
Friday, June 7, 2013

A Magical Fable: Lisa Fender on Tour

         I've met some of the nicest folks over at the LinkedIn writer discussions.  One of these is Lisa Fender who blogs at Lisa's Djen Den.  Since Lisa's got a new book out I invited her over to Tossing It Out to talk about the book and her road to publication.  Leave a comment today and you'll be eligible for a contest drawing.  See details at the end of the post.  And now Lisa:

Lisa Fender, author
Thanks for having me as a guest on your blog, Lee, this is a really exciting time for me. I have wanted to write a book for as long as I can remember. Reading has always been one of my first loves and I excelled in it through school. But as time went on, life got in the way, or should I say, I let life get in the way. I always held onto one day writing a book though, and once the opportunity presented itself, I jumped on it. I guess there’s always a ‘right time, right place’ for everything.

Let me begin by saying, I am literally the waitress that wrote a book! Besides going to school and getting a license in Aesthetics, the only other work I did was in restaurants. I did try to move up the ladder, but with two children at home and I was a single mom for a while in my life, waitressing was the best alternative. The hours were daytimes and I could be there for the kids.

After the kids were on their own, I could begin to fulfill my own dreams. I found myself laid-off from work and that’s when the world of the Djen came to fruition. I sat down one day and began making up this world and what powers they would have and what their purpose was. The last thing I wanted to write about was the typical Vampire, werewolf, and the like, so I thought maybe a takeoff of the Djinni. That evening my sister, Toni, came over and I told her about my idea. I asked her how I should spell the world’s name, Genrye or Jenrye, she said “how about Djenrye, like the true Djinn. Thus, Djenrye was truly born.

Lisa with sister and co-author
Toni Burns
I wrote the rough draft in 3 months, but I knew the manuscript needed a lot of help. I asked my mother, who was an editor at one time in her life to help me, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on the issue either since she edited non-fiction. I then sought out a writing coach and found out what the problem was, I needed to learn creative writing skills. After that, my writing got better and better and I brought my sister into the mix as a helper with editing. She fell in love with the story so I asked her to co-author with me, and the rest as they say, is history.

We have had a lot of fun with this story and getting the book finally launched on Amazon was the most amazing day for us! I don’t think I could ever capture that wonderful feeling again. When the first books arrived for my launch party, I cried for an hour. I couldn’t believe it! Holding the book in my hands was the most surreal moment, other than when my kids were born, in my life.

It was a lot of hard work, four and a half years to get it to this point, but it was all worth it! The title is Fable – Book 1 of The Lorn Prophecy. We have several more novels planned, and we also are writing novella’s in between each novel that reaches into the world of Djenrye with more depth and understanding. The first novella should be out this fall. Its title is Fated – From the Chronicles of Djenrye.

Fated gives you a look into how my main character, Stevie Barrett, ends up growing up in Golden, Colorado, and the events that led up to it. Both books are filled with adventure, action, magic and also, love. I hope that some of you will give our books a read and then let me know what you thought.

I will leave my links to my sites below. Feel free to contact me or join my blog. It would be great to have more followers and maybe even Djen fans.


Stevie Barrett lives an ordinary life in Golden, Colorado, where nothing remarkable ever happens. That is until right before her high school graduation, when Stevie’s life takes a bizarre turn. Her best friends, Jack and Alyssa, want to be supportive, but are confused by the events plaguing Stevie.

Stevie’s mom is attacked by men with glowing gold eyes. A strange being spies on Stevie, hidden in shadow. She has waking visions of a people called the Djen and their archaic world. And when her and her BFFs don’t think it can get any weirder, Stevie heals a stranger with a touch. The abilities build until they are a tidal wave awakening within her and threaten her sense of reality.

Her efforts to understand what is happening lead her and her friends to discover a group known as the Rebellion. These warriors from another dimension are hunting her. Their leader is a man bent on destroying Stevie and possessing her legacy. In order to stop him and save everyone she loves, Stevie and her friends must embark on a quest to find and return Tecton, one of the five Orbs—relics—of the other plane she comes to know as Djenrye. The journey will alter everything she believes, propelling her into another world and another life.

The link to Amazon for the book is: Fable: Book 1 of the Lorn Prophecy -- You can find book excerpts on that page.

