
Monday, June 13, 2016

Everything's A-Okay

        My heartfelt thanks go out to all of you who left kind comments, emails, and even a phone call as I went through my little medical scare this past week.   Actually it was no small deal, so I'll have to commend the fine medical staff at Kaiser Permanente Hospital for seeing me through the ordeal.   The many prayers and wishes of good will that came from the blogging community also was a big help in keeping me optimistic throughout the week.  Most of all I praise God for giving me more time for blogging and living and everything that makes my life good

        The situation I faced was a pretty common one that some of you might have also dealt with in your own lives.  About twenty years ago I was diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia that likely was with me since birth.  As I grew older the situation became worse.   This was essentially addressed in 1998 and I've been doing well since.  However a blockage of one of my heart arteries worsened to the point that last week I had a bit of an incident.   Not a heart attack or stroke, but that would probably been coming if not for the procedure that opened the closing artery with a stent put in place.  I should now be good to go many more miles before my time is up.

         So that means more blogging for me and with more blogging comes more Battle of the Bands posts.  I hope everyone is still good with that after my last two Battles that featured songs of Justin Bieber.   As some who follow my blog might have noticed, I tend to carry on themes through my Battle series.  Remember how my "Manhattan" theme went on through four different Battle of the Bands post.   There is a method to my seeming madness at times.

       Some of you might recall that after "Manhattan" I began a theme of "Love and Ego", hence the Justin Bieber songs.   Also I use songs that I like a great deal or I have found particularly interesting.  So far I have not used any songs that I don't like.   Coming on Wednesday I'll be continuing the "Love and Ego" theme with a song that seems an appropriate continuation of my previous Battles.

        The last song, "Sorry", is an apology to a lost lover in hopes of winning that love back.  My next song will be of a similar theme--a plaintive appeal for a lover to return.   Very different style from the Bieber song which will make some of you happy, but it's a very old song that has remained relatively popular even in our era.

         This post is a tease for my Wednesday BOTB post, but more than anything it is a thank-you to some fine blogging friends.   We may disagree at times and we might poke a bit of fun at each other, but there is a bond among us that provides a lot of support and encouragement.   I have felt this more than ever over this past week.   Just keep loving and respecting each other for who we are and what our interests are.   It's all good.  Just different and sometimes even strange to us.  



  1. Lee, It's good to have you back and still on this side of the dirt. Looking forward to your upcoming battle. In the meantime, get some rest and take it easy.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

    1. Mary, rest and gradual acclimation to daily life will definitely be part of my ongoing treatment. Thanks.


  2. I missed the post about the scare! Thank God you came through the procedure and are still with us!

    1. Alex, I plan to be around for many more years. This event was just a bump in the road, albeit a big scary bump.


  3. Now that you are retreaded, may you have many miles ahead of you. Let the good times roll.

  4. I'm so glad you are okay and will be around with us in the future.

    1. Pop Tart, I'm glad and my family is glad. I still have a lot to get done before I go for good.


  5. Good to see you back where you belong.
    Look forward to many more blogs and BOTB.

  6. Hi, Lee!

    Thanks for letting us know the specifics of your medical crisis. I am very happy to know that you underwent the necessary procedure and are on the road to recovery. May you have peace of mind and experience renewed joy in living and in blogging.

    Take care, good buddy!

    1. Shady, I'm glad the doctors have these procedures to prolong life. If not, I'd been done 18 years ago because things were very bad back then.


  7. I thought it was just a rumor that you were in the hospital. I'm glad it was nothing more than a tune-up. Anyway, take care of yourself...

    1. John, yes a precautionary treatment is better than coming to a point were the whole system breaks down. i'll be taking care of myself along with some good help from my wife.


  8. I'm so glad that you are OK and that Kaiser treated you well. I had Kaiser in the 90s back in the Bay Area.

    1. JoJo, I don't bother the folks at Kaiser very often, but when I do they always seem to pull me through whatever heath crisis event I'm going through.


  9. Karen, I felt like I was on a retreat of sorts last week as well, though not the kind of retreat I would have chosen.


  10. My, what a post! I'm glad things are going to work out for you. I was a bit worried... but kept praying. Faith is a gift I cannot do without.

    Also, I saw that my choice won in your battle... that makes me happy too. See you on the 15th, Lee.

