
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Books (Elements of Blogging) #AtoZChallenge


       One topic you can find on a lot of blogs is books.  Bloggers review books, talk about books, and market books.  The subject of books is an ideal one for blogs since most people who read blogs probably read books and a lot of the bloggers actually write books.

       For an author, their blog is an ideal place to allow readers to get to know them and something about the books they write.  The author can update fans and fellow authors on the progress of their writing and events in which they might be participating.   Authors can use the blog as a free method of promoting their work and letting visitors know about other books they have available.   Caution should be used not to overdo self-promoting on a blog, but creating an awareness should be expected.

        There are also book blogs--bloggers who review books of all kinds, interview authors, participate in book giveaways, and other bookish topics.   The book bloggers are important to authors who need to let readers know about the books they've written and to help the readers find books that might interest them to read.

         If you're interested in becoming a book blogger, don't worry too much about over-saturating the blogosphere as there is always room for more and it's highly unlikely there will be too many of these types of blogs anytime in the near future if ever.  

        One who is interested in book blogging might also consider a niche market such as children's books, science fiction, self-help and motivation, Christian, or any number of other genres in which many books continue to appear.   

         Free books and the prestige of being a book critic!   Sounds like a wonderful blogging idea for someone who enjoys reading and discussing what they've read.

       Do you leave reviews on places like Amazon and GoodReads?   Are there some book bloggers that you'd like to recommend?    Can you think of some other "B" topics that one might blog about?

Here are some book bloggers:


  1. I read an awful lot of books and do leave very sparse reviews. I'm not good at reviewing - I worry about plot spoiling and not doing a good book justice.

    That said, I know what I like and don't. (rather opinionated too) :)

    I like reading review from others and will take the suggestions of someone whose view and opinion I respect.

    Great B post, Lee. Are we having fun… YES WE ARE! LOL

    Jenny, Pearson Report
    2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

    1. I like to review, but I read very slow. Reviewing books of bloggers we "know" can be a touchy area to tread.


  2. I never read books but have loads of them, the ones I have are all factual so I peer between the covers from time to time. I love writing but hate reading. If I ever master typing I will write even more and I have to say I am a great fan of Blogs so the A to Z is a great thing indeed.

    Rob Z Tobor

    1. You should read a book on how to type better. After you read the book about learning to love reading.


  3. I love books, love reading and writing both, but don't do reviews. To critique a book correctly without spoilers is quite beyond my skills. Read a lot of book reviews though.

    Self-promotion - as you said necessary to do it without being strident. Difficult to find the right balance. Rather writers erred on the too little side than too much. A lot of it feels ott and then one tends to avoid those blogs.

    Brevity - would be a blogging topic I would like see opinions on, esp from pros like yourself.

    Thanks and best wishes,

    1. Brevity is an outstanding suggestion for many bloggers. Sometimes it's not what a blog calls for on certain topics with certain audiences, but for most of us a briefly written blog is kind of a joy to find if the information is useful.


  4. I used to read a lot of books when I was younger, in the days before PCs and me writiong poetry.
    Excellent post Lee.most enjoyable to read.

  5. Books are the best! What a great topic for B, Lee. Well done.

    2015 A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Matthew MacNish from The QQQE

  6. I can recommend a lot of book bloggers! Edi's Book Lighthouse, Beauty in Ruins, Thoughts in Progress... I couldn't be one though as I just don't read fast enough.

  7. I read a book or two a week. Branching into blogs is a natural part of being a reader.

    One aspect of a blog being a huge advertisement is I only go there once. Some blogs have content but you have to wade through so much to get there. Once again, I don't key it on that blog.

    What convinces me to purchase a book I would not normally purchase. The personality that comes through the blog.

    I am not a romance book reader. My personal favorites are literary fiction, young adult, science fiction and thrillers in that order. I have purchased and read several romance books because I have liked the author's blog.

    My blog is my hobby. I understand where some blogs are about making a living.

  8. Hi Lee, I wrote about books today too - books and the boys in the basement (muse of Stephen King). I wrote about books that help in the revision process as that is my theme this year. I'm not that interested in book reviews in blogs because unless I know the person well who's reviewing the books I don't necessarily care what they think. On the other hand, someone who writes extensively and knowledgeably about a certain genre can be helpful (I'm thinking of the fabulous Margot Kinburg (Confessions of a Mystery Novelist) I do read and avidly pick up what she suggests.

