
Friday, January 23, 2015

Are You Ready for Monday? & BOTB Results

Munchkins (specifically the "Lollipop Gui...
I'm keeping things short since it's Friday.
Munchkins (specifically the "Lollipop Guild") as depicted in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
          I'll keep things relatively short today since it's Friday.  Well, don't know what that has to do with anything, but Friday seems like a good day to run quickly into the week-end.   Of course if I keep a post short that might be a noteworthy event.   So I'll try.

Monday's Coming!!

       Duh!   Of course Monday comes after the weekend is over.  What's so great about Monday?   It's opening day for A to Z sign-ups!!  Are you ready to get your name high on the list?   Actually it doesn't matter where you are on the list just so you're on it.    You'll have two months to decide, but get on early and you can start socializing with the others who have joined in early.   Jump in soon and start spreading the word about April!  For more information about what I'm talking about please visit the Blogging from A to Z Challenge Blog.

Battle of the Bands Results

         The results are in for my Battle of the Bands of January 15th.   My 3 way contest experiment went better than I expected.  Several of you did watch the long video of the Dames version of "I Only Have Eyes for You" and that version, which is where my vote went, ended up with an admirable 11 votes.

          The jazz version by Chris Connor and Maynard Ferguson was appreciated by many but still only got 4 votes.

           The winner--and not really a surprise--was the Flamingos version which ran away with 25 votes.   This is the version that most of us are more familiar hearing and it is a pretty great version of the song.

Final Vote

Flamingos          25

Chris Connor       4

Busby Berkeley   11

        Next Battle of the Bands will be on Sunday February 1st.   My next round will be similar to this last one.   And I'll be celebrating a birthday with my next Battle.  No, not my birthday which will be next Friday, but an artist connected to the song I'll be pitting in Battle celebrates his birthday on February 1st.   I'll be once again including a third bonus version of said song along with another movie clip.   It's a good one I assure you.   It's a big classic song so I can't imagine that there is anyone who hasn't heard it.


  1. Busby Berkeley - 11 - hey I'm happy with second place! Fun battle!

    1. I didn't think that showing was bad at all considering the length of the clip and the age of it.


  2. No surprise the Flamingos won.
    Any plans for your birthday? Or do you just hope it passes in secrecy?

    1. My wife has jury duty downtown so I'll be driving her there. Maybe we'll go out to eat after she's done.


  3. Yay! I was hoping the Flamingos would win!

  4. Happy Birthday for next Friday Lee. Matt has one on Feb 4.

    1. These persistent birthdays just keep on coming!


  5. On Monday--we sign up, but are we supposed to publicize the challenge on our own blogs? Mine auto-posts while I'm still asleep, so I probably should add that logo in there now, if so.

    1. Sure you can publicize as much as you like--we'd encourage it. The official 2015 Badge will not be available until Monday, but you can add to your sidebar or future posts later on. With 2 months you'll have plenty of time to publicize. We'd appreciate it!


  6. 'THE FLAMINGOS' is the classic version most people have heard so, yes, no surprise it won.

    Had you left The Flamingos out of it and simply pitted the Conner/Ferguson Jazz version against the Busby Berkeley version, that might have been pretty interesting to see where all those 25 Flamingos votes landed THEN.

    Lee, a total of 40 votes on one BOTB installment! That's got to be the record.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. That was far more votes than I expected for a 3 way like it was. Now I'll be curious to see what happens with my next Battle which is a good one I think.

      The problem with the Dames clip was the length. Not sure what would have happened to those Flamingos votes if that version hadn't been in there, but the Flamingos had to be in the running in my eyes. It's the most iconic version.

      Yeah, 40 votes was impressive. I think Robin or FAE might have gotten as many or more once when they where blitzed on BOTB day, but I don't recall for sure.


  7. I can't remember who I voted for. I'm very excited about Monday.

    1. How many will sign up next week?!! That's always kind of exciting to see how that turns out.


  8. I totally get The Flamingo's huge win. Great song! Nope, I'm not ready for the band show down, so I guess I better jump on it fast. Blogging may slow down after next week anyhow with DH's job ending next Friday. Life will be up in the air for awhile, I suspect. *sigh* Oh well...have a funtastic weekend, Lee!

    1. Will life be as "up in the air" as astronaut Scott Kelly who will be spending a year in orbit starting this year? At least you all will have your feet on the ground. Good luck with things.


  9. I'm not surprised by the Flamingos, either.
    Happy Weekend!

    1. I guess we could say The Flamingos had a leg to stand on. With their win they must be in the pink. Sorry.


  10. Hahaha, my vote came in last.

    I'm terrified of the A to Z challenge. I'm not sure what I'd do this year.

  11. Sign up time already? Hooray! I'm excited because I actually came up with a theme, which I never thought I would be able to do.

