
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Catchup On My Blog Burger

         If you read my Monday post you may be wondering what the heck is going on today.  Perhaps we can consider this as an example of what I was talking about when I was saying that awards acknowledgement posts are a lot of work.

         This is a post that I started in April. Since I was in the midst of the A to Z Challenge when I received some of these awards, I began saving them on this post.  As summer passed I continued to add a few more.  I had other posts scheduled and did not want to interfere with those.  At any given time I have over 25 posts waiting in the wings ready to go public and I sometimes hate to break the continuity of what I'm doing to do an awards post.  It's a continual game of catch up.

          It's much like my e-mails.  New e-mails seem to get added to my mailbox faster than I can go through them.  I probably still have more awards that I've missed in my mail.  Sorry if yours is among those.  

          Enough of my yammering.  Let's get on with the awards. No facts about me.  No passing them on to anyone (although they are yours for the taking if you'd like).  Just awards with no gimmicks attached.

And now I humbly accept: 

         Beth at Daily Journey passed this Versatile Blogger Award to me, as did Brianna from A Pocketful of Playdough, Eve from Little Things.. Debra Ann Elliot at Sticks and Stepping Stones, Michelle Pickett, and Fiona Faith Maddock of Novel Thinking.

From Mysterious Rose at Mysterious Books comes this strawberry flavored "Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award".  This was also awarded to me by San at Informed Sharing

Thank you to Sue from I Refuse to Go Quietly for this Liebster Blog award.


Thank you RJR Daydreamer for this Appreciated Follower Award.Michelle Pickett

From Nutschell The Writing Nut is "the Creative Blogger Award"

From Madeleine at Scribble and Edit this really cool looking "Hot Blog Award"--now this is an award that really represents me--I love hot spicy foods.

           I thank you all for your kindness in bestowing these awards upon me.  I hope I didn't miss any and if I did then perhaps I'll find it in my e-mails.

           Don't forget to visit the new Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Blog and please become a follower.  A couple people have mentioned that they don't see the follower button.  It's in the top right hand of sidebar.  You may have to try to reload the page if it's not showing up.  It's there, but apparently there is a glitch that's been going on with Blogger or something.

            Can anybody identify the hamburger shown above?  Who likes hot peppers and spicy foods?  Anyone need an antacid?



  1. It looks like Burger King. Nice post :)

  2. You're gonna hafta build a special shelf, just to display your awards!

  3. I'm not a burger guy, but I do like spicy food! Following the A to Z Challenge blog now.

  4. Nice blog as usual buddy. Congratulations on all of these blogging awards, they're much deserved.

  5. And some emails are imagined (Wink, wink)! :)

    I guessing a Big Mac.
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  6. You are well thought of to receive so many awards. Congrats.

  7. oooh, congrats on all of those awards, you're a true star, Lee :P

    Believe it or not, I've never eaten a burger in McDonalds, Burger King ... anywhere :) Not even in the days when I ate meat as a kid

  8. Justin -- Not Burger King. Thanks for stopping by.

    Val -- My shelves are scattered throughout my blog house.

    Alex -- Thanks for the A to Z support. Sending a virtual habanero pepper your way through my mental powers. Did you get it?

    Yeamie -- Thanks for the support.

    Jules-- Who me? I never saw a thing. And I haven't looked in my mailbox today--I'm scared to. No not a Big Mac.

    Teresa -- Either well thought of or people just needed a convenient place to dump the ones they got. But I do appreciate all of the kind thoughts behind them.

    Dezmond -- Thank you for that kind statement. No fast food burgers-- my what a deprived life you've led--or perhaps what a depraved life for those of us who eat them.


  9. That same burger image is in a ton of blogs with no one crediting it, so I'm guessing it's just a stock photo and not an actual burger from any real place?

  10. Yes, I can identify that hamburger. It's MINE!! Pass it over.

  11. Hehehe I have hundreds of awards that I really want to get to, but I wasn't bright enough to save the links to a post, so I'd have to go all the way back to April. >_<

  12. Congrats on the awards Lee well deserved. I can't find the A to Z challenge on the side bar.

    Have a lovely day.

  13. That burger is making my mouth water.

  14. It looks like a Burger King Burger. Probably is one you cooked however.

    Congrats on all your awards. You are a blogger extraordinary it looks like.

    Good job!

  15. I going to say Wendy's but it probably is a stock photo (??).

    Congrats on all the awards.

  16. Kelly -- Actually it's a promo photo from the restaurant offering it in recent promotions. In all fairness it's a regional fast food place that a lot of folks back east might not be familiar with, but it has hundreds, maybe thousands of locations in the west.

    Delores-- You can have it cause I don't want it.

    Misha -- You have a lot of work in store for you if you do that. Fortunately I was adding them to my saved post as I went.

    Yvonne -- I don't have an A to Z icon in the side bar yet, but I have now added the link within the post. Thanks for reminding me.

    Bish -- They've been advertising it on TV lately and it makes me want one, but seem like every time I get a burger anymore it's never really as good as it looked once I start eating it. I guess I just don't like burgers like I used to.


  17. Gregg -- One that I cooked would not look that picture perfect. In fact the ones you get in the restaurants never look as good as the photos either. Not BK, but it's from a chain that I think might be in your area. It's a place you are definitely familiar with. I remember these food joints back in the early 60s when we lived in San Diego.

    Donna -- Not Wendy's, but probably you could say it's a stock advertising photo from the company that promotes this burger.


  18. Lee, if I may be so bold, take small steps in the direction that you have chosen and talk yourself into not looking back.