    1. Some opinions might carry more validity than others, but all are worth hearing if they are sincere.


  9. I don't really know how to write a review, esp. w/o giving away spoilers. One reason I have always failed at writing is that I never know how to finish. You'll notice a lot of my blog posts end somewhat abruptly and that's b/c I can't think of a good way to close it out. I am reading a book that I won in a blog giveaway and they asked that I leave an Amazon review when I'm done and I'm already having panic attacks trying to think of how to do that.

    1. How avoid giving away spoilers is that I usually avoid telling much of anything of what the book is about--that's in the blurb or other reviews. I just what I liked and disliked and why. I try to emphasize the positive side while trying to avoid too much negativity. I think if you essentially do that you can come up with a fairly decent review that is your opinion why or why not others should read the book.


  10. What I dislike about myself is that I promise (myself) to leave reviews and I do it about 25% of the time. NOT COOL. Reviews are important.

  11. I will recommend a book over a full review, my thoughts should never guide someone to a direction or decision...

    1. I would disagree. I think the rational thoughts of a reviewer provide a good guideline about whether to pursue obtaining a book or not. I don't like it too much when the reviewer starts injecting too much in the way of political leanings or condemning what I believe in, but if it's a matter of solid rational thinking backed by good examples then that is the way a review should be presented.

      For me recommendations only work if I really know something about the person making that recommendation and even then it can be questionable without any evidence to back up the recommendation.


  12. I love that you chose book blogs for your B! I have a book blog, lol, I am currently not involved in marketing (it doesn't stop authors from trying to get me to help the though). I don't have a lot of extra time at the moment, and I don't want to make anyone promises I can't keep, you know? But its a great way to talk about your opinion in the literary world and of course, keep track of reviews. You never know who you're opinion might help!

    @Get Lost in Lit

  13. I have not yet met a book blogger I actually like. In the end, they are all pretty entitled and feel like they deserve to be given free books and making authors jump through their hoops. Hmm... undeserved entitlement. Sounds like something from a book I reviewed recently.

    1. Sometimes I wonder if you actually like anyone :)

      But you know I love you, Andrew. You're a fun guy. Sometimes annoying, but fun.


  14. These are not my favorite blogs, Lee. I prefer someone who blogs with real content and occasionally tells me about a great book they've read.

    Writer blogs are also tough. Some writers have really found that balance of content and promotion (themselves and others) while others lean a bit too heavily on the promotion side of it.

    People think blogging is easy. It's not.

    1. Robin, I agree with you on all accounts here. I rarely read a book blog unless the book really catches my attention.
      Writer blogs can be repetitive, but some can be quite helpful and rather interesting.

      Whether blogging is easy I guess depends on the person doing it. In a way I think the more valid issues of a blog are if they are useful, effective, entertaining, coherent, and consistent. Some posts I think are easy for bloggers to crank out, but they don't seem to particularly fulfill my needs as a blog reader.


  15. There is always something new and interesting on a book blog, even when the topics are the same or similar.

  16. I feel like I have the hardest time writing book reviews but I'm trying to get into it more. Especially when I read a book written by a blogger buddy, I like to be able to help out.

  17. I leave reviews many times, especially for new authors. I'm talking about a lot of books on my blog for A to Z though I'm not a book blogger.

    1. Susan GK, I started to include you on this list, but you do write about a lot of different things besides books themselves.


  18. I love book blogs! I read them all the time. :)

  19. It's only fitting that you should talk about all the thing bloggers can blog about! :) I'll be reading intently! Passing by from the A to Z Challenge over at

  20. Lee, I'm just a regular blogger. Next month will my first time helping with a book tour. Looking forward to that. (smile). I'll check the book blogger links you've shared. You never know.

    1. There must be millions of book bloggers. Then there are also millions of regular bloggers like you and me. Great to have all this variety at our fingertips.


  21. It's been awhile since I've regularly reviewed books on Amazon, though I really should get back into the habit. The books I review on Amazon and my blog tend to be older, not really current, popular books.

    1. I'm kind of the same since I tend to read the books I've owned for a while. Also old record albums!


  22. I do read books, but I don't ever leave reviews. Not on products I buy either. It's sad, because I certainly read those reviews.

