
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tossing It Out Tuesday: Getting Organized

            Since coming back from vacation and trying to catch up with everything that's accumulated over three weeks,  I've been having a time management problem.  I've decided that I need to simplify my life and start tossing out the things that complicate my time schedule.  I'm going to start with my clocks.

             Also I've been distracted by something that's happening next Wednesday January 26, 2011.  Be watching this blog for a surprise announcement.  I can hardly wait!



  1. I have a time management problem daily. Getting rid of the clocks may be a solution, although I am not sure how they will take my lateness at work. Look forward to reading what the big surprise is.

  2. The 26 will rock! And I'll join you in the clock-tossing.

  3. I can't imagine what announcement you will make on the 26th........Well I can but I don't think THAT would be

    Have a good day.

  4. ah, you still have things to toss out?
    I'm almost convinced you will announce that you are pregnant and that's why you wore the formal blanket at the gala!

  5. Well, I guess the 26th isn't to far away. I guess I will have to wait, but since COPD it won't be with baited breath, and with an aging and widening bottom area it won't be on pins and needles, it doesn't sound like I should be waiting for my ship to come in, so I will just wait.

    While I am waiting I will seriously consider tossing out my clocks right along with you.

  6. Sounds exciting! Will look forward to it. Organization - what a nice concept! :) Aiming for some too this week.
    Have a good week,

  7. If you figure out how to get organized, please share. Not fair making us wait a whole week for the announcement. :)

    Thoughts in Progress

  8. I can hardly wait too Arlee! Thanks for leaving us hanging, LOL! Love Di ♥

  9. About two more years on the day job and then I'm tossing out my clocks.

  10. I'd like to simplfy my life by going back about 17 years. I think that's when we bought our first computer...

  11. I can't wait to find out what it is!

  12. Oh! I love when there are fun things to anticipate.

  13. Let me know if the clock tossing works as it sounds like a great idea. Looking forward to the big announcement on the 26th.

  14. At a minimum, you'll get to see time fly!

    (ouch-BAD old joke)

  15. Toss out clocks, good one! When my son moves out, I'm giving him at least 10, the latest one, that shakes his bed and sounds like a security alarm still doesn't wake him easily. Wakes everyone else in the house, though! augh~

    Can't wait to hear your news~

  16. I like the idea of tossing out clocks. I'm wondering what this surprise announcement will be... oh what a tease!

  17. Oooh, a secret! Can't wait!

    And I like your time management solution. Throw out the clocks!

  18. Thanks for all of your great comments.
    Believe me I'm bursting to tell the news. Alex is right when he said the 26th will rock. I think a lot of you might like this news.

  19. You sound like a wise lady. Blessings to you. CML

  20. Hi Lee .. sounds like life is a-changing .. looking forward to the 26th .. cheers for now - Hilary

  21. Looking forward to the surprise. Also waiting with baited breath for when you post feedback/review on Owen Fiddler. ;)

  22. Crystal Mary -- I'm not sure why that made me sound like a wise lady when I was trying to sound like a wise guy.

    Hilary -- Life often seems the same but is always changing.

    Marvin -- I'm slating the Owen Fiddler review for next Tuesday if nothing distracts me.

  23. Lee about 30yrs ago I tossed my TV out. That was probably one of the best things I ever did. Are you brave enough to toss it? Ha Ha Ha.
    Looking forward to the 26th.

  24. If only I can commit to a week of serious organization without doing anything else, I'd get somewhere. And then I'd have the guilt-free time that I desire so often. :)

    Good luck with your strategy and I'll be looking for the big news on Wednesday!

  25. Oh, the 26th! You're celebrating Australia Day, right?

    (Can't wait to hear.)

  26. I know what you mean about trying to catch up after vacation, and you have a great idea about simplifying your life! Looking forward to your announcement!


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