
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Shine On from L.D. Masterson

       Since my most recent Monday posts have been kind of heavy and even potentially divisive, I've been trying to keep things somewhat light during the rest of of the week on Tossing It Out.   One of my primary intents on this blog is to stimulate thought and encourage discussion.  I think I have achieved that, but at the same time some people have gotten upset with me because some opinions expressed here are different that what they believe.  Exploring differences is a good thing isn't it?   It's what I do though and if I weren't doing this I might be blogging about books I've read and so many of you are doing that far better than I could.

       In the past I have indicated that I no longer do the blog awards, but sometimes I break down and do it just to cool things down and to acknowledge the nice bloggers that passed them on to me.  Today I thank my very dear blogging friend L.D Masterson for passing on the Shine On Award.  I'm just going to hog this award to myself because L.D. said we could and it's just simpler for me.  And I get content for blog post.   Thank you L.D.!

The Shine On Award   

Here are the questions that were requested that I answer:

1. How long do you spend putting together a blog? --Of course it depends on the nature of the blog post, but I try to keep it down to a half hour if at all possible, but I can spend as much as two or three hours if I do research or add links.   These days I'm trying to do less posts like that.   In fact in the coming summer months you may be seeing some very strange short posts.  Something may be going to happen, but I don't want to discuss it until the end of summer.  Come to think of it, I guess you often see strange posts on this blog.

 2. What other writing do you do? --Ha-ha-ha!  Sometimes I scribble down ideas. On very rare occasions I might work on one of my novels or start an article or something.  I really need to work on this.  I love blogging, but it can be a big distraction.  I get distracted very easily.

3. Do you blog because you like to, or because you were told you have to by a publisher? - -I've told this story before, but I started blogging because I read that I could make money doing it.  Then I just started liking the writing and I realized that I had been neglecting my love of writing.  Blogging forced me to write (because I was compelled to blog regularly).  Now blogging is a sort of obsession which I hope pays off in some way down the road.

 4. What is a story your family likes to tell about you? - -So often those family stories are the ones that are kind of embarrassing.  Do you really think I want to tell them here?  Okay, they like to rib me about the time I walked to California from East Tennessee.  It's a long story that I hope to turn into a book one day.  My family likes to tell the first part, which is short, but it's kind of embarrassing.  If you ever meet my family they'll tell you the story eventually.  Or you can wait and read the book.

 5. When you visit another blog, do you promote it on social media?--I've gotten into a tweeting habit.  Sometimes I will tweet a blog post if I really like it and remember to tweet it.  On rarer occasions I will promote a link on Facebook, but honestly I don't think most people even notice.   I know I rarely chase down a link on Facebook.  Actually I don't have much time to be chasing down links.  What do you think I do?  Sit at a computer all day?    Well, maybe I do, but still...


       Thank you L.D. Masterson!   If you've never checked out her blog make sure you pay her a visit.   She rarely fails to add a laugh and a lingering smile to each visit I pay there.

         How much time do you put into blogging?   Do you ever think about giving it up--or at least putting it on hold for a while?   Does your family like to embarrass you with stories you'd rather them not bring up?

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  1. I love these answers Lee, congratulations on the award mate, much deserved.

  2. Congratulations, Lee. I actually knew most of that - guess we've known each other a long time now!

  3. Congrats on your award Lee, well deserved, I don't think I could give up blogging whenI problems a while back with Chrome it was awful. I have however given up Face book had trouble with a group I belonged to who reported that I requested people I didn't know yourself included.


  4. You are a 'Bright and Shinning Star'...muchly deserved, and I'm glad you accepted...enjoyed reading your requested answers.

    So Shine On...I can see you all the way from Texas.

    Sue CollectInTexasGal
    Hitchin'A Ride on the AtoZ RoadTrip

  5. You are a 'Bright and Shining Star' in Blogland and the award is certainly well placed...congrats! I'm glad you accepted...I enjoyed reading your required answers.

    So, Shine On...I can see you all the way from Texas.

