
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Zoology (Elements of Blogging) #AtoZChallenge

     Zombies seem like a natural blog theme since there is so much popularity in this genre, but Zoology might be an even better topic.  The photo opportunities are endless and nearly everyone enjoys seeing animals and learning about their behavior.

     Since there are zoos throughout the world, just focusing on different zoos offers a wealth of material that can keep a blog going for a long time.  Even concentrating on one large zoo you will never run out of information and news about that one location.  The famous San Diego Zoo has several blogs affiliated with it (see link below), but there's no reason why anyone else couldn't step in with their own blog on this zoo or some other well known zoo.

      The final letter of the alphabet might be limiting as far as number of themes you can use, but zoology is virtually unlimited in its range.  For that matter, a blogger can certainly go a long way using zombies as a theme.

Some Zoology Blogs:

Animal Bliss

San Diego Zoo Blogs

Bizarre Zoology

Still on the Track

Wild Woman's Wolfpack

 Now that We've Reached Z End?

      What's next?

A to Z Reflections Post

       The A to Z Reflections Post is a tradition that began after the first 2010 Challenge.  This is the time when you tell about your experiences with the Challenge, share blogs that you found particularly interesting, and register your complaints or compliments about A to Z.   You can tell us all about the good as well as the bad.  The Reflections Post Linky List will go up on Monday May 4th.   You can put up your reflections post anytime after the Challenge is over up until Friday May 8th and then after the List has gone live you add the link leading directly to your Reflections post.   That's important so I hope you're paying attention.   The Reflection Post Linky List links need to lead directly to your Reflections post and not to your general blog URL.

One More Thing!

       Also, if you've survived the 2015 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge why not order a t-shirt to let everyone know about your accomplishment!   T-shirt worthy warm weather is upon us and you can start some conversation about your blogging at your summer outings or while just out and about.  Become a walking A to Z Challenge billboard and provide an opening to talk about your own blog.   You might get some new readers while you're at it!

        To order your A to Z Survivor Tee visit A to Z Challenge Survivor.  


A to Z!!   What a challenge it has been!



  1. Good topic Lee. well that's number 6 done and dusted.
    Have a rest now.

    1. Thanks for making it through another Challenge, Yvonne!


  2. David of Brits in the US did his A to Z theme on animals 2 years ago, and it was informative and hilarious, so I can totally see how this could be a viable blog topic.

    Congrats on crossing the finish line! :)

    1. Dee, zoos and animals are a never ending topic.


  3. It's a short story about Zoology... when I was 7ish and my first trip to the library my first book I took home was basics of zoology [2,500 pages]. My mother told me I couldn't read it and sort of challenged me to finish it after I said I could... I read it three months and my mother tested my knowledge and I knew 80% of questions she randomly picked a page...

    I knew what I wanted to be then, then Star Wars came out... the rest is history.

    THANK YOU for all you do and this challenge is history... good history. All the best to you.

    "Z" we made it... thank you!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

    1. Jeremy, your story goes to show that we should never underestimate what our kids are capable of doing and should never discourage them from trying at least.

      Thanks, Jeremy, for your part in such a great event in 2015.


  4. Zowee and zipideedoodah! Thanks for being such an inspiration Lee, and also for choosing zoology (going to go check out that wolf gal now) and not zombies...

    1. Thank you, Jan. I started with Zombies but figured we'd get enough of those.


  5. Between zoology and zombies, you've pretty much covered the best of Z's! Thanks for another amazing A to Z, Lee! Hope you'll be able to catch up on plenty of Zzz's soon. I'll definitely sign up for the Reflections Post.


    1. Julie, I never seem to catch up on the Zzzz's, but I did do a little better keeping up with this year's A to Z. Thanks for being a part of it.


  6. Congratulations on finishing!

    1. Thank you, JoJo, and thank you for being here (and on my other blogs) for every post. You are a true supporter who helps keep my energy up to keep posting.


  7. We've reached the end! I have my t-shirt ordered and my post for Monday already written.

    1. Thanks, Alex, this Challenge wouldn't be what it has become without all you do.


  8. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful challenge! Congrats of reaching the end of yet another one!

    PS: I am glad I crossed the finishing line too!

    1. Thank you, Tangerine. So glad you made it to the end!


  9. I love that you guys are doing a t-shirt this year. Congrats on the success of the Challenge. You guys had a great year once again.

    The pictures from the zoo are so much fun to take.

