
Friday, November 4, 2011


Save 20% when you register for BlogWorldExpo in Los Angeles, Nov. 3-5, 2011.


      If all goes as planned I am at BlogWorld today.   I've got my day mapped out and I'm ready to go. My plan is to take the train to the Los Angeles Convention Center in order to save the $12 parking fee and the twenty or so dollars it would cost to drive.  If the train works well I'll probably do the same on Saturday.

         According to my present schedule I'll try to take the 6:50 AM train to get me to the venue by 7:30 which is when the registration desk opens.  That should give me some time to join in the 8 AM networking breakfast and scout the facility before the doors to the exhibit hall open at 10:00.

         What do I expect to find there?  The Expo is essentially a trade show where there will be about 100 booths representing many companies and organizations related to blogging, social media, and other things.  Add to that a throng of bloggers and social media enthusiasts exploring what the expo has to offer.  For me that spells education and enlightenment.

         I'll let you know on Monday how it all went.

          Will any of you be there this weekend?

By the way, you don't have to go to BlogWorld in person to take advantage of the wealth of knowledge that the seminars will offer.  All speaker sessions will be available online for you to enjoy at your leisure.  For more information follow the link below:

Order by 11/5 and save $150 on your Blog World Virtual Ticket! Price goes up to $497 on 11/6!



  1. I'll look forward to reading your report.

  2. Good luck at Blog World man. Hope it's a lot of fun, have a good one buddy!

  3. Good Luck and have nice Blog World....

    With thanks and regards

  4. Can't wait to hear about your visit.

  5. That sounds like an awesome day! Wish I could be there. Enjoy!

  6. I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to hear all about it. Enjoy!

  7. Hope all your connections work for you. Have a great day.

  8. I'll be there in spirit, Lee. And you had better take good notes for those of us who are going with you in spirit. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  9. Trust all goes well and you truly enjoy yourself and find this to be of great benefit and edification!

    Smart move not trying to drive. Train will be fun and relaxing!

  10. I hope you have a productive visit. Parking fees can be insane in big cities.

  11. Sounds like a great time! New Follower here...I look forward to reading about it!

  12. No way I could make this. I have midterms next week. Sigh.

  13. Looking forward to reading how it all panned out.

  14. Have a great time Lee, look forward to hear how it all went.


  15. Enjoy your time at Blogworld, Lee!

    I'm sure you'll have some nice tidbits and information to share or at least reflect on, upon your return.

    Have a wonderful weekend :)

    The Madlab Post

  16. Sounds awesome! Can't wait to hear about it on Monday. Enjoy!

  17. All of your followers should send you a dollar to recoup your expenses, because I know you're going to tell us ALL about your Blog World Expo experience! :)

  18. Thanks for the comments and well wishes. First day went very well. I'll have plenty to relate about the experience next week.


  19. Glad that your first day went well. I'm looking forward to hearing all of the details. Julie

  20. Good to meet you Lee! I took the train to save on gas and parking, too. Hope you had a fantastic #bwela. I need to catch up on rest before I can recap an incredible weekend. To post, I had to login to my old WordPress blog. Keep in touch!

  21. Wow, Lee ... thanks for the info, and have a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear more about how it went when you get back.


  22. Buck - It was nice meeting you at #bwela. What an informative event it was. Taking the train was a good idea.

    Kathy and all-- more info to come on Monday and Wednesday.



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