
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Preso (#BOTB)

        It's November 15th which means the end of the year is growing nearer.  It also means that it's time for another installment of Battle of the Bands!   This event which takes place on the 1st and 15th of each month was started by Far Away Eyes at Far Away Series Blogger Stephen T McCarthy maintains the participant list and answers your questions about the event--you can find his blog with a list of participants at  StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands.   

        Here's what I'm asking of you:  Listen to the song versions presented below and then in the comments vote for your favorite and tell us why you liked it.  Then visit the links listed near the bottom of this post for more Battles to vote on.

        And now my song pick for this round of Battle of the Bands:


        "Preso" is Spanish for "prisoner" or "imprisoned".   In this song the term is used as a metaphor for being so involved in a love relationship that it's like being hopelessly ensnared.   The song first appeared on the album Gracias by popular Mexican singer José José in 1981.  If you're interested in hearing the original version then click here, but please don't vote on this version.

Here are the contestants for your consideration:

Cristian Castro  "Preso"  (2011)

       To start this Battle we have the uber romantic song styling of Cristian Castro.  Mexican singing star Castro is the son of the renown actress/entertainer Verónica Castro  and popular comedian/actor Manuel "El Loco" Valdes .  Cristian started his acting career as a baby when he began appearing in telenovelas and commercials with his mother.  In 1992 when he was still a teenager he recorded his first album and has recorded many since.

       Castro's version of "Preso" stays true to the original recording by José José.

Aleks Syntek  "Preso"  (1998)

        Considered by some to be a genius of pop music, Aleks Syntek first caught my attention in 2006 when I heard his amazing recording of the song Historias De Danzón Y De Arrabal (linked here in case you're interested--it's well worth hearing and the video is very nicely produced).  After I bought Syntek's album Leccion de Vuelo and enjoyed it for a while I discovered Syntek's version of "Preso" on the José José tribute album that I had owned for several years but apparently not listened to very often.

       Syntek has received and been nominated for many awards for his music and his albums have garnered gold and platinum record status.  He was also part of the first judging panel on the Mexican version of the television show The Voice.   This is a favorite version of Guilie Castillo-Oriard who this past Wednesday introduced my song choice for the BOTB round. If you missed Guilie's guest post I hope you'll check it out. Thanks again Guilie.

          Now take a listen to the techno pop version of "Preso" by Aleks Syntek.

Time to Vote!

         Exercise your freedom to vote!   Please don't let the language deter you from enjoying these song versions--you don't have to understand the words to appreciate the music. Which song version do you like the best? Judge what you hear in the above videos. Which version do you prefer? It's up to you to help determine the winner.

      Please vote on your favorite by letting us know your choice in the comment section and tell us why you prefer the version you chose. Then after you've finished here, please visit the other blogs listed below who may or may not be participating this time around. And if you've put up your own BOTB contest let us know that as well so we can vote on yours

Here are some other places where you might find BOTB posts:


 StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands



'Curious as a Cathy'

Sound of One Hand Typing

DC Relief Battle of the Bands

The Doglady's Den 

Angel's Bark  

Cherdo on the Flipside  

Jingle, Jangle, Jungle 

Janie Junebug Righting & Editing.
Book Lover

J. A. Scott  

Quiet Laughter

Holli's Hoots and Hollers


Results on Monday November 23rd

       Due to my schedule in the upcoming week, the winner of this Battle will be announced on Monday November 23rd.  After that day, during the Thanksgiving week my posting could be sporadic to none.  I'll figure that out when the time comes.

       Now please vote!


  1. Hi Lee I vote for Cristian Castro.
    Enjoyed the post as usual.

    1. Yvonne, starting off this race we have the first vote going to...

      Christian Castro


  2. Hi Lee - Christian gets my vote .. softer and smoother - but can see Aleks Syntek has talent ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary, winning over the ladies so far we got...

      Cristian Castro taking an early lead.


  3. Hi, Lee! Happy BOTB Day, good buddy!

    A-ha! Now I get how you set up this battle with your "Prisoner" topic last week. Leave it to you to find the most unusual, atypical selections for your battles. I appreciate that, Lee!

