
Friday, July 12, 2013

Caught By Surprise!

        I knew this was coming.

         I just didn't expect it so soon.  Let me hold my current thought as I have to step away from the computer for a while.   This is not like me--I usually have posts prepared, but not this time and I'm not able to get anything together at this late of notice.

          As a matter of fact, all my blogs will be affected by this current turn of events.  I'll be back after the first week of August to explain and to continue my story about my reluctant Ecuador vacation.

            In the meantime, I'll try to catch up to some blog visiting if I have some idle time and internet access.  And that's a big IF!

            Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer.


  1. Lee? Whatever it is, prayers for you and your family.

  2. Thoughts are with you Lee, Hope you're back soon.
    Take care

  3. I have an empty feeling now wondering about you. You're in my prayers.

  4. My thoughts are with you too Lee, hope things are not too bad whatever they are. Wishing you all the best.

  5. Thoughts with you over the next three weeks.

  6. Praying, Lee, about whatever's up!! Hope things work out quickly.

  7. Thanks for the caring comments. Just to clarify, nothing bad is happening. I just have an event that is going to be a major time conflict with blogging and internet activity. I'll have more to say later, but what's happening is a good thing.


  8. Glad to know it's not bad news! But now I'm really curious!

  9. You're such a tease, Lee. Guaranteed to keep us wondering and hanging. If it's a good thing, then enjoy.

  10. Best of luck with finding something to write about man. I last wrote on Tuesday and haven't written anything since so I can relate, soon I'll be behind as well. I still never complain when you have more time to comment on my blog!

  11. Oh yeah and if something major is wrong with you Lee I really hope that it resolves itself soon, hope you're alright buddy. Like it's been said I hope things are good for you Lee and that it's not been a bad thing.

  12. Good things are well...good things. Enjoy - catch ya on the flip side.

  13. Can't do everything. I have to say that to myself a lot these days. Hope the event is wonderful.

  14. so pleased it's a good thing! I was concerned ... enjoy!

  15. Lee-

    For once I am glad I'm so late reading your blog.

    Between your posts and the early comments I was worried.

    Glad that nothing is wrong.

    Your posts will be missed!



  16. Glad it is something good! I was worried too, until I scrolled through.

  17. No worries. Besides I think I have been needing a break to kind of regroup.


  18. Lee, I hope things are okay with you. Take care.

  19. LEE ~
    See ya on the B side of this hit song.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  20. Hi Lee .. so pleased to see your positive update -- and I hope you can have a relaxing and enjoyable time away from the screen ..

    Cheers and have a happy fortnight - Hilary

  21. Glad this is GOOD news. Will see you when we see you. Make that read you when we read you...

  22. Phew! Glad I read your comment. Glad it is a good thing. Take care and we'll see you when you have a chance!

  23. Glad to see in the comments that whatever it is you are working on is a good thing. I hope all goes well for you. : )

  24. I'm so glad that more good things are heading your way! Enjoy your blogging break, and I look forward to hearing all about it when you return.


  25. Things haven't been the same around these parts. Hope your "good thing" turns out great! Can't wait for the juicy details. Enjoy your much deserved break and take care!


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