
Monday, July 1, 2013

Insecure? Join Alex J Cavanaugh and #IWSG

        While I'm still in some undisclosed location I'm getting a little help from my friends.   Today I welcome one of my dearest online friends from early in blogging beginnings--Alex J. Cavanaugh.  He needs little introduction to most of my readers.  But just in case you don't know him, you can find him at his blog Alex J. Cavanaugh.   He has also been an integral part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge from the beginning and is founder of the Insecure Writers Support Group about which he is here to say a few words about.   Thanks for standing in for me Alex!

The IWSG – What Does That Mean?

Most of you have seen Lee and others post for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Maybe you’ve wondered what it’s all about. Who can join? What do group members get out of it? (How long will it take me to remember the acronym IWSG?)

The IWSG is nearing its two year anniversary and has grown beyond my expectations. Now three hundred strong, it requires the assistance of three co-hosts to manage the list. (Even with clones, I can’t do it all!)

Here is the official description:

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writers.

Here are some other things you should know about the IWSG:

It is open to all writers, published and unpublished. You write music or movie reviews? You write on your blog? You are welcome to join us!

You cannot be TOO insecure to join. Trust me.

Just sign up, grab the badge, and post it and a link to the list when you post for the group.

You are free to discuss any aspect of writing that might be troubling you – writer’s block, rejections, feeling inadequate, etc. If you need help with a problem, this is the time to ask.

You are free to offer encouragement to other writers – anything that would lift someone’s spirits, provide answers, or give hope. (Or give someone a good laugh.)

We try to catch ad sites and non-participants and remove them from the list. Those who miss two months in a row are removed but are free to join again when ready.

Most important, the group has become something really special. Participants say it is their favorite day of the month. Those who are struggling receive encouragement and often from total strangers. Connections are made and friendships formed. We are more than just a group – we are a team committed to one another.

On a personal level, this group has just overwhelmed me. Watching the members support one another and grow stronger is a total blessing. I am humbled by every word of thanks. When I look back over the past few years, the success of my books and growth of my blog are great, but it’s the IWSG that means the most to me.

Want to be a part of something awesome? Join the Insecure Writer’s Support Group today!

Alex J. Cavanaugh

Alex J. Cavanaugh has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and works in web design and graphics. He is experienced in technical editing and worked with an adult literacy program for several years. A fan of all things science fiction, his interests range from books and movies to music and games. Online he is the Ninja Captain and founder of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. The author of the Amazon bestsellers, CassaStar and CassaFire, his third book, CassaStorm, will be released September 17, 2013.

            Thank you, Alex.  Join us this Wednesday for the IWSG.    I'll even be posting though still in absentia.   Hopefully things will be back to the norm on my blogs starting July 8th.  I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer.

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  1. Thanks again for letting me invade your blog, Lee! And for the kind words. You've been a true friend for many years.

  2. I think I'd love to join this but there's a whole lot of variables and confusion in my head that always seems to stop me for various reasons, ironically perhaps because I'm an insecure writer haha. I don't want to get the procedure wrong or anything but the group does sound amazing and I think I do need help.

  3. Thanks Lee for letting Alex loose on your blog. Wonderful to read. Hope you are enjoying your rest at your undisclosed place.


  4. Lee, have nominated you for Super Blogger Award. One stipulation you have to reveal a secret about yourself.


  5. IWSG is and was an ingenious idea. Kudos to Alex, and Arlee for his highlight of such an awesome group for writers!

  6. The group is wonderful. Every writer should be involved.

  7. Alex is great! And I love the group.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  8. IWSG is awesome. Great post!
    Tweeting this... :)

  9. Yeamie, you'd fit right in, believe me.

    Thanks, everyone! Glad you enjoy the IWSG so much.

  10. Before I set off for the day, I want to thank you, Alex, for standing in for me during my hiatus.

    Thanks to all who have commented so far.


  11. Looking fwd to IWSG after a 2-month gap. Thanks for starting it, Alex.

  12. One of the things I like about summer blogging is that I have more time to visit more posts, some needing encouragement and some giving it. I highly recommend joining.

