
Friday, April 1, 2011

Ambitious April


           We've arrived at last to that date so many of us have been anticipating.  Posts themed to the letter "A" have already been getting posted as April 1st makes its way around the globe.  And even as some of us are just posting our entries for the 1st, others on the other side of the world are posting for the 2nd.  It's mind-bending, time-warping, and totally wonderful.

           Some of you are not just doing the A to Z Challenge.  There's NaBlo, Scriptfrenzy, Poetry Month, and other events that some of you may be doing at the same time as A to Z.  This is not to mention work, school, family, and all the other things of everyday life.  We've got a ton of stuff going on and though daunting, we know we can do it.  We got the right stuff and that's why we're here.

          A few have dropped out, but that's to be expected in an event as major as this Challenge.  The rest of us are in it for the long haul.  The marathon has begun and we are going to make it to the finish line.  We are the awesome ones.  This may be the most amazing April in blog history.  This is our Ambitious April.  Congratulations to all of you.  You are about to embark on a memorable adventure.

          "A" also stands for award.  I want to acknowledge this award.  

Deirdra at A Storybook World gave me this Best of SciFi Award.  I don't know that I would consider my blog a "science fiction blog" but I have dabbled in the genre and I do enjoy science fiction.  And then of course my NaNoWriMo novel, my current WIP--Time Light--is a science fiction.  So maybe I do qualify.  Thank you, Deirdra, for the lovely award.



  1. Very ambitious indeed, should be a fun month. There are crazy many involved so you guys did a great job setting up the biggest bloghop challenge ever :)

  2. I'm determined to make it to that finishing line! Here's wishing success to each and every A-Z blogger!

  3. Yay! I found out about the A to Z challenge just in time! (About an hour ago to be exact) Working on blogpost "A" now :-)

  4. It is going to be the most amazing month ever! Thank you again for hosting and good luck to everyone who is taking part.

    Ellie Garratt

  5. Wonderful start Lee, thanks for the visit much appreciated.
    hope the challenge goes well for you personally.


  6. well done Lee (and co.). Will be interesting to see how many of us are left standing at the end fo the month.
    good luck everyone,
    Moody Writing Blog

  7. Absolutely Ambitious... but Awesome as well... taking a deep breath as April roars into town!
    Congrats on the pretty award :-)

  8. Without ambition where would we all be? It's great what you've done, organising this massive event. And yes, you are one ambitious blogger.

    You did say we should post up our link so

  9. Morning Lee, congrats on the award and Happy Ambitious April Fool's month. :O)

  10. Accck! Absolutely awkward attempt at authoring a's at Jan Morrison

    thanks so much for co-hosting this big 'to do' as my dear ma would've called it.

  11. All right, here in Germany it's noon and the perfect time for my first A-Z post! Oh, btw: My ABC list was written in German and I'm going to use the German prompt words, but the entry is in English, of course: A for Anfang (start)

    Enjoy reading! Wish you a wonderful weekend! :-)


  12. I've been up since 4AM writing and then reading. Fun! Maybe a little obsessive, but hey, there are worse habits. Thanks for your support and encouragement, Lee! (A is for Awesome Arlee

  13. Congratulations and thank you Arlee. This incredible blogfest is an enormous task even to bring it to the starting line.

    I am joining you and your comrades at the starting line. I am just now starting on B but planning to complete it. I am in for the fun and for the challenge;)

  14. My Google Reader is filled with "A" blog posts - it's fun seeing all the different ways people format their blog titles, and then the topics that they've chosen to do.

    It's already lots of fun and I look forward to more!

  15. Thanks for the pep talk. I am raring to go. congrats on the award as nice to be recognized.

  16. Amazing is right! Almost 1000 people participating, I feel like I'm in stellar company. This is going to be good. Thanks for hosting the party!

  17. It's kinda fun being first. It is already 2 April here in New Zealand, the first place in the world to see each new day. I won't post for another 8 hours though, as that is the normal time - although not normally two days in a row - and certainly not 26 :) I think I am up for the challenge. Thanks for setting it up.


  18. I'm only on A today, I'm trying to post so most of my readers can catch it, but I think I got it out too early. Oh well.

    Congrats on the award!