    You will always receive blog awards. Choose how you want to deal with them and then carry it out without further apology. You're never gonna come across as an ingrate. There's a reason why you have thousands of followers.

    Two cents.

  19. Well. Over a thousand, anyway. :)

  20. Arlee,

    When I grow up, I wanna be as organized as you. I'm ashamed to admit I don't even have a single blog post in the event that I can't post on a given day. Something I need to think about.

    Blog awards. I feel guilty when I see them. I've been given some I never posted. I need to make time to do that.

  21. This is why I don't do awards. Too much work.

  22. I think that might be a burger from "In & Out." We don't have them around here, but I know I've seen that pic before and a handful of my California friends have sung the praises of that place.

    I don't like spicy foods, but I ADORE cheeseburgers. Yummilicious.

  23. You have 25 posts ready to go at any given time? Wow. You are a master!

  24. Great post. I'd say more, but I'm going to get me a hamburger.

  25. Suze -- As I said in my previous post I will continue to give some acknowledgement to the awards, but not play be the rules by which they are given. There are times when the awards do come in handy, but I don't want them to interfere with the topics I would rather be posting.

    J.L.-- I am organized in some things, but highly unso in others. Like I really need to straighten up my home office. And don't even get me started about my garage.

    Matthew -- Plain and simple you have stated it correctly.

    Word Nerd --No, not In and Out, although they are cited as one of the best hamburger chains, a spot that is now being challenged by Five Guys. I never understood the lure of In and Out. They are pretty good--better than most of the fast food places--but I don't crave it like some people seem to.

    Liza-- Well, not all of them are ready to go immediately on line. They all require some tweaks and even rewriting. Some are outlines or lists of ideas that can be whipped into a post pretty quickly. But I am ready if I need a post in an emergency.


  26. Al -- Enjoy your burger. I just finished a burrito and a taco.


  27. Based on your hint, now I'm going to guess Jack in the Box.

  28. becca -- Thank you!

    Kelly -- You won! I'll stuff one in a padded envelope and send it to you.


  29. Thank Sweet Blogger award makes me hungry . .


  30. Sorry I'm late. Wednesdays are crazy because I'm unable to be at a computer most of the day. I'm following the A-Z challenge blog. Is it a Wendy's burger?

  31. Congrats, Lee, on your awards! I don't think I've ever been served a burger that good looking, but Red Robin might come close.

    The last time I did an awards post, it took me 2 hours because I kept screwing up the links! I've since started gracefully declining them; but they are a really nice way to acknowledge others, and especially heartwarming for brand new bloggers.

  32. That's a lot of awards.

    And I just went through my emails today! Most were just deletes, but ignore them for a couple days and they start to add up.

  33. Don't recognize the burger (but am now hungry).

    My kids worry that I will put jalapenos in my cheerios. What does that tell you?

  34. Donna - Does look pretty good doesn't it.

    Ciara -- Not a Wendy's burger. As Kelly guessed above it comes from Jack in the Box. It's the Outlaw Burger. I was tempted to get one, but I don't think I could handle it.

    Li -- Red Robin has pretty good burgers, but I rarely go there since there's not a location that is particularly convenient to me. Yes, those links are the biggest time consumer. It's great for networking when you are a starting blogger, but after a while it's difficult to keep track of who's gotten what.

    L.Diane -- The emails can really become a nightmare even if I'm away from the computer for a day or two. Next week I'll be away on a ten day trip and I'm sure that the email count will go back up way past 1000. It gets crazy.

    Mary -- That's extreme spicy love. I like jalapenos but never tried them on cereal.


  35. Congrats on the awards! Will hop over to the A to Z blog!

  36. I adore spicy food, but I have to remember to pull back when I have guests for dinner ;)

    Congrats on your gazillion awards.

  37. I'm more impressed with your 25 posts waiting in the wings than the awards! :)

    Congratulations...still :)

    Keep up the good work. LOL

  38. I have no idea about the burger...I have a feeling that burger does not fit into my Weight Watchers program, looks too good! :)

    And is there an award for having the most awards?..I think you win!

    Can't comment from my new blog on here? Let me know if you know why it won't go through.

    Have a great Friday,

  39. Congrats on all those awards!!

    Dunno much about the burger, cos am not a burger fan, but must say this one looks delish.

  40. Karen -- Thanks for the visit and for the A to Z support.

    Lynda -- Not everyone can handle spicy food. Even I don't spice it up as much as I used to.

    Anita -- I'd rather be writing posts for future release than spending time on assembling award posts.

    Scarlett-- I'm not sure about the commenting problems you are having. I got this one.

    Damyanti -- I have a nearby location of the restaurant that sells this burger, but I can't bring myself to get one. I just can't handle big burgers like I used to.


  41. Blog awards! Sigh. My good Lutheran upbringing is at war with my desire to not have a lot of tschotchkes on the shelf. I'm grateful to those who bestow them, but I hate to dust. It's all I can do to deliver something twice a week that will cause somebody to snot their computer screen, and I leave the awards, challenges, and other blogolia for others. That doesn't mean I don't feel guilty about it. Cheers!

  42. Just slip in a few slices of avacado, a dash of A-1 and it is the burger of my dreams. It was fun to scroll down your awards. Nice wrap up.

  43. Congrats on the awards. You may need to build a larger recognition display case now though...

  44. Hi Lee .. congratulations on the awards - lovely to get them .. but what next! I love Madeleine's one - Hot Blog award .. steaming hot .. it's certainly bold and beautiful .. do burgers fit into that category..

    Cheers - it's great to be a part of the team .. Hilary

  45. Congrats on all the awards man! Love hot foods. Can't get enough.


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