    1. Elsie, we'll see how the T-shirt idea works this year and then see where we can go with it in the years to come.


  10. Hi, Lee! congratulations to you and all of the other A to Z participants for "surviving" the month and completing the challenge. As folks made their way through the alphabet I read many interesting posts. Actually I didn't see any posts about zombies so far today, nor have I seen any about Zorro or ZZZZZ (sleep).

    I love animals. Some of my fondest childhood memories revolve around visits to the Baltimore and Washington zoo parks. Back then it was still common to see animals living in cramped cages with bars, making it appear as though they had been thrown in jail and were being punished. I remember bears in particular pacing back and forth, tracing the same pattern over and over again, repetitive behavior that revealed their restlessness. Even at that young age I could sense their unhappiness and felt compassion for them. Most of today's modern zoos do a much better job of providing ample space and a natural environment for animals. Even so, I am opposed to removing wild animals from their native habitat and placing them on exhibit unless they are injured or orphaned.

    Congratulations once again for staging a very successful A to Z, my friend!

    1. Tom, glad to have encountered you this month and look forward to mutual exchange in the future.

      I suppose one advantage to zoos is that it gives people an opportunity to actually see real animals live in person. Some of these have only manage to flourish in zoos because of problematic situations in their native habitats. It's good that we've progressed beyond the stage of cramped cages.

      Thanks for being a visitor to A to Z posts.


  11. This was a crazy one! Glad to see all those who made it to the end!

    Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
    2015 A to Z of Vampires

    1. Thanks for all your help, Tim. It's always a bit crazy, but I hope it was fun and productive for most participants.


  12. We did it Lee!
    We did it, again!
    Congratulations on another very successful Challenge! I'm so proud to be a part of it all and thank you so much for all your support this round.
    Now I really want to go to the zoo. :)

    Oh, and my shirt should be here tomorrow!


    1. Heather, you'll have to put up a picture of you in your shirt..

      Thanks for all you put into this year's Challenge. We all did it together!

      Now let's go to the zoo!


  13. It was a wonderful month of challenge, kept me busy and on my toes. Loved it and yes Z is mighty difficult!!

    1. Ahana, busy is the truth isn't it. Each one gets easier so be sure to come back next year!


  14. Dear Challenge Hero,
    Thanks for it all.
    You're a star.
    It was a lot of fun and I need a nap.

    1. I rarely miss my afternoon naps, Robyn. Sometimes I've been even taking brief morning naps in April.

      I think everyone who completed A to Z is a star including you. Thanks for your support!


  15. the challenge has made April fun. Thanks for visiting me. Good job

    1. Joanne, A to Z is work that's worth doing because it is fun. Thanks for being a part of it all.


  16. Zoology is an excellent theme! Sure beats Zombies, though you wouldn't know it by the popularity of it! ;-)
    Can't thank you enough for enticing me to join the challenge (with your clever posts about it)! It's truly been a worthwhile endeavor.

    1. Diedre, I feel like a zombie at time during April!

      Glad you joined us. Now tell others about it for next year!


  17. I loved my Zoology professor. Ever since I had his class in '98, I've never mispronounced Zoology again. He drove it into us that it's ZO-ology, not ZOO-ology, since the latter spelling would require three Os. He also taught us Dissect is pronounced DIH-sect, not DY-sect. I only got a C+ in the class, but I really enjoyed it, and learning about all these interesting animals. My lab section was so small, we had to share space with one of his anatomy and physiology labs, and so I got to see the weird X-rays he showed to his A&P class one day. He had so many awesome medical curiosities in his lab room.

    Thanks for co-hosting the Challenge!

    1. Carrie-Anne, I think the classes that challenge us the most often turn out to be the most memorable. To me a hard earned C grade is better than the easy A where the course material is quickly forgotten.

      Thanks for contributing such great posts to the Challenge.


  18. What a great month. I've had a lot of fun participating. I'll definitely be back next year. Met a lot of great blogs and bloggers. Looking forward to reading continually their updates.
    Hopefully, I'll be one of those others have been glad to get to know.
    Keep up your great work here! Enjoyed your thoughts this month.

    1. Jeffrey, thanks for your frequent visits to my posts. Glad you enjoyed the Challenge.


  19. We are too broke to buy a shirt.... but we did enjoy the posts....
    as well as reading the "A to Z" posts of others.....
    some letters were a bit of a "challenge".... (went with "Villains" this time rather than "Monsters"...)
    All in all, we had a bit of fun...
    thank you good Sir Arlee....