  19. It has begun! Damn, I've spent the morning just trying to catch up with all my new followers...

  20. All good thoughts, ambition is what drives us forward, and April is the perfect month for it. Thanks for sponsoring!

  21. It's going to be a busy, but fabulous April! Looking forward to finding new blogs to read. Already, the posts are so varied. What a creative bunch of bloggers!

    Happy Friday, Arlee! :o)

  22. Off we go! Congrats on the award and I don't know... I remember a Bigfoot post :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  23. A to Z is a brilliant project, Lee.

    The marathon has started!

    Have a wonderful Day!


  24. A is for Awesome Arlee for organising a great challenge and blogfest. Thank you!

    And, congrats on your award! ;-)

  25. This A to Z Challenge has reached epic proportions. I'm going to try my best to get through all 984 participants. But wow. Just wow

  26. I've got mine posted and yes I'm doing NaBloPoMo and Poem a Day...

  27. Lee, great beginning towards,an Amazing mind altering challenge~I look forward to this adventure with you and your army of followers(it's an a word) ;-D

  28. Hitting the keyboard running! Congrats on the award.

  29. It's going to be an amazing month. Thanks for all the hardwork you've done.
    Congrats on the award!

  30. Congrats on your award! :) Here is hoping to enjoy our April challenge!

  31. Hooray!!! The fun has officially begun! SO AMAZING!!!

    Look at your follower count grow as well?! We'll all be full of wealth and friendship when this is over!

  32. This is so fun but I can see where it will get rough around the letter M. I'm going to take it one day at a time. ;)

  33. You deserve an Award for launching this challenge. Great start and good luck.

  34. Hello Arlee! I'm a new follower. I was totally fascinated by your A-Z challenge, and while I'm not participating at the moment, wanted to follow more closely! Have a great day : )

  35. Congrats on another award! When we speak of Tossing It Out, we now refer to it as the Award Winning Tossing it Out blog! Good job. Great start with your Ambitious April! It is going to be a lot of fun, I couldn't wait to get up and come out to the study and start looking around.

    Gregg Metcalf
    Colossians 1:28-29

    Gospel-driven Disciples

  36. Great post to start us out! Got mine up and rarin' to go.

    Bev@My Reader's Block (#288)

  37. Congratulations on your award and I'm sure you will deserve many more when this is over! The good sport award already has your name on it! BTW, I still can't paste the A-Z symbol on my sidebar. I'm glad there's not a plainest looking blog there?

  38. I'm a new follower & took the A-Z challenge. Wow, what a lot of blogs that signed up.
    Please check out my blog at

  39. congrats on the award, Lee, and on the beginning of AZ!

  40. congrats on the award! Day 1 of very ambitious challenge, bring it on

  41. I'm happy to be a part of it all. Posting won't be too difficult. It's getting around to visiting everyone that's daunting. I'll try my best. Congrats on the award and have a wonderful day!

  42. My A to Z Challenge post for 'A'-Acceptance

  43. Thanks for co-hosting! It's going to be a fun month, for sure!

  44. I think my favorite part about this challenge is that it's not a competition... When there's a prize involved, people seem to be less about the fun.

    Thanks for doing this, I'm having a great time reading everyone's posts!

    My phone keeps buzzing cause I follow the comments via email. Darn thing's going to shake all it's screws loose! :D

  45. I'm looking forward to the release of Time Light! Best wishes for your success with this book and have agreat weekend.

  46. Oh Wow.Lee! Daunting is hardly the word when it comes to trying to read a lot of the wonderful blogs that are being posted. I will try to read as many as I can. I may just begin at the top and read about 25 a day, and get through as many as I can by the end of April. Let's see, that would only be about 750 by the end of April. Whoooeee. Thanks for the tremendous job you all have done with the organizing of this tremendous blogfest. Love, Ruby

  47. glad to be back.. my first post a little short.. but I will get my grove on.. and I am so glad to read all the a's I had neglected.

  48. And we're off! Trusting that my Mac stays healthy this go around!

  49. Me too I am so curious as to how many will cross the finish line! Thanks for hosting this! It is an advantage for us on the other side of the globe. I can get my posts up, get my work done, and then just sit and read blogs as others get theirs up. Win win for me yay!

