardon me if I sound a bit boastful.   Lately I've been fearing that we as a nation might be taken down another notch.  There is still an election ahead that could make all the difference.  Will American voters be smart enough to make the right choice?

          Are you offended by overt shows of nationalistic pride by Americans--or any other nationalities for that matter?    Do you admire the United States of America despite its many flaws?    What nation from any time in history do you think was the best?  

          On Friday October 28th I'll have a Flashback post related to my current presidential election series.   Then on Tuesday November 1st I'll have a Battle of the Bands post that might be a predictor of the election the following week.    And even if that Battle doesn't predict anything, I hope you'll find it fun and interesting. 


  1. Yeah I am not crazy about that jingoistic chest thumping, 'MURICA! We can do what we want cause MURICA' crap. I'm very unhappy with the way things are going and I think we are too far gone to fix it. Things are getting worse and out of millions of people we have these two horrible candidates. There are too many major problems that need fixing and no money to do it. Wasting billions on a wall when our infrastructure is crumbling. The only nations who are doing things right for the most part are Canada, Iceland and the countries in Scandanavia.

    1. JoJo, but what would Canada, Iceland and the Scandinavian countries do if they were attacked by an aggressive power wanting to take them over? Who do they turn to? Typically it's the U.S.A., right? I'll agree that our government wastes tons of money on silly stuff, but a wall might be way down the list. Besides Mexico is going to pay for the wall.


  2. Well said, Lee.
    Star Trek saw a future like that, but with no other races in the universe (that we know of right now), it's just not feasible at the moment.
    As the song says, I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.

    1. Alex, let's hope we can continue to hang on to that freedom that we've cherished for so long.


  3. Great food for thought, especially during the countdown to the election. Having lived overseas for so many years, one of the things that always struck me when I came back to the States for a visit was all of the flags that people would fly outside of their homes and businesses. I didn't really see as much of this in the other countries I lived and traveled to. Doesn't mean that they weren't patriotic about their own countries, but just in a different way. Have a great week :-)

    1. Ellen, around where I live it's not unusual to see Mexican flags and those of other Latin American countries flying. I find this a bit offensive. I wonder if they would be flying those flags if they were living in those respective countries? Or if they'd fly U.S. flags?


  4. As to your last question, I've thought about that a lot. I'm not sure there's any place or time in which I'd rather live. I mean, modern Scandinavia sounds nice, but those countries have their own problems, too.

    I'm probably less likely to starve or be killed in my sleep than people have been throughout most of human history. And my ethnicity and gender don't really hold me back from personal success or independence here like they might have earlier in American history.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with nationalism itself, although it has been used to justify at times some really bad things. Germany 1933. That sort of thing. But that's not what most people mean when they talk about it.

    1. Nasreen, Nazi Germany is certainly an argument against nationalistic pride, but they had a far worse agenda than the U.S.A. Scandinavia has often been cited as an ideal place of sorts, but now with the refugee problems Sweden especially is starting to seem like it might be heading down into a cesspool.


  5. We should be proud of our country. Think of the Olympics and how proud those athletes are of representing their countries. Patriotism is still important.

    1. L.Diane, I would think that one would want to be proud of their country unless it's doing something that is really bad and then they might want to move somewhere else and be proud of that country.


  6. In response, may I just say this ☺ My parents lived in California for decades and I've been there many times. Wish I had dual citizenship; I'll be there on Nov. 8. The U.S.A. will survive and thrive. Please get out there and vote, people!

    1. Debbie D, good quote. I'm doing my little part, but it's not that much. I'd like to think that the U.S.A. will thrive and survive, but I'm not too optimistic that it will do so in the way I'd like to see.


  7. Yep, as long as people are in charge, it will never ever end up well. Not even politicians that are the worst part, it's the greedy sob companies and rich that buy them off and control them like puppets. No mind numbing for me. Every country has its issues, some worse than others. But as long as war and religion, sometimes one in the same, keep lending them self to greed, no one world government would ever be a good idea.

    1. Pat, I'd venture to say that no one world government where everyone would be happy will ever exist. People will always find something to disagree about and be unhappy with.