For those of you who leave me comments, I will put your name in a hat and draw a winner of a copy of my book and a Starbucks gift card for 10.00. The winner will be announced on my blog site on Sunday evening June 9th.  I look forward to your questions or comments and until then enjoy the blurb and excerpt from the book!

Thanks again for having me as your guest Lee and thanks to those of you who participate in the comment box and who give Fable a read!



  1. What an awesome guest post Lisa, thanks so much for dropping by to write for us today. Your book sounds awesome as well!

  2. That's really cool you wrote it with your sister. And that you have more books planned together.

  3. A wonderful and interesting post Lee.


  4. I am very intrigued and what a pleasant... chat!

  5. Hi Arlee and Lisa, thanks Lisa for this great post. I am fascinated with the world of Djinns. Love the story premise.

  6. Yeamie, thanks so much for your comment and I hope you do give the book a read!So far I have not received and bad reviews, I think people are really enjoying it! It has been a joy writing the stories!

  7. Alex, thanks for leaving a comment and yes my sister and I can't believe we are doing this together, but we are now closer than ever before. We love the story and have a blast coming up with new ideas. sometimes we get slap happy, (because we are tired after a long day), but we laugh and sit and chat about what will happen next! It's lots of fun! I hope you decide to read the first in many in this series and if you do, don't forget to let me know what you thought about it!

  8. Yvonne, thanks for your comment and give the book a try, if you like fantasy, i know you will enjoy it!

  9. Jeremy, Yes, it is interesting and a great read! Give it a shot, you might find you like the story!

  10. Rachna, oh, if you love the stories of the Djinni, you will love these books! Yes, just the first in the series is out, but the first novella will be out this fall and the second in the novels will be out next spring. I think you will truly enjoy them! If you do read Fable, let me know if you liked it! thanks so much for the comment!

  11. Lee, thanks so much for having me on your blog! You have always shown a lot of support to me and I appreciate you! I look forward to the next few days being a guest on your blog!

  12. Hi Lisa, Your journey to The Lorn Prophecy is very encouraging to others making a similar journey. I'm glad you stayed the course.

    The genre is out of my league, but possibly in my daughter's.

    I wish you MUCH success!

  13. Thank you Lisa for taking the time to do this post. I wish you much success with this book and the rest in the series.


  14. Anita, I'm sure your daughter would enjoy it! As long as she's over the age of 16. I hope you get a copy for her, it's a fun read, and a great new made-up world! Thanks for the comment!

  15. I envy you being able to write with a partner--especially a sister. Good luck with your book.

  16. I always enjoy hearing The Grassroots Story of how a novel comes into being. What a wonderful turn of events to bring your sister in on the project so that the result would be the best of two minds. Very inspirational!!!

  17. C. Lee, it is fun and I'm so glad that she and I are able to work together. I've heard horror stories from other writers about their bad experiences with writing partners. I guess it's not for everyone, but it works for Toni and I and we have a blast! Thanks so much for your comment!

  18. Thanks Robin, and we have several more books to go! but so far, so good! I hope you try Fable. It's a great story! Thanks for your comment!

  19. How wonderful to write a book with your sister! Congratulations.

  20. Thank Liza, you should give the book a try. It's a great read! Thank you for your comment!

  21. I liked the sound of your book so I bought the Kindle version.


  22. Thanks Jo! That's so nice and I look forward to your review. Please let me know if you liked it! Thanks for your comment and I will wait patiently for your take on Fable.

  23. Hi Lee, I'm here to announce the winner of the drawing. It's Alex J. Cavenaugh. If you could have Alex email me I will be sure to mail the prize! Thanks for all the comments from everyone! It was so nice!

  24. Congratulations to Alex!

    Thank you, Lisa, for taking the time to stop by on your virtual book tour. I wish you great success on this book and all of those to follow. Remember too that you're always welcome at this blog to do a guest post.


  25. Lee, Thank you so much for having Lisa, and Tony as your guests. I truly believe, that their book will become, in my humble opinion, a huge success. Lisa, Toni, I wish you the best. Blessings.

  26. Dr. Johnny-- It's been a delight to be able to showcase this work by Lisa and Toni. I'm wishing them great success on the series.


  27. Thanks Lee and Johnny! You both have been so supportive to me and I appreciate you! Thanks again Lee for having me as a guest on your blog! Johnny, I hope your belief that our books will be successful is correct!


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