  50. Congrats on your award!

  51. I've got to be out of my mind to add another blogging thing to my list. But I love the idea of this sounded like fun! Now I just need to come up with a theme (or perhaps I will keep it random?) Looks like I have a busy day ahead of me!

  52. hooray for being ambitious!

    I want to take this moment to pledge to always be ambitious about life it makes it exciting.


  53. Yay!

  54. Life does get in the way sometimes, but I'm planning ahead. This should be a fun and interesting month of blog reading.

  55. Today, so far, has been a blast!
    Thank you for that.

  56. Congrats on your Award! Definitely well deserved!

    Was so Anxious to start the blogging it Almost kept me up last night. But after a good night sleep, I posted my A and now I'm enjoying myself by reading others.
    Good luck everyone! See you at Z!

  57. This is exciting to see what everyone is posting. Great A word. Ambitious. See you on the B-round.

  58. Lee, do you have an email or way of contacting you privately? I looked but I didn't see anything.

  59. And you're off! Have an Awesome April.

  60. Giving this a try... day one done! Hopefully I will come up with something better for B-Z!


  61. I'm loving everyone's posts so far and marveling at everyone's creativity! I'm excited to see what's in store the next few weeks!

  62. I seriously can't believe how big it's gotten. We 'met' in last years challenge. I can't believe it's been a year!!! BTW, I'm impressed you didn't just decide to forfeit and say it was all just an April Fools gimick. :o) Good going, Lee!

    Jessica @ The Alliterative Allomporph

  63. I think I read somewhere that you were hoping for 300 participants. Well, you're already three times over that number - phew!
    I have serious doubts about reaching the finish line - but I'll try :-)
    Good luck to all!

  64. You deserve the award!

    A great, energizing post. I almost dropped out, and this is the only one I signed up for (would love to do poetry month, though). I plead AGE (that's A, should have done that on my post) but then I think I have more energy than a lot of people who are much younger, so I gotta keep going.

    You're Awesome (another A).

  65. Arlee---there are over 1000 participants! A is also for AMAZING, which you are. ;) I'm already having fun, and I thank you for making this happen.

  66. This is crazy fun already! As I had said in a previous post, I will be reading all of the comments but I won't be responding individually to them unless they really seem to require an individual response. I'd rather do my best to make it around to all of your blog posts which I will attempt.

    Keep having fun with the Challenge. Keep a positve mindset. You can and will finish the entire alphabet and be better for it.


  67. So excited that today's the big day! I'm about to post my first blog for the challenge. Congrats on the award! :-)

  68. Truly Ambitious April! You dream it now we all work on it. Cool! Cheers up to Z! :)

  69. A is for Arlee.
    Ambitious April, indeed! Zoinks. SO MANY. This is the biggest, EPIC blogfest EVER. :)

    Happy weekend, Arlee!

  70. All aboard the a to Z Challenge! Wow! So many cars on this crazy track!
    How wonderful to be a part of the trip!

  71. Looking forward to another fun and exciting A to Z challenge! Thanks for your part in pulling this all together Lee and I look forward to meeting others along this journey.

    Congrats on the award too!

  72. I'm totally excited about this month! It's super cool that something as ambitious as the April A-Z challenge has gotten so big.

  73. Congrats on the award! And one big thank you for hosting this, for your encouragements, and for your visit! I've always wanted to be in a marathon. :-)

  74. Hi! I just posted mine. I was wondering how I was going to to this, but I take tons of photos and post everyday ... so I am posting my own pictures and then linking up to the posts they came from. Thanks for hosting.

    Kathy M.

  75. I admire you for this amazing accomplishment. You always astound me.

    hmm....that's 5 A's in my commnet! :)


  76. I didn’t participate last year but I did visit people who did and found some great people.

  77. Wow, April is pretty darned ambitious! Better hang on tight!

  78. if not anything else, writers are ambitious. It's encoded into our DNA! has to be - why else would we attempt such a crazy journey? :)

  79. what a cool award--my husband loves science fiction!


  80. What a cool blog you have! I like this idea, as it seems to be finding its way to me at just the right time. I've entered the challenge with my first post, A is for Alzheimer's Sucks. I've become a follower of your blog and would love it if you would follow me too:
    Nice to meet you!