    1. Dixie, I was worried a bit too and also did a lot of praying. My thanks to everyone who did the same.


  11. Glad to hear you are doing well. As someone with 6 stents, they are amazing lifesavers! But you have to do your part to keep them open too! Stay well!
    We're all ready for a new battle!

    1. Yolanda, six! I'm not going to try to catch up with you. I'm going to work at staying in good shape.


  12. How very distressing! I'm glad to hear you are okay and seem to be handling it well. Take it easy and take cake.

    1. HR, distressing is the right word. I don't like being confined to the hospital even though the folks there are wonderful.


  13. I'm glad you've shared with us, Lee. It's a relief to know everything's gonna be alright :-)

    1. Diedre, I was surprised and consoled by all the bloggers who reached out to me during my "absence". Thanks for being a part of that. I think everything's gonna be alright for a while.


  14. Glad you're doing well now and glad I checked in this morning or I would have missed this news. My eldest daughter learned of her arrhythmia for the first time in January when she passed out on me. She's only 23 and scared the dickens out of us. Sometimes those slow-downs in life are for good reason. Makes us a little more thoughtful at the very least. Thanks for all you do in this blogging world and may good health remain. Rock on!!

    1. Stephanie, probably good that your daughter discovered her condition early. I went through many years knowing something was wrong, but I just attributed it to being out of shape. Thanks for you kind words.


  15. Wow, I'm glad things are better now. Our family has depended on the medical community to keep us going many times over the years. It is amazing what they can do and thank goodness.

    1. Tamara, fortunately I haven't had many occasions to go to the doctor, but when I have they've done what was needed to get me back on track.


  16. Glad to hear all went well for you. I have been dealing with my husband this week who also had a stent put in at Kaiser. His was in his iliac artery but they had to open his whole left leg to unblock that artery as well. No bypass graft needed thank goodness. He has a 3 foot scar though! Having worked in the medical profession for my entire career, I was used to hearing horror stories about Kaiser so when we were forced to switch to that insurance a couple of years ago, I was worried we would not get the same level of care we had been used to. Not true. The doctors and staff there were marvelous, not just to my husband but to me as well. Sounds like you had a similar experience. Again, wonderful to hear things went well for you! Welcome back!

    1. Janet, for the most part my experiences with Kaiser for the past 18 years have been wonderful. Great caring staff and prompt service when promptness is needed. Glad your family's experience went well.


  17. I'm glad the stint is in and thought that might have happened. I know others in my life who have needed this and I am so glad you are much better. I love what you wrote...perfectly said about the blogging world.

    1. Birgit, it's a common procedure so the docs know what they're doing. My blogging friends know more about what happened and care more than any of my neighbors. Maybe not all their fault--none of us have gotten to know each other well.


  18. I'm so sorry that you had a medical scare, but I'm glad you're doing better.

    1. Chrys, I'm never thrilled about going to the hospital, but the experience all seems like a dream now. I'm getting better and better.


  19. Glad to hear you are doing well after your health scare, Arlee. What would the blogosphere be without you? Here's to many more years of joyous living and writing!

    1. Susan, I hope to be blogging for many years to come and most of all hope to be spending years ahead with my children and grandchildren.


  20. Glad to hear things are looking better.

    1. Tim, Thanks for dropping by with your regards.


  21. SO happy to know all is well with you, Lee! You had us worried! Still, I hope you will be able to rest and take things easy for awhile. Looking forward to your BOTB post. Cheers!

    1. Debbie D, I've been taking things very easy. My next BOTB is ready to go. I hope most everybody likes it.


  22. I'm sorry to hear about your health scare, but am glad to hear you're on the mend. This life we've got is so fragile, though we often don't fully realize just how fragile until we go through something like that.

    1. Carrie-Anne, so true! I was doing a lot of life contemplating over the past week. We just never know when time is up and need to make the most of what we do have.


  23. Hmm... so listening to Bieber causes arterial blockages...

    1. CW, no, I don't think listening to Bieber was the problem as much as all the blow back I got for using some what I thought were very fine Bieber songs and cover versions.


  24. So glad to hear you are doing well.

  25. I'm so glad to see you. I appreciated that Mr. McCarthy tracked you down and let us know what was happening. You had and still have my prayers.