    1. Thanks for your participation in the 2015 Challenge, Dr. Theda. Be sure to tell others so we'll see more participants and readers join us in 2016.


  20. Zoology would be fun to do, I like animals and have many pictures from zoos and aquariums I've visited. I may just have to start a photo blog.

    You have been an excellent host and I have enjoyed participating. I look forward to the reflections posts!

    1. Elizabeth, we hope you include your own Reflections post. We want to hear what everyone has to say.


  21. I've talked about animals on my blog at times especially if it relates to one of my books. April zoomed by.

  22. Hmm... zombies and zoos...
    That's frightening.

  23. Thank you for shedding some light on the reflections post. This is my first round of A to Z and I was not sure what that post has to be about.

    Well, we've finally completed it! The very first one for me!! I am happy beyond measure! :D :D :D

    Thank you for hosting this and giving us a chance to meet so many awesome bloggers!

    I'd go with zoology, by the way. Zoos aren't that well maintained in India and it is not safe to think about zombies right before going to bed. ;-)

  24. You really can't go wrong with posting animal pictures. People love them.

    Another great challenge, Arlee. Thanks.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  25. Geez, yeah! I need to need my reflection post! Man, I totally forgot about that. Well...I'll have to work on that tomorrow. Maybe I can incorporate it into my Monday post. Thanks for hosting the fun. I survived the challenge. I'll see you tomorrow for BoTB!

    1. Yes, we want to hear your thoughts on A to Z. You've got until next Friday to put it up!


  26. J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge - where I am part of YOUR A to Z Ambassador Team. :) And loved every minute of it. Thanks so much for having me on your team. I hope to serve again next year.
    Welcome to "Z-day"!
    Seriously, we got shirts? Awesome!

    The Lehigh Valley zoo, which is near me, I haven't been to. But I have been to the Trexler Game Preserve, which was the name of the place before it became a zoo.
    How often can someone say "before it became a zoo" ?
    I love my state!
    -J @JLenniDorner

  27. What a great challenge! This is my second year and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. Thanks to your creativity that has led us all to this massive blogging event! You're a great host. Thank you for all the support you've given all of us. I enjoyed your comments at my blog and it was so nice to get to know you better through your posts and your comments. I've said it before and I'll say it again: You Rock Lee! All the best,
    Michele at Angels Bark

  28. Zoos are awesome. I don't go enough. I would have been a great zoologist I think.
    Thanks for another great challenge.

    2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

  29. I am glad you didn't pick zombies:) Zoology is perfect to end with. Congrats on another great successful A to Z

  30. I can't believe the 30th is already here! Kind of sad to see it end. But it was fun and I learned of many new blogs I didn't know about. I already have some subjects in a file for next year.

    Congrats on finishing and thanks for visiting me during the challenge.


  31. We did it! :) Second year for me, was a bit tougher than the first, due to time constraints, but it was a great experience, nonetheless. Thank you, Lee for providing this most excellent blogging adventure and also for commenting at The Den regularly. ☺ I would prefer Zoology to Zombies any day! Wait a minute - didn't I already leave a comment about that? Didn't see it. Oh well, tired, I guess. Thanks again to you and your team. Cheers!

    1. A lot of zoos and zombies today!

      Thanks for playing A to Z with us and for coming to visit here so often.


  32. What a great ending - feels like I've been in a Zoo for the month of April… me and my monkeys…hahahaha! Loved every minute, minus a few sleepless night!

    I'll be putting up an info post for fellow A to Zers letting them know about the Reflection post. See you there!

    Sent with smiles, Jenny, Pearson Report
    2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

  33. I also chose zoology for my last post. We don't always remember that in the past animals had different uses and there were different attitudes to animals and even different animals.

    I enjoyed your posts this month, Arlee.

  34. Thanks for running the thing again. What fun - tee shirts! Gotta look into that.
    Congratulations on completing the A to Z challenge for 2015.
    We made it! (I did 5 blogs this year for the series - all on different topics. Whew.)
    Thanks for stopping by at
    The Mane Point: A Haven for Horse Lovers . Hope you will visit again.

  35. How about a Zombie Petting Zoo! Now that has potential.

    1. Not a bad idea. We need to get some brains behind that one.


  36. had fun reading your blogs... thanks for visiting my blog.. :)

  37. I still feel like a Zombie, strung out on Zoes coffee!

    1. I'm always feeling like a zombie, Challenge or not.


  38. Stopping by on the A to Z Road Trip. Must be a round trip as I've been here before. I enjoy you post before during and after the challenge.


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