  81. Ambitous describes all of the 800+ individuals who are participating in the adventure...another A word :)

  82. Lol, I hope I'm not overly ambitious! I learned about the challenge and joined this morning, even though I've only been blogging for two weeks. Best of luck to all A to Z challenge participants!

  83. I have been feeling overwhelmed as I prepared for this challenge, partly because I will be out of town for 10 days in April. BUT I now have blog posts scheduled for the next 20 days. :)

    Here is my first one

  84. This is my first ever blog challenge and I'm having a blast. I have two blogs in the challenge and I'm in it for the long haul.

  85. Hey,Lee,

    Having a great time! Congrats on the award...

  86. And many more thanks to the continued kudo and other assorted comments. I appreciate all of you.


  87. Here's hoping we all make it through to the end. Thanks again for organizing it. And congrats on the award :)

    East for Green Eyes

  88. Here is my entry for letter A.

    Thanks for looking.
    Laura T.

  89. Thanks for hosting!

    My WIP is sci-fi too.

  90. thanks for starting this challenge, I'm loving it so far!

  91. Looking forward to getting to know lots more bloggers - and getting a routine going!

  92. Loved your posting. I'm doing my best to get my comments out there. Committed to a minimum of 30 posts around mine on the sign up list. Plus I'm going to post on everyone named Lisa - lol. Then everyone who comments on mine.

    Loving this.

    Inspired By Lisa A-Z

  93. I'm going to make it all the way through! I'm a little behind on pre-writing posts, but at least the topics are lining up nicely. I'm already finding new blogs to read too!

    Thanks so much for organizing this - it's going to be an awesome event.

  94. I am a new follower and a new addition to the A to Z challenge... my friend over at Thoughts from Tiffani convinced me to join in and I am excited to do so! :) Just posted my "A"!

  95. Thank you for the interesting challenge.i am your newest follower.My blog is
    Expressive Impressive

  96. Hi Lee .. well well done on all this organising .. good for you - fun times ahead .. Ambitious April - you're right .. cheers Hilary

  97. April is definitely an ambitious month for us A to Zers. Thanks for this blogfest!

  98. So far, the A-Z Blogfest is a roaring success -- and we're only into Day 1! Thanks so much for hosting. Looking forward to a GREAT month of April, in part thanks to you!

    Congrats on the award!

  99. Thanks for the chance to meet all these interesting people! This is ever so good. (And congrats on the award. Those are fun to win, aren't they?)

  100. I see the numbers have soared. I'm behind in checking out the blogs, but I'll get there.

  101. Thanks for hosting the blogfest! It's only the first day of April--but things have already started up!

    Congrats on the award!

  102. Just found out about this challenge, looks like fun. I'm now a new follower.

  103. An ambitious undertaking indeed! It's going to be an Awesome April :D


  104. Only just found out about this so am going to give it a go as my blog is something I always struggle to keep up to date! Check mine out at!

  105. Just found out about your blog & the A to Z challenge..posted my 1st letter..
    This is fun..

  106. Thank you for putting this challenge together! I have my first post in the bank and I'm already looking forward to the letter B. :)

  107. well i've decided to keep it simple but i am loving reading everyones blog that i follow that is doing this

  108. R-LEE BOID ~
    As I said in my reply to your comment on my blog, I find it astounding that this Blogfest has grown to this proportion - nearly 1,000 participants!

    Shouldn't these people be looking for jobs? (I jest, of course.)

    Anyway, just wanted to say "Congratulations" for conceiving such a hugely popular idea. Hard to believe that the "A To Z April Blogfest" has grown so much in just one year but... there it is!

    Yak Later, Brother.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  109. Thanks for your great site! Your Best of Sci/Fi Award reminds me of my "C" topic - Cylons. That could change though. Change is also interesting.

  110. I find I'm pretty excited today, now that the adventure has begun. Happy April!

    A Piece of My Mind

  111. My ambition is in high gear! Congrats on the award!

  112. @ Paula Martin,
    That's the same thought that I had. I'm pretty determined to make it. I'll use Sundays to prepare.