    1. Janie, I was very pleased that my friend STMcC called me and provided so much encouragement.


  26. Replies
    1. Jemima, that would be a good song choice for me to use.


  27. Events like this remind us that we are not young anymore, that we are loved. Billy Ray Cyrus...Achy Breaky Heart.

    1. Susan, I don't feel all that old mentally, but my body is definitely getting the age message. And if "Achy Breaky Heart" is a BOTB song guess then it's wrong, but it's a good one under the circumstances.


  28. So glad you are doing better Lee.

    1. Dolorah, and I hope to be a whole lot better soon!


  29. Wishing you speedy and complete recovery. Glad the issue was detected in time.

    1. Nilanjana, getting back to normal now. I'm glad things didn't get any worse.


  30. Glad you're around for longer Arlee! Good on the medical team for sorting it out. Continue getting better, stronger ...

    1. Susan, I'm thankful for my doctors who seem to know what they're doing.


  31. I'm glad you're okay, Lee. A scare like that can be life-changing in many ways. I'm just glad you're back.

    1. Patricia, I guess we get these wake up calls now and then.


  32. Very scary stuff Lee! So sorry that you went through all that. The heart is a very complicated machine. My mom has been dealing with heart issues since February and it's been a nightmare of surgeries and recoveries and we're still dealing with very touchy procedures. She had a drain-tube put in her lung due to congestive heart failure and I have to drain her three times a week. It's been a really rough and scary road...

    I'm so glad that you had the stint put in; that should surely give you peace of mind now.
    Take good care of yourself! We can't have anything bad happen to you! Glad you're on the mend...

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele, Your mother is dealing with much more than I had to go through and I feel for your situation. Hope I can avoid going through anything as severe as that. You take care of yourself and your mom.


    2. Thanks Lee. Your thoughts are much appreciated.

  33. I've been so far behind in my blogging, that I feel awful I didn't notice you were dealing with this issue when you did. Had I known earlier, I certainly would have been one to offer my thoughts. Glad you are still in the 'battle'.

    1. Jeffrey, that's okay. I know how it can get. We all have our own lives and our own battles. I appreciate your stopping by no matter when it is.


  34. That is horrible, Lee! I also suffer from heart and drink pills for it every day and will probably die young (it runs in my family), so this makes me sad. Try to take care of yourself as much as possible if you can. I can't, since I'm relatively still young and have to work and support myself, but if you can rest, rest and just rest.

    1. Dezmond, I've been trying to rest as much as I can, but really I'd like to be more active and actually work outside the house some. I hope you have many good years ahead of you. You take care as well.


  35. Glad you're okay, man. If you need me to help with anything, I'm just an Internet shout away.

    1. J, I still need to send you an email. Be with you soon I hope. Thanks for keeping up with me.


  36. You're in our prayers, Arlee. I am glad that you were able to get the help that you needed and that it wasn't worse. We've been dealing with health events here, too. Since May 26, David has had three strokes. Thankfully he was already at the hospital with the second and third ones hit. He has good moments and not so good moments. His biggest problem is balance right now.

    We hope to have you here in bloggyland for many years to come. Please take care and we're praying for your healing and complete recovery.

    Have a blessed weekend.

    1. Suzanne, a stroke was what I thought might be happening to me. A few people I know have had recent strokes and it's a tough ordeal. My prayers for your husband's full recovery.

      Thanks for stopping by to leave your kind thoughts.


  37. Lee, Thank goodness the procedure was a success, and you're feeling better. I'm sorry that you had to go through such a frightening ordeal.


    1. Julie, guess we should come to expect such emergencies as we grow older. Thanks for the well wishes.


  38. Great to know everything turned out way okay and you are here to spread some serious blog support and fun today. My father died of a heart arrhythmia in '96, even after the doctors had done everything in their power to prevent it before THE episode. The next year they came out with new technologies to help it...isn't that always the way?

    I'm thankful for those new advances, and I'm continuously thankful as they advance even more.
    At 31 I've already been through some treatments for my own arrhythmia which was detected and treated at birth, I can only imagine how frightening that was for my mother. It's a scary thing all the same though, praying for your continued good health.

    1. Shopgirl, sorry about your dad. Thankfully the medical advances keep on coming to help those with this and other heart conditions. If the problem hadn't been addressed back in 1998 I probably wouldn't be here now. I've been mostly feeling pretty great since then other than that brief scare last year. Now it's as though it never happened, but I do have to stay diligent about watching my health.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
