
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The A to Z Experience Recap Redux

          Oh yeah, I almost forgot--I'm supposed to post something.  I could say, "Well, after all of that A to Z blogging I need a rest."  But no, I've been saying I'm going to blog everyday until September 21st which will be one year.  Then Rayna from Coffee Rings Everywhere comes along and tells me she's been blogging daily for nearly two years straight.  I don't know if I'm going to match you Rayna-- you are a blogging queen and I may leave you with the title.  But that's not what I'm really here to talk about today.

          Like I'm sure many of you have already discovered, there are a lot of bloggers who left reflections.  I am trying to read and comment on every one of them and on Sunday and Monday I only got about half way.  I did get distracted by other blog activities, but there are some great reflections posts.  I hope you'll read them all and leave a note for each of the great blog authors who wrote them.  There is not only some very useful information and funny stories, but also inspirational and uplifting accounts of how this blog community came together.  The fact is that there is a lot of reading content in these reflections posts and I'm still reading.

          That being the case I'm going to just carry this thing over for today.   I said in a previous post that I could probably just go on talking about the participants in the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge for the rest of the month of May--there is certainly a lot that can be said and I guess for a while I could just blog about blogs.  However I don't want to get overly redundant here.   The Blog Roll of Challenge participants will remain on my side bar for at least the entire month of April for those who would like to continue to check out these exceptional blogs.

             Now back to one of my favorite topics-- increasing readership through increasing followers.  I know some of you don't care about this topic so you can ignore this. However some of you I know are interested in this.  During April I noticed that C. Patrick Schulze, a novelist whose blog I have been following for a while, did a very good piece about Driving Traffic to Your Blog.   I promised him that I would mention this piece in one of my Challenge recaps.  The post also has a link to a podcast of the article if you're sick of reading for a while and would like to just listen.  You can find this article at  C. Patrick Schulze .  If you leave a comment please let him know that you were directed from this site.

 And now I'll close today's piece with a few more quotes from participants and observers:

I have so enjoyed A-Z blogging, finding common threads, with people I may not have sought out!
Ellie at Ella's Edge

We picked up the same V word, and our posts are so very different, and yet each so true to the word.    The beauty of the A to Z challenge is the way it has got so many such diverse people together.
~ Rayna Coffee Rings Everywhere said to Alex J. Cavanaugh

I wanted to tell you that I think this A-Z challenge was a phenomenal success. You brought together a whole bunch of new bloggers along with some seasoned veteran bloggers. The blogs I visited were fun and creative. You created community, which isn't easy to do, virtually or in reality. Way to go everyone who participated in Lee's challenge. It was great fun watching from the sidelines.
Karen Walker Author Karen Walker... Following the Whispers

I've written so much over the month of April and I believe that you inspired me to up my quality by ten-fold. I learned a lot from the participants and found some great sites I otherwise wouldn't have come across.
Raquel Byrnes 

I really just want to thank you for this Challenge we are in, it has grown me as a blogger and I have made some amazing connections with other wonderful bloggers that I will cherish in my heart forever           Shannon at Faith, Hope, and Love

Thanks for the secrets to blogging! I couldn't have done it without you! 
Wolfie  at Writer Person  --- Okay, this is my niece and she got some special help from me.  I'm really proud of the way she is learning and through the challenge has become a blogging veteran.


I am amazed at how the challenge ignited so much good writing. Interesting posts.
Paul C. at Quoteflections

My regret is (not that I didn't participate lol) it is that I found so many of you AFTER your challenge. So I think of all those great A to Z posts I missed! Congrats for finishing! What an accomplishment...
KarenG at Coming Down the Mountain: From Reclusive Writer to Published Author

Thank you for coming up with this wonderful challenge. I'm sorry that my headaches have kept me from writing like I should have. This has been a fantastic experience. I've learned a lot about myself and meet a lot of new blogging buddies. Thank you for coming up with this challenge. Carol Fleisher Carol's Corner

 Lee this was something special and altogether life changing.
 Debra Harris-Johnson  at Dream Weaver

The A-Z Challenge was a wild ride!      Alex J. Cavanaugh


  1. I missed joining in, but I enjoyed finding a lot of new blogs through the interconnected mesh of blogs. Great idea!

  2. You have built up a community Arlee and that is a task almost impossible. Congratulations. I would hope I am part of that community.

