
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Maintaining Standards

         When the promotion starts working well, you and your product may begin to receive more scrutiny.  Expectations from the audience you've targeted are apt to increase.  Now is the true test.  Can you maintain the high standards that you've suggested might be found in your work?

        When the curtain opens and the spotlight shines center stage, some people easily assume the professional role in which they've been cast.  Others may freeze up in fear or flounder about due to lack of preparation or lack of confidence.   How you perform becomes part of your résumé and your reputation.   Repairing damage can be a difficult job and one that is best avoided.

          When it's your time to perform, do you maintain your standards of professionalism?   When you are inadequately prepared are you able to ad lib enough to successfully pull off what you are expected to do?  What is the biggest obstacle for you in maintaining high standards?

Tomorrow!! (Thursday May 15th)  Special Battle of the Bands Edition!

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  1. I'm a perfectionist. I might be struggling, but I'll have practiced a million times and look professional doing it.

  2. I do try to be professional. That hardest part is when someone else is losing their mind and trash talking everyone in site. It's hard to maintain that professionalism, but it pays off in the end, even in that situation.

  3. I also try to maintain professionalim. If I'm inadequately prepared, I will start to stutter badly b/c I'm flustered, although I did a fair amount of ad-libbing when I worked in law.

  4. This is another case where practice and preparation are key. If you feel confident, you act confident, and people respond well to confidence.

  5. Tomorrow is my first reading and booksigning and I'm a nervous wreck. Yikes! I just have to read from my book and probably say a few words about it, but public speaking definitely isn't my thing. I tried joining Toastmasters, but that was more nerve-wracking than standing up in front of a small crowd of 10-year-olds!

  6. Alex -- And it shows in your blogging.

    Southpaw-- That does sound like a bad situation.

    JoJo -- A good bluffer can pull things off pretty well. Nothing wrong with that either. Saving the image is important.

    Robin -- If you know what you're doing it definitely helps. Some people seem to get so flustered though. That's why we need as much experience as we can get.

    Stephanie -- If it's about you and your work it might be easier. I wish you well this time and that you will have many more opportunities where you just keep on getting better.


  7. Strangely maintaining professionalism is something I can do or I would never have been able to do the jobs I have done over the years. . . . . But I do like a pinch of madness

  8. I remember Michael Jackson once said that it is extremely hard to maintain standards that is why it is better to take time before releasing the next album.

  9. Being professional is key I believe. To the point that I always say "yes" and never "yea". I look for that in others too.

  10. Being properly prepared is what counts. If you know your subject, goal, inside out, you will appear to be professional whatever you might feel like inside.

  11. Um, being a little obsessive helps.

  12. One can do all the prepping and dry runs one wants, but nothing can ever prepare for that moment/experience of actually being in the spotlight, whether it's a book signing, giving an oral presentation in class, or giving a lecture at a writers' symposium. You might deliver a much different presentation than the one you prepared, or you could become very nervous and bomb. The best thing is to be prepared for curveballs and being nervous, so one knows it's okay to deviate from the perfect, uninterrupted script one rehearsed.

  13. Rob -- You obviously knew what you were doing. The madness keeps it all interesting.

    Munir -- It's good to regroup and recharge after a burst of creative flow.

    KT-- If you let the professionalism falter then that can hurt your reputation.

    Jo -- The knowledge, skill, and practice builds the confidence that is necessary.

    LD-- Obsessive can be good as long as it is get in check and doesn't overpower your image. Otherwise you can become obnoxious.

    Carrie-Anne -- So true. Expect the unexpected. And the experience of continually being out before the public makes one more comfortable in the role and more convincing.


  14. If you're well prepared and know you're subject you can deal with slight hiccups much more easily. And it's important to give yourself a pat on the back and don't start critiquing your performance until a lot later - that way, you'll focus on what you did well and will be much stronger for the next time.
    Fil’s Place - Old songs and Memories

  15. Unprofessional mistakes happen to everyone. Hopefully, they appear less frequently over time and before print.

    I have a short piece forever online with an error (a fairly big one) near its end. I just admit it, let it be a lesson, and move on. What else is there to do?


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