
Monday, December 8, 2014

Judy, Judy, Judy--Good Night John Boy

        I'm still in a sort of blogging limbo for an indefinite period of time, but I've got my Battle of the Bands posts mostly already set up so the next one scheduled for December 15 should appear without a hitch.  Likewise I'm going to make a point to get the winner announcements on my blog.  That's what I'm here for today.

        My most recent BOTB contest put up versions of the Christmas song "White Christmas" with versions by Johnny Cash and Judy Collins.  Some readers readily made the connection between the "JC" initials and the "reason for the season", which was somewhat impressive, but not necessarily surprising knowing about many of my readers.  My next BOTB post will again be Christmas themed and will continue the "JC" theme.

The Winner Is...

        If Bing Crosby had been in the running, his version would have been the clear winner.  A couple voters insisted in voting for Bing thus negating their votes.   Neither of the recordings I used in this Battle were overwhelmingly popular so I thank voters for at least picking one of them.

         My vote nearly went to Judy Collins due to her vocal and lovely instrumental backing.  However, Johnny Cash receives my vote.   Collins's version seemed a bit cold to me--maybe appropriate for a song about snow, but not so pleasing to my ears.   Judy Collins does have a beautiful voice and the addition of the cello for the instrumental interlude nearly won me over.   In the end though Johnny got my vote for the fun sound of the arrangement and the singing and playing.  It's the version that would hold up best for me with repeated listenings.

         Bottom line though is that my vote didn't really matter.   Judy trounced Johnny with nearly twice as many votes. 

The Final Count:

Johnny Cash      9 votes

Judy Collins       17 votes

        Hope you'll be here on Monday December 15th for another Christmas themed Battle of the Bands.  This next one will be kind of unique and I think you might have fun with it.  It may even stir up a memory or two for some of you.  

         Have you got the Christmas spirit yet?   Are you expecting a white Christmas this year?   Do you prefer your Christmas songs to sound bouncy happy or melancholy peaceful?  



  1. I guess I have the christmas is decorated, I need to get a couple more things gift wise and of course do my baking. It's a tight month money wise; the holidays are not good to trucking thanks to painfully short weeks. I hate it when the holiday falls on a weekday. In New England it's a crapshoot if it's a white Christmas or not.

    As for holiday songs, I prefer classical, big band and new age. I am one of these people who despises most of 'the hits'. I think 'santa baby', 'jingle bell rock', 'baby it's cold outside' and 'rockin around the christmas tree' have got to be some of my most hated songs. I like Perry Como's 'o holy night' and of course Andy Williams. but on my mix tapes you'll find The Academy of St. Martin the Field, String Quartet, music by Windham Hill artists and stuff from the 1940s.

  2. Fitting Judy won.
    Depends on the song. I like a mixture.
    We are decorated and all the gifts wrapped. Bring on Christmas!

  3. I have the Christmas spirit!

    I prefer happy, upbeat songs.

  4. Yeah, I was one of those who wasn't really crazy about the options: Judy Collins or "The Man In Black" singing 'White Christmas'.

    I mean, it could have been Johnny Mathis, or Nat King Cole, or any number of singers with excellent voices. But... at least it wasn't Anjelica Huston, Lou Reed, or Def Leppard... and I'm trying to learn to be grateful for the small things in life now.

    Incidentally, LEE, I'll be watching 'Saboteur' within the next few days. Got it at your recommendation and I fully expect I will enjoy it. It IS Hitchcock after all.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  5. I too go for Johnny Cash,
    Hope you're well. Take care Lee.


  6. No Christmas spirit showing up at my house yet. Glad to see you back. I think Cash is an acquired taste.

  7. Yay! My vote counted. See you on the 15th

  8. Since Christmas songs are so obscenely overplayed this time of year (and the local oldies station now starts right after Halloween!), I prefer the timeless, meaningful songs that don't annoy me after so many repeat listens. Songs like "Seven o'Clock News/Silent Night" and "Someday at Christmas." Then again, I'm too deep and serious for my own good.

  9. You thought Judy's version sounded cold? Really? Cold? Huh!

    I definitely have the Christmas Spirit. I love Christmas. I'm completely through with the commercial part and can't wait to see the reaction from the recipients of my gifts. Tree is not up and decorated, but that will come next weekend. I can hardly wait. This year the family is coming to me.

  10. Nope, still haven't got the Christmas spirit; though I'm posting for BotB on the 15th.

    Yep, Bing would have gotten my vote for this song, its the one I hear in my mind when I think of it.

  11. I'm an artist and Christmas is always a treasure trove of "all things created in love." Philosophical? Sure, why not?

    Every year of my life has always included "JC" - and Bing doing White Christmas. Cash was about the Ring of Fire, while Judy wanted Clowns.(smile) I'm so programmable!

    I like all Christmas music. I've thought to join BOTB, but wow it seems quite a task. I've reviewed over 60 songs for my upcoming blog posts. (I get kinda lost in the music.)

    I'm surprised Cash and Collins were that far apart. Thanks Lee.

  12. I'm right on schedule with Christmas this year as no shopping has been completed, although I have a very brief and succinct gift list from my daughter.

    As for Christmas music, I've gone off the beaten path. I don't particular enjoy listening to Christmas songs sung/played the traditional way and all the current pop/jazz/rock covers basically bore me to tears.

    Which leaves the non-traditional/traditional Christmas songs sung by a cross-section of artists from the genres you don't hear on normal radio (i.e. bluegrass, Celtic and Americana). Sad or happy, it doesn't really matter much to me so long as they're sung from the heart.

    Father Nature's Corner

  13. I always wish for a white Christmas and could not even think of being somewhere warm at this time. I love the classic style so I am not too much into rock or country style Christmas. I grew up on German Christmas music with a choir, Ivan Rebroff(I posted my favourite song on my blog), Harry Simone Chorale and I have the Bonanza Christmas album. Every year is different but I always find the magic of Christmas. I don't let the commercialism get to me, I watch great movies and listen to great music and I decorate. This year, for you, will be a tough one as it is the first Christmas without your mom. I always say the first year is the most difficult as it is the first of everything-Christmas, New year's, Birthdays, etc... In a few short years, my dad died, I got sick, lost the home I always knew and had no job but I found a way to keep Christmas alive. I refused to give in to the sadness. May you find some peace during this time.

  14. Thank you all for your wonderful comments. I thought my replies as I read each one but apologize for not being able to respond here to each one.


  15. Hi Lee! I hope you're doing well, or at least as well as you can. Sending you prayers and good vibes!

    I was another one who wasn't swept off my feet by either version, but I thought Judy had the better version. Johnny just seemed... less "White Christmas-y" to me.

  16. Arlee, I like the title of your blog post. : ) Johnny Cash had gotten my vote, so I'm sorry to see that he lost. Looking forward to your next BOTB post.


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