  23. Books are not just popular with bloggers, they are quite popular today! I have seen more than a few blogs using books for their B entry.

    Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
    2015 A to Z of Vampires

    1. Yeah, who would have guessed that! It's a natural "B" topic.


  24. I have several blogging friends who are authors and their sites are always interesting. I plan on joining their ranks one of these days too. Book bloggers are part of my acquaintance circle as well and they do a great job with book promotions. Personally, writing reviews isn't my thing, but I have done them on occasion. Used to read a lot more books before the computer came into my life. There's a huge stack on the nightstand now and several ebooks in the tablet, all just waiting for me...

    1. The computer definitely hinders my reading more books than I do now.


  25. When I had the time I would blog reviews for 3 or 4 different publishers. I loved it and got some 60 free books. but I ran out of time and stopped for awhile. A number of my reviews are on my blog and of course I did discover one thing, it is interesting how nasty the comments can be if you happen to say something negative about someone's favorite book or writer.

    1. That is kind of funny isn't it. Sometimes I'll just start reading one of those conversation threads and they can be as good or better than the book. In fact a few of my reviews have stirred up conversation threads that became interesting.


  26. I blog about books too on Mary-andering Creatively. I also host a linkup on Mondays called Literacy Musing Mondays. I named it Literacy Musing Mondays because we also welcome posts that tie into all issues of literacy: writing, reading, learning, homeschooling, teaching, etc. :)

  27. I'm not a big book reviewer. I know I should do it more, but I never get around to it.

  28. My friend, Kayleigh has a great book blog called A Book Lover's Playlist. She's reviewed a few of my books and even came up with a playlist for one. I was so excited for that because I'm bad at pairing music with my books.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. The playlist idea is an interesting concept. I've seen some of those compiled on various blogs.


  29. Book blogs are great! I do enjoy 'Unconventional Librarian" and blogs/reviews about children's books in general. Can't wait to see more of your blogging ideas!

  30. I could never be a book blogger...I just don't read enough. I could definitely be a Netflix blogger...I binge watch Netflix like a mad woman sometimes!

    1. Usually I forget to review the movies I've watched, but I have left a number of movie reviews on Amazon and I think a few on Netflix.


  31. I've only left a few reviews on goodreads and amazon. Not that I don't read a lot, but I have to really like the book if I review it. I don't review books on my blog, but I have slowly been releasing on my blog, an update (one chapter a week) of a story I wrote 25 years ago. After writing it, it sat around for years and I was never truly happy with it. With luck, one day I'll truly be happy with the series I wrote and move on to something else.

    1. I used to review books on my blog, but now rarely. Those were some of my least visited and commented on posts so now I tend to avoid them.


  32. I blog only about books I have chosen to read, have in my library or discover via purchase. I don't solicit them, but will review for some authors if gifted the book for that purpose. I have a few favorites. I also review on Amazon. Not Goodreads. I also like to highlight books from decades past, like you highlight music on occasion, Lee.

    1. I should review more on Goodreads, but I seem to have more problem doing those on that site--Amazon seems so much easier to use. I also try to review books that I have "won" or have been given to read by authors who blog.


  33. I love reviewing books on my blog. It makes me feel smart.

  34. Blogman Blogverse and Blackhole spring to mind. Theres something truly great about holding a book and getting emotionally invested with the story as you turn the page.

  35. I do read & review as much as possible. I leave reviews on Amazon. Every author needs the promotion.

  36. II have written the occasional review, mostly for authors whom I know.I don't think I am much good at it.

    1. Practice makes you better so maybe just keep on reviewing.
      Besides you don't have to come off like a pro especially if you're not being paid to write reviews.


  37. I read a lot, but I'm old-fashioned enough to rely on word of mouth recommendations from friends on books they have enjoyed. Some of the reviews on Amazon seem to be almost as long as the books they're written about.

    1. Yes, some of the reviews are absurdly long and filled with non-essential information. Like who cares?


  38. It's a great way to learn about new books!


  39. I love being a book blogger. It's so great to be able to share my favourite books with my readers and discover some new ones-like being part of a huge, virtual book club. Free books are a definite perk too! I do share my reviews on Goodreads and occasionally Amazon as well as my blog.

  40. I try to leave reviews of books on Goodreads, but I'm not consistent with it. I know what I like and what I don't like in books, but sometimes have a hard time articulating it. I've reviewed books occasionally on my blog and I see book reviews on my friend Michelle Tran's blog every so often. I've read ones I've seen on Historical Fiction Review.

