
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Awards Thanksgiving, etc--- A Very Quick Special Post

           Where have I been?  Where are my comments on your blogs?   I am trying, but I've been really preoccupied with NaNo and many other things.   With Thanksgiving coming up next week I will probably only get more negligent.  So in case I forget:


        Also I wanted to acknowledge some awards that were passed to me this week.   I apologize for not being able to take the time to pass them on, but I am in big appreciation to all who read my blog and especially to those who comment.

This Wholesome Blogger Award was bestowed upon me by Yvonne at Welcome to My World of Poetry.

The "You Deserve a Star Today" Award with my thanks to Ellen aka Ella at  Ella's Edge .  

Thank you again!


  1. Congratulations Arlee!

    I missed Thursdays post before, but just wanted to say that it made me smile. I've heard of people accidentally putting on odd socks ... but odd shoes! (Good job they weren't different colours!)

  2. Congratulations you busy man you! And I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving too. Just make sure you take some time off to enjoy your family O.K.?
    When you find time Arlee, please visit my blog, it is a special one this week. Thank you!
    Love Di ♥

  3. Congratulations on your awards. This year things seem to be really hectic. Happy writing and Happy Thanksgiving.

    Thoughts in Progress

  4. Congrats on the awards!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

  5. It's THANKSGIVING next weekend? Time to go hunt for my tofurkey :)

    Congrats on the awards, Lee, you deserve them!

  6. Congratulations on both awards!!!!

    Being in nano, too, makes getting around to everyone a challenge.

    So, just in case, Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! Be safe and have a great time!

  7. You do deserve the awards you get, anyway thanks for the visits and comments , as always much appreciated. Good luck with NaNo.

    Enjoy your Sunday,

  8. Hi Lee .. I know I think everyone's busy .. and I don't blame anyone for not commenting ... we all do what we can and when we can .. hope you finish up .. and have a great Thanksgiving family weekend .. Congratulations on the awards .. Hilary

  9. Congratulations on your awards. They're well deserved. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  10. Congratulation on the awards and a Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. Writing during the holidays is a balancing act, and NaNo would keep me from blogging at all

  11. Happy Thanksgiving Lee and Congrats. Yes I've had some blog free days this week too designing a website for the church, so I'm trying to make up for lost time. :O)

  12. Thank you all for the visits and the kind comments. I figured you'd understand as we are all probably in boats of similar nature right now.


  13. Congratulations! Yeah, I've not commented as much either this month. But I'm ahead in my word count and still writing!

  14. Congratulations!!! God Bless you, and have a wonerful Thanksgiving!!!


  15. Congrats on your awards! And, in honor of NaNo, I have another for you over on my blog. Take care. =D

  16. Yes, I think a lot of bloggers are incredibly busy right now, but it is always appreciated when a blogger lets everyone know why they haven't been around as much as usual. Well done on your awards and best of luck with your writing.

  17. Congratulations Lee! Always well deserved! Hope you and yours have a lovely holiday!

  18. Well done on the awards, happy Thanksgiving and go NaNo go! (Keeping comments short so as to get you back to work as quick as possible.)

  19. And again thanks to the rest of you who left comments today and I guess there's not that much more to say about that.

  20. Congrats on the awards!! Good to see you're still ploughing ahead with NaNo too, keep it up!

  21. Have a happy holiday yourself, and best wishes with Nano.

  22. Congrats on your awards! I totally understand! I have been in my kitchen, cooking for two days, now, and will be there till Friday! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  23. Congrats on your well deserved awards. It's great that you're working on your story & I'm looking forward to reading more about it.

  24. Congrats! And I've a lot going on right now. Working on some changes.

  25. Happy Thanksgiving to you too. I can understand the pressure of NaNo. I'm feeling it too. Big time. Best of luck with it!!! :)

  26. Hi Lee, I, too, have been MIA. But at least you're writing. I'm stewing. Ponderizing. And haven't been online much at all. Congrats on the awards!

    ~That Rebel, Olivia

  27. I feel like nano is sucking me into a void as well! I've been having a REALLY hard time keeping up with the blogs I love!


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