    Social Science Medley

  113. YAY! Thank you for the opportunity!

  114. An ongoing thank you to all commenters. Be assured that I am reading each of your comments and will respond as I see fit. AS I visit your sites, I am adding a note to my signature to let you know that in most cases I will not be subscribing to comments, but you can always respond to my comments directly via the email notification you receive for the comment. I believe my email should be showing on these.


  115. Good luck to everyone participating. I can't believe how fast April came up!

  116. What a great idea! Wish I had more time to participate. Still, I'll hop over to a few blogs.

    Lynnette Labelle

  117. yey for the award! and good luck to all of us on this really ambitious april quest!

  118. Hi Arlee. This is my first time doing A to Z. I'm shocked to see over 1,000 bloggers signed up for this! Even if some drop out, that is epic! I wouldn't be surprised if we made headlines or something. ;)

  119. Ambitious April, you can say that!

    It's great to see how different we all are, yet we all have a couple of things in common.

    Thanks, Arlee, great idea.

  120. I just found out it was National Poetry Month - perhaps it would be worth a try next year!

  121. Great way to start. We're all ambitious!

  122. Congratulations Arlee.
    Love Di ♥

  123. i'm so excited about this. great idea.

  124. It's absolutely nuts how many people have signed up. This is going to be a fun month.

  125. This my first year doing the challenge, but I'm having fun so far :)

  126. congratulations on your Sci-fi award - and the start of the A to z Challenge :D

  127. Posted my first A to Z post. This is going to be fun. Check me out at Thanks for hosting.

  128. My first A-Z, alcohol as a part of the essential writer's toolbox--but not how you think!

    This is going to be a wild month! :-)

  129. I'm in! And excited. Looking forward to being kicked in the ass to JUST WRITE this month. Thanks for the challenge!

  130. i swear it took me a few minutes to just get to the end of the comment list! can't believe how much the ranks have swelled from last year. times ten!

    btw Lee. your photo up above? you look just like Mike on "All in the family."

    well, i got 50 blogs to read!

  131. Love this challenge. Have challenged myself a little farther in what I expect in my blogs. Thanks for organizing. I am following you.

  132. Congrats on your award! Having a great day reading everyone's A-Z posts! Thanks for hosting!

  133. Thanks so much for the idea of this challenge! I just created my first post and am having a blast! :)

  134. Hi, I've had issues with, but I think we are okay now, and I can visit some blogs.

    I found this challenge only yesterday, but I have taken it to heart. April will be my month.

    MM the Queen of English

  135. Hi, I've had issues with, but I think we are okay now, and I can visit some blogs.

    I found this challenge only yesterday, but I have taken it to heart. April will be my month.

    MM the Queen of English

  136. Hi, I've had issues with, but I think we are okay now, and I can visit some blogs.

    I found this challenge only yesterday, but I have taken it to heart. April will be my month.

    MM the Queen of English

  137. I agree! I've taken on a few extra things this month, but as long as the goals are realistic and manageable - I like to set the bar high. I work better that way.

  138. I signed up so long ago I had almost forgotten - - and am grateful I didn't.

    here is my first post... Rebirthing Abondanza in April yee haw...

  139. You mean it's April 2nd somewhere already? Oh, damn, this is gonna kill me.

  140. Congratulations on the Sci.Fi Award. I am glad that I am going through the A to Z challenge. I will get to read so many blogs and find out about so many different interests. Thanks.

  141. What a great way to start the Challenge! :)

    Congrats, too, on the award!

    Happy weekend,

  142. I am so excited about the A to Z challenge! I love what you are doing here!

  143. Hi, I just joined too! Thanks for hosting - looking forward to the fun! - Anna

  144. This is an invigorating experience! Good luck and everyone have fun :)

    Kelly: My Voice, My View

  145. Ambitious indeed! Sooooo many people have signed up for the challenge--congrats!

  146. Ambitious yes, that's great. Quite an adequate start to this month of frenzied blogging.

    By the way, thank you for visiting my blog again!

    Duncan In Kuantan

  147. I'm in it for the long haul :)
    Thanks again for organising this amazing event.

  148. Your ambition has paid off in spades...the last time I looked, it was at 1108!!!! How about AWESOME, AMAZING and ASTOUNDING?!!!!

    Congrats on the award, too!