    1. Short entertaining reviews are best for blogs I think. I don't know if my review articulate my thought well or not, but I think I get my point across okay.


  41. I read every day. I post reviews on Goodreads etc but not on my blog. I'm not a good enough reviewer for that. It's definitely an art.
    I'm also a published author. I post a lot of sorry stories and vignettes on my blog and hostess about my publications.

  42. I like to read every day. I try to post reviews on Goodreads, but I do book reviews more on my blog, along with writing tips and personal essays.

    1. How is your traffic for book reviews? Those seem to be low interest posts for me so I've started to avoid doing them for the most part.


  43. I have never done a critique and I don't think I would want to on books since I don't feel knowledgeable enough to do so. I am also a slow reader. I am amazed how people can read a book in 2 days. Glad you spotlighted this on the B page since so many are authors and there is such great help for people who write books here in blogger land

  44. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. So I generally don't say anything.

    2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

  45. I read a lot of books. I probably read too many and that might be why I can't seem to finish revising my own book . Nah, that's not the reason , but I love finding another excuse. I leave reviews but not as often as I should. I occasional review a book on my blog , but its nothing regular or consistent . I do it when I read a book that I love so much I can't shut up about it. Great post.

  46. What a great theme! Looking forward to reading more.

  47. I read quite extensively and have left roughly 85% of my reviews on Amazon, with the remaining 15% spread out over 7 years of blogging. I would say my reviews are slightly slanted towards non-fiction, since non-fiction is what I read the majority of the time.

    I very rarely leave 5 star reviews, because quite frankly, seeing a book with dozens of 5 star reviews makes me privately question the legitimacy of them. I mostly leave 4 star to 4 1/2 star reviews with a few 3 stars sprinkled in. Never left a one star and left a 2 star for a well known author.

    Father Nature's Corner

  48. I read a good bit and occasionally leave a review. I certainly do read them...usually before I read a book but sometimes afterward as well. New viewpoints are interesting. A to Z

  49. I've been trying to leave more reviews these days... never used to before I got into writing... now I see the importance of them to authors.

  50. I have always had at least one book next to me at all times since I was very young. I've actually thought about a blog on the books I've read. Yes, I do occasionally leave reviews after reading a book. It's something I need to get into the habit of doing as soon as I finish a book.

  51. I follow a whole assortment of bloggers. I like having a different thing to read every day.

    As I See It Daily

  52. Hi there - Good idea for your post. I took this idea seriously over a year ago now and am happily reading and reviewing books for :)

  53. If I like a book, I'll review it. It's a compliment to the author, and as a writer, I know the effort involved. If I don't like the book, I keep my thoughts to myself.

  54. I love reading... but I am not sure I like bloggin about books. I hate the spoilers! So... I follow author recommendations and like a kid - looks at the covers? So sad, I know.

  55. Personally, I wouldn't follow/subscribe to a blog that consisted of only book reviews and promotions, but, yes, I do search for reviews on Google before buying a book. And then I usually go for reviews on amazon and goodreads.

    I've noticed that some bloggers give good reviews for all the free books they get to review. I personally know of bloggers who review books without even reading them. (They just re-write stuff that's already available on the internet.) So I don't find dedicated book blogs a reliable source.

    I do review books on my personal blog occasionally. At times, I feel I get too harsh on the author, but, then I think that my greater obligation is to my readers, and I don't want to mislead them by "highly recommending" a "crappy" book.

    Anyway, I finally get to visit your blog, on day FOUR! (Blame it on financial closing, busy work schedule, poor internet connection, and 'N' number of other things! Naturally everything except me! :P) This is the first time I'm attempting A to Z and really enjoying it so far.

    1. I've seen reviews that I've suspected were done without the book having been read and then there were those where the reviewer admitted to not having read the book or having read only a part of it. Either way this is a sorry entry in a review section and is misleading to those who are trying to get a serious gauge of whether or not to buy a book.

      Glad you're enjoying A to Z and hope you revisit Tossing It Out.


  56. I have a nice long list of book review blogs that I check in with from time to time. Anna over at herding cats and burning soup is a favorite of mine.
    Fun fact- just about all the book review blogs I know were ones I found through A to Z!


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