  8. I totally agree with you, Arlee. We are in some facsinating but scary times. Be prayed up.

    1. Shelly, no one knows the hour, but that hour may be nearing.


  9. I think there's a difference between patriotism and jingoism. It's normal to love and be proud of one's country (even while admitting there may be certain black marks in its history), but another to blindly support everything done by one's country, no matter what, and think one's country is automatically superior to all other countries. I've always loved the Slovenian national anthem, which expresses a hope for all countries someday being friends and neighbors instead of enemies, with no more war and strife.

    When I was a lot younger and much more idealistic, I loved the idea of a one-world government and no borders. Now I think it's better (however far-off) to hope for a future where everyone is at peace, but without getting rid of all the things which make each country unique, like language, religion, culture, and history.

    1. Carrie-Anne, extremism is rarely a good thing and we should never blindly accept everything that comes our way. However, our country's leaders should not diminish our status or our history with apology tours and displays of weakness. Give other countries with designs for dominating others an opening to think we're weak and they'll take advantage. They are doing that now.

      Strong borders is the better way to ensure peace than striving for a homogenized nation where dominant groups will seek to take over and enforce their ways of thinking.


  10. Lee, my first reaction is, I wonder if he saw the comment battle on this week's Time Machine..." the second was, I wonder if he saw the article about the ACLU jumping on that high school for doing a halftime salute to local law enforcement, since ANY support of law enforcement is a slap at the holy BLM movement.

    1. CW, I checked out your comment exchange and left my thoughts there. Interesting that our posts coincided on the "Imagine" issue, but it was purely coincidental. Didn't see the thing about the ACLU and the high school, but we get assaulted by so many truly annoying and offensive news reports these days a lot of them just whistle through my head and never get noticed.


  11. I don't like to talk politics. All I'll say is I like the country I'm in, and I'm proud of it. At the same time, it would be nicer if there was more unity throughout this world.

    1. Chrys, an informed electorate makes wise choices. Unfortunately, many of those who do vote don't do good research because they want to avoid the topic therefore they vote according to their tradition or what a deceitful media leads them to believe. There can be no unity without intelligent discourse and mutual understanding of what is right. I'm proud of the U.S.A. but I'm not pleased with the direction we've been heading toward for the past many years.


  12. I'm proud to be an American and don't deny it. God bless the U.S.A.!

  13. I've been very concerned about the anti-American sentiment within our own country. Professional athletes refusing to stand for the national anthem, immigrants flying the flags of other nations, and our obsession with not "offending" anyone. I'm not saying the USA has to be first around the world but it should be first at home.

    1. LD, no argument from me. You've framed this nicely.


  14. A bit late in commenting but better late than never: I am who and what I am, I am proud of my country and where I was reared. But saying that I would like to return to Spain to live if possible. A great post Lee.

    1. Yvonne, it's best to be where you are happiest, feel the most secure, and it makes the most practical sense to be there.


  15. I am a flag waving wanna be proud of my country again. I only see a nightmare when I think globalism and anyone that thinks it would ever work is not thinking critically.

    1. Doreen, I agree. If globalism took hold, whose standards would be in place?


  16. I see nothing wrong with national pride and patriotism. From my humble point of view, globalism seems a design to enrich the very rich and make them more powerful while putting the rest of us in our little pens to be fed at feeding time and milked until we're dry. But I'm an old cynic....what do I know?

    1. Patricia, you know as much as I know I suppose and collectively we probably don't know all that much as far as world affairs are going. Nothing wrong with being an old cynic, but I don't think we'll change many minds without a whole bunch of us chiming together.


  17. For all its faults, I love this country and I am proud to say it. Even when the worst things happen, you find the best comes out of people and we find our way of uniting and coming together.

    I'm not sure there can be too much nationalistic pride unless the government is forcing people to be that way, using North Korea as an example. However, using nationalistic pride to bully others who don't agree with you or for racist intent (you know that's my trigger point) is way over the edge. Telling someone to go back where they came helps no one.

    1. Mitch, I think we are heading in a direction where we are being forced to believe in certain things if we don't want to face punishment. When we are made to do things that are against our belief system then that's absolutely wrong unless that belief system is totally bizarre.

      I think it's fine to tell an illegal to go back where they came from and anyone who wants to change the values of our country to those of a country they came from can be told to go back to where their values are acceptable. We've been accommodating enough in my opinion.



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