
Saturday, November 6, 2010

An Irresistible Saturday Awards Post

Irresistible Blog Award

I received this lovely award from Yvonne at Welcome to my World of Poetry.   I had seen it on Alex J. Cavanaugh's blog and thought it looked rather nice.  Now I have one of my own.  Thank you, Yvonne, and I'm glad you got your computer problems taken care of and are back with us.

Here are a few blogs that I find irresistible (I could name a few hundred!):

The Optimal Optimist is a nice place to get a positive message and give your day a smile.

Hollywood Spy has the scoop on movies and entertainment--and Dezmond's pretty cool.

Elizabeth West at Graphomaniac always has something interesting to say.

Lynda R.Young at W.I.P. It has plenty of helpful information to offer.

Please accept these awards if you wish and feel free to pass them on to any blogs that you find irresistible.

If you readers wouldn't mind, drop by these sites and give them a big hello and tell them you saw it here on Tossing It Out.   Hopefully you'll find these blogs as irresistible as I have.

Time Change

          My NaNo novel is called Time Light.  I talked about it this past week and offered a brief synopsis.  I'm still listening to your comments and suggestions so be sure to stop by and give me your two cents.  If fifty of you leave two cents I'll have a dollar!    My NaNo train has left the station and so far the novel is on track.  I'm hoping for a couple of days with big bursts of steam that put me well ahead of schedule, but if I keep my current pace I'll be doing fine.   And speaking of time, don't forget to set clocks back in the U.S. for the end of Daylight Savings Time--it seems like it really came late this year.

Blog Train Rolling

        As my NaNo train rolls along, so does Stephen Tremp's Breakthrough blog tour.   Stephen's been offering up some great information on the other stops and will be visiting Tossing It Out on Tuesday with a truly fascinating topic that will make you think. 

        I'll be keeping up with my NaNo progress, but I don't want to bore the Non-NaNo-ers with too much.  After all, those of you who are signed up can check me out on the NaNo site.  My username is "wordleeness" and you can find out more about me, my novel, and my progress on the NaNo site.

        My Monday post will be a quirky look at some blog weirdness--or is it all something that is much more sinister that it appears to be.  Maybe some of you will know what's going on.  Then on Thursday I'll salute those who have served America as I observe Veteran's Day.




  1. Congrats on the award and well done to the awardees.
    Glad to hear your novel is on track in nano-land.
    I've been caught out a few times by the daylight saving clock changes, luckily not this year! :O)

  2. Congrats on getting the award, and good luck with NaNo! I'm slowly getting my word count up, but it's hard going. Still, I'm finding it a lot of fun :)

  3. Hello Lee pleased you liked the award, that extra hour do sometimes play havoc with one's routine.

    Have a wonderful week-end.

  4. Well done on the award (and keeping up to date with the word count!). Looking forward to those upcoming posts.

  5. Congratulations on the award and thanks for the new links to check out. Looking forward to your upcoming post. I had forgotten Veteran's Day was next week, thanks for the reminder.

    Thoughts in Progress

  6. Congrats on the award!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Congratulations Lee on your newest award!! :)

  8. ah, Arlee, first congrats on getting the well-deserved award, and also a big thanks for passing it onto your HOLLYWOOD SPY :) I shall proudly put it immediately in my award display shelf! And thanks for considering my spying reports irresistible ;)

    I'm also happy to hear TIME LIGHT is progressing well. Knowing your narrative talents I'm sure it will be a great read.

    Here in Europe we set clock back last weekend and it took me at least three days to get used to it :)

  9. I always look forward to the time change, then I get all out of whack for about a week.

    Congratulations on the award and to the recipients!

    After I get through visiting everyone's blog (I'm doing a once a week thing till nano is over) I want to go and check out Time Light.

    Good luck with nano!

  10. Congrats on the award and good luck nano-ing! :)

  11. Congratulations on the award, Arlee. I'll check out the blogs you've listed. The greatest thing about blog awards is the opportunity to make new friends.

  12. I've got bad news for ya, Lee-

    ALL our posts are quirky posts!

    But we reads 'em anyways!


  13. Hi Lee,

    Congrats on receiving this award and thank you so much for passing it along to Optimal Optimist! I gladly accept :)

    Good luck with your NaNo progress!!!

    -Vanessa from Optimal Optimist

  14. It is a pretty reward and you deserve it! Great to read about your NaNo progress. And yes Daylight Savings is later this year and us Canadians are following the American change.

  15. My thanks to all of you who stopped by today to read and comment on this post. Hope you enjoy (or enjoyed) your weekend.


  16. Congrats on your most deserved award! Keep up the good work on your NaNo! I'm already using my extra hour to catch up on my favorite blogs. :)

  17. Congrats on the award Lee. I haven't been keeping up as well as I'd like the last few weeks - it's crazy busy here. Good luck with nano - I'm doing it too. I love nano, but it makes life even crazier!!

  18. Good work Arlee! Congratulations on the award. Happy to hear that your work is progressing, it sounds like one heck of a challenge to me!
    Love Di ♥

  19. Thanks for the advance shout out! Looking forard to stopping by Tuesday and meeting some new friends. Have a great week!

  20. Hi Lee - Yes, congrats on your award!! And on your Nano progress. :)


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For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