    Sue CollectInTexasGal
    Hitchin'A Ride on the AtoZ RoadTrip

  6. TN to CA is a really long walk, Lee. I do want to read the book. Hurry up and write it.

  7. couldn't go to a cooler guy... great responses.

  8. Aw, can't you give away a little about your walk?

  9. Congrats on the award. I knew some of this too. Wow. Have I been around too long?

  10. You walked from California to East Tennessee?!? You'd better get that book written because I want to read it. Either that or I go hunting for your family.

    Thank you for the nice words (here and in your response to my comment on Monday).

  11. Lee,

    Congratulations on another award well deserved.

    I got into blogging because you told me to — at a workshop six weeks ago. I started my first blog ever and completed the A to Z Challenge which was rewarding in and of itself. Now I've continued the blog with a weekly column.

    I've had three nominations for awards, I'm not quite certain how I feel about pursuing them. I've thanked those who have nominated me, but my time is at such a premium that I haven't been able to meet the requirements. Perhaps another time.

    I do gain a tremendous amount of personal satisfaction from the blog and from interacting with other blogs and bloggers. For that I owe you a bit of a debt.

    Thanks, Lee, for another fine post.

  12. I try to cap making a blog at 15 minutes but the can often take 30-60 minutes.

    And that's a might long walk. Amazing. I would do it on a bicycle.

  13. Congrats on the award!

  14. The amount of time I've spent blogging over the last (almost) 5 years has varied significantly. There were times when I didn't blog for 3 or 4 weeks, and other times, where I "tried" to write a post a day. That didn't work.

    Presently, I haven't managed my life well enough to spend a couple hours blogging every day; though when I get to that fantasy place, I'd like to have 3 uninterrupted hours a day to write. Currently, I find an hour a day, here and there.

    And no - not many of my embarrassing stories are told. My family knows when the joke is over. I've taught them well. :)

  15. I don't see a reason why I would give up blogging though sometimes I'm more active than others.
    LD is great and so funny.

  16. Thanks for the kind words today. Sorry if I seem a bit rushed but I need to go work on my story about walking to California. Well, after my nap. Then I have to fix some potato salad. And do some blogging activity. Oh, here I go again!


  17. Congratulations on the award. And yes, it is a long walk. Will be a long wait too I guess.

    Was thinking about swearing today whilst bowling. If you want to know why people swear, go to a bowling alley.


  18. My posts take a long time to write, and if I had time (and inspiration) I would update it more. My family tell such embarrassing stories about me that it is not even funny anymore.

  19. Funny you mention about making money. I had that idea at first. Then I started my current blog and was like a rudderless ship...everywhere.

    Now I enjoy writing what I want, when I want and sharing some good visits with my blogger friends.

    Adapt and react, eh!

    Chuck at Apocalypse Now

  20. congrats on your worthy award! My goodness, I'm impressed you can cut your blog post time to only 30 minutes. I need to speed up my delivery!!

  21. Shine On, Arlee...I can see you all the way from Texas. I'm glad you accepted and posted your requested answers. Enjoyed reading them. #5 Ditto for me...except about the $$$.

    Sue CollectInTexasGal
    Rattlesnake Butte on AtoZ RoadTrip

  22. Jo -- I haven't been to a bowling alley in years, but last time I went it seemed like a pretty wholesome family environment.

    Ice Girl -- Those family stories can get pretty tiresome sometimes.

    Chuck -- I did a lot of experimentation on my blog at first and actually I still do. I've given up on my aspirations of being a pro-blogger. It's more fun to just write.

    Lynda -- The 30 minute time is mostly for my really short posts and those are usually on my dream blog. If I'm not researching or linking and just writing from thoughts and experiences I can crank out posts quickly.

    Sue -- I never pay to promote a link, but I'll promote free when I get the chance and if I remember to do it.


  23. Congrats on the award and your answers have allowed me to know you a little bit better.

  24. I'll buy that book once it's out! :)


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