  149. I chose ambition as my first word. I sure will take some ambition for all of us to make it through the 26 days (and letter) I am absolutely ambitious :) I can't wait to meet new writers/bloggers and get to know you especially. You are AWESOME for this :)

  150. I am just curious, being new at this particular challenge - do you have/use a Twitter #hashtag to post and track everyone's blog posts? or do we post here, as I saw a few people do?

    These answers may be here in the hundreds of comments and replies, but I don't even know for sure where to start looking!

    I did my "A" post: A is for Always Learning.

    Thanks - this is going to be fun!

  151. Just found out about this. Sounds like a fun challenge: I'm in.

  152. I should have posted "A is for Arlee" but ended up with "Airport" instead since I was traveling today. Congratulations for a great idea and for growing it this big in only its second year.

  153. Best of luck with the challenge - it's all over the blogosphere!

  154. I just have to say this sounds like the most fun idea! And I think it's awesome you want to return the favor and follow our blogs. That's totally cool. My blog has a hint of sarcasm sometimes, but I also right meaningful posts. I hope you'll check it out!

  155. Everywhere I turn today there's another A post! It's Awesome Arlee! :)

  156. I just stumbled across your blog a few hours ago and I must say it is a God send. I was thinking earlier that I needed a challenge to get more writing done for my blog and here you go.

    I am your newest follower! And I am your newest participant in the challenge. I am so looking forward to this!


  157. Congratulations on your award, and I liked this "A" entry in general! :D

  158. Hi! I'm new! I've been dragging kicking and screaming into the blogging world (which, being as I'm an author, really should not have been that big a stretch for me) and now I have arrived! My psydo is Lydia Elizabeth, but my real name is Jennifer. I have a published book at (shameless plug entered here) and have MANY others in the works. I participated in NaNoWriMo, won it, had the word count say I was off, and ran out of time to just throw a few more words out there to "officially" make it (just a tad irritated at that), so a friend and I are doing our own version during April. Unemployed, bachelor's degree, two year old who is driving up the wall... what else do you want to know? :}

  159. Congrats on your award. So excited about this challenge! Should be fun.

    Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Publication

  160. Congrats Lee and it's wonderful to be part of this challenge again.

  161. Thanks for hosting this great event. It's my first year, and I'm looking forward to my commitment to blog, as well as experiencing new blogs.

  162. Congratulations on your blog award. "Ambitious" may not only describe all of the resolutions/plans that I set out to achieve this year, but also describes my last minute decision to join this April A to Z challenge after only finding out about it a few hours ago from a fellow blogger.

    Here is to a very productive, or rather (as you said...) "ambitious" month of April 2011!

  163. Congrats on your award!
    I just learned about the April A-Z challenge today and published my "A' post just a few moments ago. "A" for anomaly. Very excited to be a part of this! :)

  164. Great job, Arlee! This event is HUGE. You and the other organizers should be very proud.

    And now that I have some ideas, it really isn't so stressful. Imagine that!

  165. Congratulations on the award!

    And thank you so much for hosting this awesome blogging challenge. It's, like, mega huge.

  166. I'm going to hang in, it will be fun to see how creative I can be with the alphabet. I'm hosting a blogfest on the 15th (letter M) to celebrate my 1 year blogaversary.

  167. Such amazing response to the challenge!! I hope I can visit everyone at least once. My goal, anyhow! Happy A-Z! :)

  168. Hello
    New here. I will be doing the A-Z Apil Challenge. Looks to fun and a great way to break out of a comfort zone.
    My blog is
    Have a good one!!!

  169. I'm nuts and signed up with all six blogs. One was born just because of this challenge! I am trying to read as many as I can on th elist on my quiet days, and I am following the ones I enjoy the most. Thanks so much for setting this up! Just the kick in the pants I needed!

    I stopped by via the A to Z Blog Challenge. You can read my blogs at the following:

  170. SO excited to work my little behind off with all of you this month! Early mornings and alphabet-obsessed dreams are welcome with open arms - even though they are proof to my darling husband that I have gone quite mad. ;)

    Thanks to all the sponsors here for your encouragement.

  171. I'm from the future! :P Anyways Nice post! I wanted to check out how people started the A-Z Challenge and what material to include in the post. This helped a lot!

    Enjoy your week!


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