    1. There are always themes but finding the one that suits you best can be the biggest challenge.


  12. My head is spinning... a to z, should be a great turnout. So much to do..

    1. We'll get 'er done! Always manage somehow. We've got a great team this year.


  13. I can't wait for the sign ups to open. Is it bad I'm going to try to get high up on the list? I just think it'd be fun. Maybe I'm just being weird. ;)

    1. No we recommend that you get high on the list, but if everyone follows our recommended method of visiting other blogs, placement on the list should not really be an issue. Just get on the list! Anywhere!


  14. Holy Alphabet batman-already?? OK Count me in. I figured the Flamingos would win but glad the movie clip got 11 votes. Stormy Weather came into my reason but it did and I love that song. Happy future birthday!

    1. "Stormy Weather" would be a great Battle song pick, but that's not going to be my next one. For now I guess that one's up for grabs.


  15. Lee-

    Because I have a head like a sieve, I am going to wish you a pre-emptive happy birthday right now....that way if I forget next week, I have a loophole to fall back on!


    1. Thank you and I totally understand--I might even forget my birthday except I have prepared a post about it so that will remind me.


  16. I'll be doing an official birthday post on Friday. Makes for easy content you know.


  17. I'm sort of ready for Monday - have even started scheduling blog posts! Pretty impressive really considering how manic January has been :) x

    1. That scheduling pays off in April. Even if you only have part of the month scheduled to start with.


  18. April is National Poetry Month. There are challenges galore for poets during the entire thirty days which is why I never do the A to Z Challenge. I know I could schedule posts in advance but I wouldn't be visiting everyone like I should because I'd be writing. I'll have to think.,,

    1. There are a number of poets who compose poems using the A to Z concept. Have you considered that? No reason why you could combine the two events. At least not that I know of.


  19. Not surprised at all by the win on your BOTB. The Flamingos version is lovely and iconic, but I really did enjoy that Busby Berkley clip from 'Dames'. This is one where I really appreciate you exposing the rest of cretins to something else iconic, 'the old timey musical extravaganza'. Well done.

    You'll be happy to note I'm actually considering paticipating in the A - Z Challenge. I really need to do something to get myself out of this blogging rut that I've let myself sink into. I'm still considering and will have to really organize my time (I don't want to start and not finish), but we'll see.

    also, thank you for the kind comments as my 'Closed' blog post and your concern. I'm hoping to get something new up there on Monday and I'll be back at BOTB on Feb 1, I hope!

    1. So good to hear from you and know that you're back on track. I know I wasn't the only one with some concern. It would be great if you signed up for A to Z. Even if you didn't finish it would be okay--at least you'd be trying and it might help get you out of any blogging rut that you might have fallen into.

      As for the Dames clip, I'm glad to have shared with those who were willing to give it a try. So often "old" is equated with no longer essential or interesting. I'd hate to think that's where I might fit into one day, but it is a sad view of many in the younger generations. Nothing wrong with old and if it weren't for what came before, what we have today would have never have been.

      Looking forward to your next BOTB post!


  20. Wow, another A to Z is coming. I know another blogger who got her posts ready a month or two ago. During this cold winter, warm April seems so far away....

    1. Cold? Why it's been getting up in the 80's out here in L.A.!


  21. I'm pretty sad I'll miss the A to Z challenge this year. Even if I posted 26 somethings before my April 6th knee surgery, I'm going to be useless as far as visiting other bloggers during the rest of the month, and that's what I think the challenge is all about. Next year I'll be back, that's for sure.

    1. We'll miss you, but I hope you'll encourage your readers to join us. Good luck with the knee surgery!

      Tossing It Out

  22. I can't believe another A to Z is almost here! I really felt left out, because I couldn't participate last year. I hope to try again in April. Fingers crossed that my Internet connection won't be giving me any problems! Happy early birthday, Lee!


    1. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your participation as well. Thanks for the birthday greeting.


  23. Hello, Arlee. I've joined your blog. This sounds so interesting. I'm going to give it a try if I have time. Happy early birthday! Make it a good one. ~

    1. Hope you'll join us for A to Z. I think you might find it to be rewarding.

      Thanks for the birthday wish.


  24. Hmmmm.....Feb. 1st......I have a guess as to who the mystery singers/song is for the next BOTB... Lisa Marie Presley was born Feb. 1, but since you specified 'his birthday', I doubt that it's her. Anyways she's never had a hit song....has she?...if she has I've never heard it, but there are a lot of things I've never heard....hmmmm...where was I?....oh yes! Guesses....are you open for guesses?

    1. I am open for guesses and it is not Lisa Marie, but that's a good one. Think many hits and not a Miss.

      Tossing It Out


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