  13. Karen, thank you!

    Lee, appreciated the opportunity.

    Damy, glad you're back with us.

    Susan, you'll need that time.

  14. Yay Alex! Thanks Arlee for having him over. IWSG is just amazing and I have my post ready for this Wednesday. There is no other 'group' like it.

  15. One day. I keep saying that, but hey, I said it about the A-Z Challenge for 3 years, and guess what, I did finally do it. I love the group and get a kick out of their posts each month--alas, time is a fickle mistress. One day.

  16. IWSG is awesome. I am glad I joined. Just one complain; I wish I had joined much earlier.

  17. I was initially reluctant to join and nervous about posting. Now, it's a blogging highlight.

    Thanks, Arlee and Alex, for this post. Long live the IWSG!


  18. Next post is ready. No insecurities, though.

  19. I love the group! No insecurity is too small or insignificant. The support is always there.

  20. Thank you, Alex.

    It is one of my favorite things on the internet!

    Thank you, Lee!


  21. Crystal, this Wednesday is one day...

    Andrew, we need some positive stuff as well.

    Thanks, guys!!!

  22. Hope your enjoying yourself, Lee.

    IWSG was a great idea. The support is fantastic.

  23. Writers always face insecurities and need support. This group is one way in which we can rally around each other.

  24. Great shout out! Congrats to Alex.

  25. lovely post thanks lee re alex. sorry no capital letters, am typing with left hand as right one badly damaged as result of car smash.

  26. Hey Alex. Cool to see you spreading the word about IWSG. I've got my post ready for this Wednesday.

  27. I've been an IWSG member since the beginning and I wouldn't miss it. In fact, a little lightening bolt hit my stomach when I saw the IWSG photo in my blog role today. What? It's not Wednesday!!! Did I miss something? Nope. My post is all ready to go. Thanks for spreading the word Lee. As always, Alex, you are the best1

  28. Always nice to visit one blog friend's blog and find another blog friend there. I'm not a member of IWSG but I follow a lot of blogs that are and it's good to see the way people support each other.

  29. IWSG rocks. Love all the friendly fellow writers I've met through it.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  30. Susan, I'm sorry!

    Liza, sorry we scared you. Wednesday as normal. And you've been a very faithful member.

    Thanks, everyone! You are why I started the IWSG.

  31. The support of this group has meant so much to me. Thanks again, Alex.
    Tina @ Life is Good

  32. Hi Lee
    Nicely done Alex-it is an unique and wonderfully supportive group~

    Thank you Alex and all involved!

  33. Thanks for creating this wonderful group Alex! Although I haven't run out of insecurities, it's always nice to have a place on your ever expanding couch to talk about them. Hope you're having a great break Lee!


  34. IWSG rocks! It's a unique group...
    I wonder if there's another online writing group that can rival the camaraderie and supportive aspects of IWSG...?
    Thanks Alex.

  35. Hope you're relaxing, Lee, and thanks for letting the Ninja Captain pinch hit for you.

    The IWSG is, by far, one of the best support groups for writers that I've seen on the Web. A lot of good folks with a lot of good advice for others.

    If you're a writer, the IWSG is the place to be on the first Wednesday of the month.

  36. I have read some ISWG posts and found them helpful. Maybe, just maybe...

  37. Getting my post ready now for tomorrow! The IWSG is a blessing.

  38. The amazing people I've met these past few months all share a common thread -- the IWSG! That's what drew me into the group, the caliber of compassionate souls helping each other navigate the trials and tribulations of the literary world. You rock, Alex!

  39. Julie, the couch is always open.

    Michelle, not that I've found.

    Mark, thanks for being a part of it.

    Susan, please join us.

    Samantha, glad you are a part of it now!

    Lee, thanks again - you the man.

  40. I realize I'm very late to this party, but it sounds like a great group and I'd like to join.

  41. Cathrina-- You're never too late to join #IWSG. First Wednesday of every month. Go to Alex's blogsite (see link in post) to sign up.



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