
Saturday, July 17, 2010

After a Meaty Week.....

             This has been one meat filled week on Tossing It Out.  This upcoming week I'll change the subject.
I hope more of you will join us on Monday for The Soundtrack of Your Life Blogfest.  You can read about it at the top of this page and sign up on the Linky List.  As of the moment I am writing this we have thirteen participants so we have space for you.  Tell us about you and the songs that would accompany a recap of your life.

           The rest of the week I've not planned yet, but I'm still trying for shorter posts.  I seem to have a problem keeping my word count down. I'm still working on this.  Do you ever feel that your posts are too long?

       I was so delighted to see an acknowledgment given to me by Mary at Giggles and Guns.   Mary featured a post around a comment I had made on a topic that I know is familiar to many of us--finding motivation and inspiration to keep writing.  I usually don't have that problem, but I guess that also kind of goes back to my long-winded blog posts.  It's such a pleasant surprise to visit a blog and find yourself featured in a post.  Thanks, Mary, for the ego boost.

       Then there's someone who's been getting his name in many other blogs this week after the trailer for his upcoming book was released.  Most of you probably already know Alex J. Cavanaugh's great blog and have probably already seen his book trailer, but in the event that someone out there has missed it then check it out:

       My good wishes to Alex and to his book CassaStar which will be released in October.

       Speaking of books and authors, Stephen Tremp's adventures in publishing are almost as exciting as his book Breakthrough which is soon to be rereleased.    Not a typo--- re-released!   If you missed Stephen's story check out his blog--it's an interesting story.

And now let the games begin:
          I was tagged by Jules at Trying to Get Over the Rainbow. It started a little iffy for me when I saw that she had disclosed the contents of her purse. To my relief she asked me to empty my pockets. Okay that's easy enough--not that much there.  I normally only deal with four pockets.

         Pockets have always been an important part of my clothing. I must have a pocket in my shirt and don't often wear the few pocketless shirts that I do own. My pants must have ample pocket space--never know what I might have to carry. Here's the rundown of what I usually have in my pockets when I leave the house:

        In my shirt pocket I have a rarely used cell phone just in case I need to make a phone call; a business card holder that currently holds cards with my blog address just in case someone is interested; and, of course, a pen just in case I need to write something down.  Eventually I hope I will require different business cards where the blog address is just a part of the whole, but currently that's all I'm advertising.

I use three pockets in my pants.  My back pocket contains a well worn wallet with ID's, credit cards, and other cards that I occasionally might need.  I've had this wallet for several years and will probably use it until it's about to fall apart.  In fifty years I think I've owned less than ten wallets.  I like to get maximum mileage out of them.  They're kind of like a pair of shoes that really get comfortable.  I hate to toss them out.

My left pocket contains keys for two cars, a front gate, and my house.  Car keys have gotten so much more complex than they used to be with alarms and keyless ignitions and all.  I used to carry a pocket knife in my key pocket.  Now the keys are about all my pocket will hold.

I rarely use cash, but I always like to have some just in case.  Now most places will accept credit cards no matter how much you're spending so I use them for nearly everything.  The cards I use give me points for each dollar spent and I can redeem those points for nifty gift cards, free hotel rooms, or cash rebates.  It actually seems like a better deal if you pay off the balance every month like I do.  The real problem is that in using cards the companies and the government can keep track of every dollar you spend, what you buy, and where you are when you buy it.  That seems pretty scary, but they can find out this stuff regardless.  It's all spooky, but is in line with things predicted in the Bible.  Guess that's getting off track and is a topic for a future blog post.

           And that's what's in my pockets most of the time.  Thank goodness Jules only tagged two people so I'm going to do the same.  And since they both seemed to think it was funny that I got tagged then I will tag:

Have a great weekend!  Stay cool if you're where it's hot, and if you're where it's cold then I wish I had your weather.


  1. looking forward to the Monday Soundtrack Of My Life challenge hope you wil all find it interesting. I may have to shorten it so will look at it later,

    Thamk you for tagging me if only you knew what I carry about in my bag.....well you'll have to mait and see,

    Enjoy your week-end.

  2. Pretty exciting about Steven & Alex, eh? Both books look great!

  3. This post made me laugh. First, I love the picture. Second, I just cleaned out my purse...and can say with great satisfaction that all that remains in it are a wallet that includes a checkbook, credit cards and business cards, a phone and a pen. Glad to be traveling so light.

  4. Sounds like you had a fulfilling week and all set for a new one.

  5. Congrats to both Alex and Steven! I guess it does happen, people do get published. I was amazed, since I was naive, when we did the A-Z challenge in April how many bloggers want to be writers and published. I didn't realize it. I should have known since I am a would be song-writer that wants to be published. There are a trillion people who want to write songs for the stars.

    Your pockets seem to be pretty typical. Hope you have a good weekend!

  6. Yvonne -- You can make the soundtrack as long as you want and we'll still read it--love your lists! Also, look forward to what you have in your purse.

    Will-- Yeah, it's pretty cool to see authors we feel like we know getting books in the marketplace.

    Liza-- I'll guarentee you that if I did carry a purse it would be big and have all kinds of stuff in it. I like being prepared for anything.

    Ocean Girl -- I hope all of my weeks are fulfilling and I try to be ready for days to come.

    Gregg-- I guess blogging just naturally attracts all of us creative writer types.

  7. Lee, thanks so much for featuring the book trailer!
    Really glad you didn't have a man-purse, either. Thanks for the tag.

  8. Alex's trailer rocks big time, but I must say that since I have my own embassy over at Cassastar :))

  9. What a fun idea!
    Have a good weekend,

  10. Alex-- Your trailer created a lot of buzz so far. Sometimes I wish I had some kind of bag to carry things in-- I guess I could always carry a brief case.

    Dezmond-- With all the support you give Alex you deserve a very delux embassy on CassaStar.

    Karen -- As always thanks for the visit and you have a great weekend as well.

  11. Even though I'm a woman, I'm a pocket person. I hate when I have on pants with no pockets because I hate carrying a purse. In my job, I have tons of pockets, so I guess I just got used to them.

  12. Mary -- Keeps your hands free too.

  13. I'm sorry I did not comment sooner, family business you know. I read the post first thing yesterday but was in such a hurry I did not comment.

    I don't use my cell phone much either, why do we give them a pocket? I agree about the key as well. But the alarms come in handy when you cannot find your car.

    Sunny Side up...

  14. Congrats to Alex n' Stephen...very
    exciting news~ We need a party~

    I look forward to your posts! Interesting about the pocket/purse. I use to have a mini fridge for a

  15. I hadn't seen this done with pockets but I liked it!

  16. Jule, Ellie, and Debbie -- I appreciate your comments.


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
