
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rest, But No Rest For The Rest Of The Week

           Okay, I'm still being lazy and have decided to just coast for the rest of this week.  Let's face it, I'm still trying to catch up with reading A to Z posts and doing other things that I need to get done.  It's amazing how behind I got during the month of April, but do I have to tell that to most of you who participated in Blogging From A to Z?   Even if you weren't participating in the Challenge you're probably behind.  I think the whole world's behind.  What about you?  Do ever feel like you've caught up?

           Things being what they are I am going to forego the usual Thursday Debate Day.  This is A to Z wrap up week I guess.  As part of the celebration, this week I'm acknowledging some of the awards and tags I've gotten over the last couple of weeks.

             Today it's something that many of you have already done yourselves, or least have seen it on other sites.  It's the getting to know you tag game that is called "5 Times the Fun".  I was tagged for "5 Times the Fun" by Carmen at Keeping Up Klapper. This is a fun game where I get to answer 5 questions, 5 times.  So here we go:

Question 1 – Where were you five years ago?

1. Working as a manager at a wholesale costume distributor.

2. Starting evening classes to get my B.S. in Business Management

3. Watching my middle daughter graduate from high school

4. Seeing my middle daughter off as she moved to New Jersey to go into the real estate business.

5. Seeing my oldest daughter also move to New Jersey to pursue a career in real estate.

Question 2 – Where would you like to be five years from now?

1. At least one book published

2. To have established enough recognition in the field of writing that I am doing some kind of appearances or speaking engagements several times throughout the year.

3. Making a decent living at writing or something related to it.

4. To be able to travel more and see faraway family members and friends.

5. To be in good health.

Question 3 – What is (was) on your to do list today?

1. Write at least one upcoming blog post.

2. Continue to read more reflections in the A to Z challenge

3. Fix some 15 bean soup.

4. Grab a few items at the grocery store.

5. Go to Wednesday night prayer meeting.

Question 4 – What 5 snacks do you enjoy?

1. Candy -- all kinds

2. Tortilla chips and really good hot salsa.(preferably made with fresh ingredients)

3. Popcorn

4. Pretzels

5. Pizza

Question 5 – What would you do if you were a billionaire?

1. Pay off my bills and the bills of my children and relatives.

2. Start a considerable operating fund for the chuch I attend.

3. Invest wisely

4. Start a business (or businesses) and provide worthwhile jobs.

5. Do some traveling.

Tagging 5 friends I’d love to know more about!
(And the question here is who can I find who hasn't done this yet?  And will they if asked?)

Teresa at Journaling Woman 

Carrie at Heim Binas Fiction

Carol at Under the Tiki Hut

Timothy at Timothy's Thoughts

Stephen at Stephen T. McCarthy STUFFS

          And there it is--another lazy blog entry.  But if you really think about it, doing this is kind of like work so it's not really that lazy.   Tomorrow (Friday) I should have the Linky list up for the FIFTEEN FANTASY ISLAND FAVORITES and maybe a few more words about that and some other Friday frolics.


  1. Everytime I think I have caught up, something new sneaks up on me, and I start running again :-(

    And this particular meme seems to be everywhere. When they write the history of blogosphere, they may well date it in terms of before this meme and after it.

  2. I was tagged with the same questions Lee.
    As regarding the world being behind I quite agree. This week has not been a good week, I don't know whether I,m going to Nashvislle as The Grand Ole Opry is shut for three months and Daniel is trying to use another venue, so that is all up in the air, plus my test for cervical cancer which I have to have done every six months came back still abnormal so though I haven't got cancer I have to wait another 6 months until I go to the hospital.
    Which to me is along time.

    I am looking forward to the fabourite albums but will only be able to show 5 photo's though I will review 15. I have tried various methods to get 15 photo's on my blog but no go.

    Have a grand day.

  3. I think we like the same snacks.

    Looking forward to the Fifteen Fantasy Island Favorites. Let us know more so I can prepare!

  4. 15 bean soup? Sounds quackerific! Play us a tune on the ol' alalphone!