    Now let me offer my analysis and vote. I wholeheartedly agree that Disco Tex could not have done justice to this song. :) When I read your intro for contestant #2, Aleks Syntek, and noticed the words "techno pop" I was all set to hate his rendition. Instead I kept an open mind and found a lot to like. Did you notice the similarities to Prince's 1986 hit "Kiss"? As much as I enjoyed Syntek's take on the old song I need to go the purist route and vote for the beautiful, romantic,traditional performance by Cristian Castro and his band. It brought tears to my eyes!

    Thanks, Lee!

    1. Shady, I guess Syntek probably had some influence from Prince having come from the era he did.

      Cristian Castro wins still another vote.


  4. Easy for me. The slow romantic one reminded me of one of my faves- Emilio Pericoli's Al Di La. From there it was not contest.

    1. CW, so far the votes are going in one direction...

      Cristian Castro gets another vote!


  5. I vote for the upbeat Syntek. Castrol seems sappy to me.



    2. Janie, thank you for preventing a shutout.

      Finally a vote for Alek Syntek


  6. NOOOOOOO!!!! Aleks Syntek, all the way!!!!! Come on, guys, don't let me down!


    These two and I go way back (I remember them as toddlers on TV). Cristian Castro always turned me off; he came across as bland and lacking in a personality of his own. I always felt he was playing a role, several, in fact, as though he couldn't make up his mind who he wanted to be. (Spoiler: he's not getting my vote today.)

    Aleks Syntek, on the other hand, always had a sparkling charm about him, unique and genuine, and always stayed very much himself even as he grew into an artist of national and then international renown. While Cristian relied on a (not so) pretty face and a relatively good voice as his tickets to success, Aleks became a well-rounded musician, and was among the pioneers in 90's Mexico of electronic music. He disappointed me by never breaking out of the pop genre; I always thought he had the talent to get into alternative scenes, but either I was wrong or he likes pop. Either way, those personal qualities of his that I admire carry over into his music: uniqueness and genuineness.

    Lee, you already knew how my vote would go... I just thought I'd elaborate a bit on the reasons ;) A vote for Aleks, please...

    1. Guilie, thank you for the additional background. The way I see it, Cristian will always have a career, but Alek will have a musical legacy.

      Alek Syntek in the race with another vote.


  7. I'm voting for Cristian Castro's version because it is so fitting for the context of the song lyrics. I just didn't like the "techno pop" version of the song and instead preferred the very romantic version by Castro. Please give him my vote.
    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele, sounds like a pretty solid affirmation to me.

      A vote for Cristian Castro


  8. LEE, you know how I generally feel about "Techno Pop". I rank it right down there with "ProgRock".

    In this case, synthetic Syntek wasn't quite as "Techno" as I'd feared. But, nevertheless, I don't feel the meaning comes across as well in his Poppy, Upbeat, Kinda-Too-Happy "prisoner of loveness". I guess a person can be dancing to the idea that he's a prisoner of love but... I don't think that would be the normal reaction. I dunno.

    This is a romantic song, right? So, I think it should sound romantic, and certainly the strings in the Cristian Castro version give it a dose of romance, as opposed to the disco version by yer boy Syntek.

    Just to be sure, I listened to each twice. Well, I listened to CRISTIAN CASTRO twice. 1:59 of Syntek's second playing was enough to convince me my initial impression was correct. CC gets my vote.

    My apologies to Guilie for disappointing her a second time. I'm a prisoner of my poor musical taste. (I mean, c'mon! Who likes cowbell and electric organs?)

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. STMcC, I guess one could argue that the feeling of being imprisoned by love might come across as edgier and more poppier for a younger generation techno pop person, but I get what you're saying.

      Another Cristian Castro vote.


