
Tuesday, November 2, 2010


           First day in and NaNo has already started to take it's toll.   Okay I did also get distracted with a few other things as well.  Being the faithful blogger that I am, I realized as I was starting to go to sleep that I had forgotten my Tuesday blog post.   Can't let that happen can I?

            So for the sake of sleep and sanity I will keep today's post very short with an initial NaNo report..

            Name of my intended novel:    Time Light

            Genre:   Science Fiction

             Synopsis:   I'll tell you later

            Number of words on the first day:     1450

            Now I can go to sleep and dream about where this novel is going to go.  At least I have an opening scene.

            For those of you NaNo-ing, how'd your first day go?   And if your not, whatcha been up to?


  1. Looking forward to the synopsis! My first day went well. I had made plans to meet up with my husband and friends for a movie, so between work and seeing them, I found a spot in the mall and punched out a thousand words in about 45 minutes or so. It's a start!

  2. Hope you got some sleep. Impressive first day word count!

    I’m not NaNo-ing – I blame it on the month it falls in – too much other stuff going on, but I am truly impressed by all who do it and do it well.

    Good luck.

  3. Good for you. To answer you question from yesterday, I don't have a desire to write a novel. I would like to write a theological book of some sort for pastors. Maybe I can come up with an idea today and catch up with your 1500 words.

  4. Good start on the writing. 1450 is solid. I'm not doing NaNo, but having a blast peeping into the blogs of those who are.

  5. oh, I like the tittle and the genre of course, can't wait to hear the plot :)

  6. Nice Lee! That sounds like a good start.

    I did 1837 on day one and 2056 today. (Trying to save up words for Exam days)

    Good luck!

  7. Not participating, I'm decided to become a bow headed cheerleader and just drop by to offer cheers of encouragement :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  8. I'm not competing in NaNo, but I had a good writing day - and thanks for asking! ;) Best of luck to all you brave and dedicated NaNoers!

  9. Amie -- 1000 words in 45 minutes sounds good. I'm not sure how long I took because I kept going back and forth throughout the day and didn't concentrate my efforts. Hope to get my synopsis up soon--want to clarify it some in my own mind first.

    Jane -- Not as many words as I had hoped, but not totally disappointing considering that I'm still trying to figure out what the exact story is. At least it has a beginning.

    Gregg-- I didn't think you'd be going for a novel. You should definitely go for it--no time like now.

    Shellie -- Thanks for the support.

    Dezmond -- Plot will hopefully be up soon. I spent as much time trying to come up with an appropriate title as I did writing yesterday.

    Karen -- I can use some extra pressure. You do sound like you have plenty going on now.

    Misha -- You are off to a good start.

    Jules -- We appreciate the cheers and the cheering up.

  10. K.M. --At least you're writing. Thanks for the encouragement.

  11. First day was a little disappointing at only 786 words, but I pulled it back today when I reached 4094.

    A great idea sticking your progess on the beginning of each blog post!

  12. I had a pretty good first day--an even better second.

    Good luck with your writing!

  13. Best of luck with it all, I think it is great what you and so many other blogs are doing. I am currently studying for a work qualification so that is taking up a lot of my spare time. That and practising songs for a Depeche Mode tribute night on Friday, remember them?!

  14. Thanks for following my blog! I'm so happy to have found another NaNoWriMo participant too. My first day went very well, mainly because this year I'm using a highly detailed synopsis that goes chapter by chapter. What can I say I needed a map...especially since last time I participated I failed big time. Best of luck. Look for me on NaNoWriMo...and buddy me! I'm LLWriter.

  15. You wrote about the same amount of words as I did on Monday. Good, I don't feel so bad now!

  16. Being Aussie I'm a day ahead. As I type this, it's the morning of the 3rd day. In two days I've written a whopping 5100 words and I'm thrilled to pieces. It is a YA steampunk fantasy. I haven't settled on a title yet.

    I LOVE your title. It sounds intriguing.

  17. I wish you well with your novel,I would like to thank you for the wonderful messages you have left. I am staying overnight with my son so have the use of his pc. also a friend of his is looking at mine and has high hopes of repairing it and reasonably priced.
    Take care

  18. It's perfectly acceptable to skip a Tuesday from time to time. Yes, it's in the rule book!
    I my friend have been painting my butt off!
    Sorry that I missed your last post, I will go read!
    Sleep is good for the creative juices you know?
    Love Di ♥

  19. Ellie -- that second day really pulled you forward. Good job!

    Golden Eagle -- Thank you. I added you as a NaNo buddy.

    Happy Frog -- Of course I remember Depeche Mode--they were one of my faves back in the 80s. I listened to one of their albums not long ago and remembered how good they were.

    Lee -- You have been buddied. Sounds like you've really got NaNo together.

    Alex -- Yes, we are building up steam. We'll make up for it soon.

    Lynda --excellent start on the first 2 days.

    Yvonne -- I'm so glad to see you back. I'm sure you'll have everything back to normal soon.

    Diana -- I like to stick to my schedule as much as I possibly can. Gotta have my sleep--that's for sure.

  20. Go, Lee, Go! Hope day two went great, too!

  21. Hi Lee Thanks for your support there's an award for you at my blog.


  22. Whenever I try to think about where I'm going with a novel I end up getting an idea for a short story. So I end up thinking about my novel only when I sit in front of the computer.

  23. LOL, welcome to Nano! I'm not Nanoing this year--I'm ripping apart my ya dystopian manuscript...again! Argh! ;)

    Good luck!

  24. Hart -- Yes, NaNo seems to be moving right along so far.

    Yvonne -- Thank you. I will put up a post on Saturday for the award.

    Paul -- Yes, I can see your point. On the other hand, sometimes when I'm writing a short story I start thinking how it might be turned into a novel.

    IBD--Thank you!

  25. Great site here, Lee! I'm glad you found me, so I could find YOU!

    Congrats on a good start on NaNo! I'm off to a good start, but I'm not feeling too cocky ~ I know there are going to be days when I don't do as well or don't even get to write at all. :)

  26. Great start Lee! I'm working on an artsy deadline...I posted then realized I forgot to mention awards. Tomorrow is another day!
    Hope sleep provides you with some insight~

  27. I'm not doing NaNo and I still forgot to schedule a post for this morning!

  28. Ali -- It's a good idea to put some words in the bank when you've got the energy and take the breaks when you need them. Glad you came by.

    Ellen--Haven't been getting much insight from sleep lately, but I guess I've been getting rest and renewal which is the real point I suppose.

    L.Diane--Judging from what you said in your post you have a good excuse to forget to post.

  29. I did about 2k words on day 1, which pleased me immensely. I'd written about 3 chapters of my novel a year ago, so the first 6-7000 words came quite easily. Now, however, I'm in the deep end and I have to see where the plot takes me, hehe.

    Good luck, Lee, keep up the NaNoing!


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