
Friday, March 11, 2011

60 Words but not in 60 Seconds


         Nahno McLein is hosting the 60/60 Blogfest.  You have until next Wednesday to enter.  Go here to find out more.  So here is my 60 word submission, but it's going to take me more than 60 seconds.

The art of brevity is a misnomer.  The history of art spans a long stretch of time.  And the range of variety within the arts is broad and as infinite as the mind will allow.  How can art and brevity even be used side by side?  How can a windbag like me expect to be brief?  Me?  Sixty words? Hmmph!
       So that is my sixty words according to Word Count.  And you know?  I actually counted them myself and came up with sixty.  That Word Count is pretty amazing isn't it.

        Thank you Nahno for the 60/60 Blogfest!


          Please come back tomorrow for a special announcement.   I have an additional challenge related to the April Challenge.  I'm hoping that I can find a few good bloggers to help me take A to Z from ground level and send it soaring into the stratosphere. 



  1. A wonderful thing to be able to count Lee, actually it was a very good entry.
    My mind is boggled as to what the special announcemnt is. but looking forward to the challenge all the same,


  2. he he "Hmmph!" as the 60th word :))
    Nahno will be happy with your story, Arlee!

  3. Hilarious take on the 60/60 challenge. Thanks for sharing. Happy Friday! :o)

  4. 60/60, eh? Pretty cool writing exercise. Might just try that one ...

    Marvin D Wilson

  5. Nice! Love the 60/60 idea. Will see if I can give it a go.

  6. I love the way you did the challenge! Funny twist. :)

    Looking forward to finding out what the special announcement is!

  7. Oh, I'm not the clever one, but I will give it a shot. Why not try at least once... :)


  8. Very clever. Wondering about the announcement.....

  9. Okay, Lee!
    I don't write anything resembling poetry what-so-ever. I'm just not talented like that. However, I did give it a go. It's 60 words and can be read in 60 seconds, but no way was it completed in 60 seconds. I had to work on it, but something special's the first time I ever made anything rhyme (or attempted to) so, it's not super...but I felt like I've grown a little today...forced myself out of my comfort zone! :)

    here's the link, it's a regular post with the "60 second" challenge inserted into it with a link to that blogger's site.


  10. I like it! And I'm curious about that announcement... :)

  11. My thanks to everyone who stopped by to comment on my 60/60.

    I hope that everyone will stop back by tomorrow to listen to what I have to say with an open mind and at least give my ideas some consideration.


  12. I'm impressed with your 60 word paragraph, but even more impressed and fascinated with your blogging diligence!

    You lead, you participate, you organize, you bring people together, and you WRITE!

    Obviously, you're having fun and I think that's great!

  13. You're welcome.
    And Dezmond is right, I am pleased, mighty pleased.

    The twist is awesome, couldn't have done it better. Thank you so much for taking part.
    I was wondering how you can write along doing other things, that would be a nice challenge for me actually haha.

    Curious about the announcement now.
    Nahno ∗ McLein


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