  9. Oh Goodness-no,no,no (sorry Guilie) to Aleks pepno bismal style. Hahahaaa. I had a hard time listening to the last one so, of course, it is Castro all the way for me although I still remember the original from your post last Wednesday which would beat Castro. Anyhoo Castro gets my vote by far. It is much more in keeping with the lyrics and the feel of the song for me. No offense Guilie:)

    1. Birgit, Castro stayed pretty on track with the Jose Jose original and it's good. Say no to Alek...

      Yes to Cristian Castro


  10. I'm too big a fan of orchestra music to vote for Aleks on a Sunday morning. I liked the musical arrangement and the smooth vocals of Christian Castro. The song had meaning, passion. May have voted for Aleks on a Saturday Night though.

    Give my vote to Castro. Beautifully rendered.

    1. Dolorah, I too am a fan of orchestra music and strings and lush orchestrations. Castro's arrangement has a nice sound.

      A Sunday morning vote for Cristian Castro


  11. Lee ~

    Alek Syntek's version is so happy. Reminds me of a 'Happy Meal'... a drive up kind of love, pull through, and move on. Fast food, folks and fun.

    But not for me ~ I want the violins, the piano, and sappy white coat. I want the garden setting among the stars - is that really too much to ask? If I'm going to be imprisoned - put me there and wait for the shooting stars!!!

    There are some tough battles on today -this being one... Cristian Castro gets my vote. (Sorry Guilie.)


    1. Dixie, let's forget about the Happy Meal drive thru and get dinner at a fancy shmancy sit down place. Dress up time!

      And music by Cristian Castro


  12. I wanted to like the second one after reading Guille's comment. I even went back and played them again, but I still prefer the gentler sound of Cristian Castro. It's soft and romantic and lovely.

    1. Robin, judging from the votes so far, Sunday is music conservative time...

      Another Cristian Castro vote.


  13. Aleks' version is certainly unique, but it's not something I could really stand for long. I had to shut it off half way through. Give me that classic sound of Cristian Castro, aka "Christian" Castro.

    (My brother-in-law's name is Cristian and no one can spell it. Ever. They act like he's misspelling his own name)

    1. Beer Boys, Alek is taking a beating in this vote today.

      Again a vote for Cristian Castro.


  14. Lee, I really like both artists. Each has a different style and I think that might be the deciding factor. You either want the hearts and roses flow of Castro or your-love-makes-me-wanna-dance vibes by Alek. I don't know if it's the mood I"m in this evening, we just got home from a wake, but I'm totally going for happier feel of contender #2. So, give my vote to Alek. Great battle.

  15. Cathy, these votes for Castro were getting out of hand.

    We're due for another vote for Alek Syntek.


  16. Well, I got here just in time - my vote goes to Castro (ha ha).

    Both artists were unique and presented wonderful performances. I waivered for a bit...I love the beat of Syntek's song, too.

    But in the end, Castro gets it. The layers, the arrangement...yep, he gets it.

    1. Cherdo, you got here with plenty of time to spare. Voting is open until next weekend.

      Got you down for Cristian Castro


  17. I think I'd probably even vote for Fidel Castro singing this over the Syntek version. Seems really inappropriate to me.

    So another vote goes to Castro.

    1. SBB6, that's a pretty definitive opinion I'd say and so it goes...

      Another Cristian Castro vote.


  18. My vote goes for Aleks Syntek I liked the pop version better.

    1. Mike, looks like you're going against the grain established so far.

      Alek Syntek for you.


  19. I like how Latin music is still very much all about love and tender feelings, unlike the American Modern one which has lately become all kinds of bizarre :) Latin world still has sensual sounding young stars similar to the ones we remember from the older decades. I find myself turning more and more to other countries in the lack of any good modern English lg music and recently I've quite surrounded myself with French hits! They still keep it normal and genuine.

    1. Dezmond, I don't keep up with too much new music like I used to so I can't say too much about what is out there. One thing is for sure: There is a world of music out there waiting to be discovered.


  20. Those were both very different. The first one had a great voice, but it was too much like lounge music. I liked Aleks Syntek's upbeat version better.

    When we lived in Albuquerque, there were always musicians in downtown's Old Town and I miss hearing the music.

