
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dezmond's Big Awards Show and Banquet!

           Today is Dezmond's big award show at Hollywood Spy.   This is the blog event of the season and you don't want to miss it.   All the stars of the blogosphere will be in attendance so don't be left out.  Pull out your finest from your closet and get gussied up for the ceremony.  

           If you aren't following Dezmond's blog yet you really need to click on his follower button so you won't be missing out on the latest entertainment news.  Now get on over there and see what I'm talking about.

Now where did I put my tuxedo?   Hmmm---do you think this might pass as a formal blanket?



  1. Very snazzy blanket, I predict it will be the new black.

  2. That the most glamorous formal blanket I've seen :P Major kudos to Dez and the Awards show; it's gonna be great!

  3. Indeed, good sir!

    I think you look mighty fine wrapped up in your... err, blanket - I mean tuxedo :)

  4. Fit for any oaccasion Lee, you look great.


  5. I can see you steppin" out in that Arlee! I will go take a peek at Desmonds blog. Love Di ♥

  6. ahahahahahhaaaa, I see you are going for a Ghandi look this year :) You will definitely be the main target for our paparazzi at the red carpet :)
    Hope you like the award I gave you ;) and thanks for this picture, I know you never post your pics, so I really really appreciate this post, Lee!

  7. Lee, you might just start a new trend. See you at the ceremony and congrats on your award.

    Thoughts in Progress

  8. Lol!!! - Your "formal blanket." :-D

  9. LOL - You look very snazzy and cozy. See you there.=D

  10. Lee, I think Dezz will cut you some slack!

  11. Hmm..with my purple sparkly dress, I feel underdressed next to you and your blanket. I can't compete with such glamour!!!

  12. Your look like a yogini, keeping warm! Congrats on your award~

  13. Thanking Dezmond as well as all of my well wishers! Wow what a rollicking party it was! Now let me finish my last glass of wine so I can go home. Uh-oh! Where's my blanket?

  14. Damn, my sexy red dress is at the cleaners.

  15. oh, my God, don't tell me you had nothing under the formal blanket??? Thank God all the guests were already drunk when the blanket slipping accident happened :Pp

  16. Congrats on your award! I do like that designer blanket of yours as it's got a really nifty color combo! :)

  17. PTM -- And that red dress is so you!

    Dezmond-- I guess I was hoping I'd start a trend.

    Lisa-- I tend to favor shades of blue.


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