  5. You have a lot of kids in real estate!

  6. Well, first of all, rLEE-b, you need to know that Lisa let me totally off the hook on that Five Questions thing. She gave me an unconditional pass, and as a friend of mine, I fully expect you to do likewise. ;o)

    Secondly, you said you're "Tagging 5 friends I’d love to know more about!" But you read that interview I endured with Yoey O'Dogherty, so you already know all that anyone might ever want to know about me AND A WHOLE LOT MORE.

    My motto is: "Just say 'No' to awards and tagging".

    But I sincerely thank you for thinking of me, and humbly request that you not do it again. :o(

    [It's a good thing you understand my sense of humor and don't take this stuffs I say too seriously, eh?]

    ~ "Lonesome Dogg" McMeboy

  7. You appear to do a lot more when you're lazy, than most of us accomplish on a GOOD day. :o)

  8. These days, I never seem to catch up with everything on the "to do" and "must do" lists. I wish there were more hours in the day, but I know that's never going to happen so I go with the flow - after all, life is mostly about the journey.

  9. I'm always behind. I have 5 kids.

  10. Hey, Buddy,
    I was tagged too. I find your answers very interesting! You can check mine out when you get a chance. I am having a great time with family in Texas. I have checked on Gramps one time and they say he is doing okay (Thank God!).
    BTW, I like 15 bean soup and make it every once in awhile. I have been kind of lazy recuperating from the challenge, but am still reading as many as I can.
    thanks for keeping all the "challenge bloggers' on your page.
    More later,
    Your friend,

  11. Rayna -- Yes the "5 Questions" has taken the blogs by storm.

    Yvonne -- I have been seeing things about Nashville on some of the other blogs and didn't realize it was so bad because we don't hear about it on the regular news. I'm hearing that the Grand Ol' Opry is going to be closed for a while which is too bad because they are celebrating 85 years and had a lot of special concerts scheduled. I would imagine they would make arrangements to hold the concerts in another venue.
    I'm planning on posting on Monday May 10 about putting up photos on your posts.

    Alex -- More on 15 tomorrow (Friday May 7)

    Will -- the soup was very good and not excessively musical.

    Karen -- I don't know. I've been feeling a little too lazy I think.

    Diane -- My sister was in real estate in New Jersey at the time and making a lot of money and lured them to riches. Then the market crashed. Now it's starting to pick up again, but my sister is no longer in the real estate market.

    Stephen -- I've been all depressed today because you won't play tag with me. Boo-hoo. I'm gonna drink your Grand Marnier--so there!

    Tracy-- It's all an illusion.

    Paula -- You're right. If we ever do catch up it must mean we're finished with life. I want to keep having things to do. Thanks for all the comments you've been leaving.

    Marjorie -- That's no excuse, you have an advantage-- you can make them help you get things done. Yeah right! Like that works.

    Ruby -- Do you put the tomatoes and lemon juice in yours? I left out those ingredients because my wife didn't want them. The soup was still good but I'd like to try it with the tomatoes and lemon juice some time.

  12. Lee,

    Hmmm, looks like the gremlins ate my comment I left earlier today.

    Anyways, what I said was that I think you are far from lazy. You work really hard, and put your heart and soul into your blog. Just because you have slowed down from an frantic pace to something that is somewhat "normal" does not make you lazy.

    Just take care that you aren't working yourself to the bone where you burn out, or you suffer from forced writing that begins to lose the fun and the soul that you have.


  13. Great answers; I see a lot of writing
    choices; I agree this is a good fit for you! It is hard to narrow it down, I read yours n' other people's answers and think, Yes, I should of said, that!

  14. Thanks for answering my 5 questions, Lee. I wish you all the best with the publishing of your book. You're a great writer!

  15. Sig -- okay you convinced me. I guess I should be saying I'm just doing some different blogging of late. A change is good now and then.

    Ellie -- Thanks! By the way, is your birthday on May 10? I'm guessing Bud has been talking about you.

    Carmen-- Happy to do it -- it was a break from my normal blog schedule which was nice. Thank you for your kind comments.

  16. hehe 15 bean soup. I love your list :o)

  17. cool idea for a blog post. I love bean soup. :)


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