    1. L.Diane, I can't say you've saved the day for Alek yet, but your vote helped.

      Alek Syntek


  21. Cristian Castro, without hesitation. There is passion and meaning in his voice, which overcomes the Syntek version.

    1. Susan K, a vote for passion and meaning...

      Cristian Castro


  22. Like Dixie, I see the happiness of the Syntek version, but I am a romantic traditionalist who likes heart and violins in my songs. So choose Cristian Castro. :-)

    1. Roland, you are going with the majority so far...

      Cristian Castro


  23. While Syntek's version is certainly lively - even fun, it's Christian for me. Guess I'm a hopeless romantic after all - ha!

    1. Diedre, a lot of romanticism out there...

      Another Cristian Castro vote.


  24. Give my vote to Aleks Syntek. Being unfamiliar with this song gives me a fresh perspective in which to judge. I think both were done very well and I would listen to either. But I like Aleks' peppier version.

    1. Jeffrey, finally another vote for what has been the underdog in this contest.

      Alek Syntek


    2. Guilie, I like your cheer leading for Aleks, but he's going to need more votes to pull off a win here.


    3. It's not like I've ever cheered for an artist before .;)

    4. Too right, Lee... I haven't really counted, but it's not looking good for Aleks. *Sigh*

  25. I'm actually surprised by my choice, but I preferred Castro's version.

    1. Shannon, the way this vote has been going I'm not surprised by your pick.

      A vote for Cristian Castro


  26. I too was a bit put off by the "Techno Pop" label, but did try to keep an open mind. Sorry, Guilie! My ears were not happy. Call me old-fashioned, but I have to go with Cristian, even if he is a bit bland.

    1. Debbie, no help for Aleks from you.

      Cristian Castro


    2. Roland Clarke from Writing Wings had problems accessing comments from from his blog he voted for...

      Cristian Castro


  27. The first one had more of a feel to it than the later. So #1 for me.

    1. Pat, it looks like #1 is going to be #1 in the voting results unless some Syntek fans show up in mass.

      Another vote for Cristian Castro


  28. I have no idea what anyone is saying, but Syntak's version is pretty catchy!

    1. Madilyn, I'm glad you weren't influenced by all the other votes.

      Yay! Another vote for Aleks Syntek


  29. Syntek gets my vote - snappier, brighter, beaty ... Castro didn't ring true to me - it was as if he wasn't really imprisoned ..

    1. Susan S, maybe there's hope for techno pop after all.

      A vote for Aleks Syntek


  30. I'm voting for Cristian Castro! May the best contestant win. :)

    1. Jaclyn, I wonder who it is that will win?

      Your vote for Cristian Castro noted.


  31. I'm voting for Alek Syntek. I have a soft spot for the underdog. Probably why I hardly ever win bets.

    1. TBN, More votes like yours and this underdog could have a chance.

      Aleks Syntek


  32. I vote for Castro. The other version seems inappropriate considering the content of the song.

  33. Aleks Syntek is so much fun. I started dancing in my chair! He gets my vote.

    1. Loni, Aleks got you dancing so that's kind of a good thing I think.

      Aleks Syntek


  34. I liked the first one--Castro. Very classy.

    1. Crystal, a vote for the classy sound of...

      Cristian Castro


  35. Cristian Castro sang this one like it should be sung, that uber-romantic style with the lush strings in the background. Syntek (whose name sounds like a brand of motor oil) got on my nerves after a while. Give my vote to Castro.

    1. John, I don't think Aleks's name is supposed to make anyone think of motor oil, but maybe techno music.

      A vote for Cristian Castro


  36. Replies
    1. Anna, that is definitely a definite vote for...

      Aleks Syntek


  37. Cristian Castro! Great voice and expression. I didn't care too much for the second video.

    1. Medeia, you are with the majority on this.

      Another vote for Cristian Castro.


  38. I really liked Cristian Castro's version of the song. Aleks Syntek gets points for originality, but it was just too much.


    1. Julie, and the votes keep on coming for...

      Cristian Castro.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