  3. Thanks for the mention! I will read Schulze's post, too.
    I'm just six away from 100 followers, something I could not have done without this challenge. Thanks again, Arlee!

  4. I agree with KarenG's post above - I am sorry I didn't find you guys, and this challenge, sooner! I have really enjoyed reading the varied, thoughtful, inspiring choices people made for each letter, and hope that everyone who took place puts a link on their blog so folks like me, who missed it, can easily re-discover and enjy their A-Z posts in the future. Great challenge, and well done to everyone who tackled it!

  5. Amen to all those comments.
    It was a wild ride but it was worth it, I now know what I am capable of doing,

    My next hurdle is to try and figure out how to get more than 5 pictures on my blog, anyone out there have the answer, ?????

    Have a peaceful day Lee.

  6. Man, this was such a GREAT idea Arlee, please let me know when you come up with the next one so that I can get in on it!

  7. Good for you and your participants. What a great experience and hard work.

    Nice job.

  8. ...i read a comment on Melody's blog by (Alex?)that spoke of communities being formed by this challenge. that statement rings true i believe. what amazed me were those individuals that were leaving comments but weren't ncessarily following the blogs. "Raquel" stood out in that category and i wish to thank her publicly. this is about as public as one can get:)


  9. India -- Thank you

    Ocean Girl -- You have been an ongoing supporter with regular comments for many of us--you are certainly part of this community and we appreciate it. The Linky list is still open for you to add a post with your thoughts about A to Z

    Alex -- Schultze has some pretty interesting posts about writing that you may enjoy. You can make 100 by the end of this week. You may have to make some comments and join some new blogs to get them.

    Jayne -- keep in touch for information about upcoming events. Join us for the May 17th 15 favorite albums post.. Linky signup will be appearing in a couple days.

    Yvonne-- I'll start putting my May 17th post together and see if I can explain how to put up 15 images and maybe someone else can help to.

    Matthew -- Stay in touch. You've been commenting on a lot the A to Z posts anyway. Did you put your Reflections on a post and link it to the list above? I'm going to leave this on my page for at least a month (though it will move to the bottom)-- the Linky is open til tomorrow I believe.

    Teresa -- Thanks and sorry if I've been neglecting you, although I think I looked and you hadn't been posting a whole lot. And if you change your mind about the 15 favorite albums you can sign up for that in a few days.

  10. From what I've read of everyone's recaps, they all had a good challenging time.

    Twas a hit!

  11. I'll definitely participate next year and count me in for the music one. I'll slowly eeking my way up to 200 followers.

  12. I missed joining in too, but I really enjoyed reading all the entries. It was a fantastic idea and so much fun!

  13. It was indeed a "wild ride!" Thanks for thinking it up and then spurring us on! :)

    I moved my blog at the end by the way. The address in the McLinky is correct. The link in the blogroll is outdated. :)

  14. Bud -- We had many supporters out there that hung in with us til the end. It was quite nice.

    Pal -- Overall the feeling about the Challenge seems pretty positive.

    Diane --Okay you're on for both! I'll be posting a Linky enrollment list for the 15 favorite recordings in a couple days. We're gonna get you to the 200 mark yet!

    Crystal -- why don't you join us for the 15 favorite albums post on May 17th? It's only one day and should take too much commitment. Watch for the sign up link in a couple days.

    Beth -- I will fix the side bar address. Will your A to Z blog posts show up at the new address?

  15. It is tough limiting to the choice of desert island alblums to 15. I was tempted to take the best fifteen of George Jones but thought well maybe prudence would dictate that I be somewhat eclectic. Don't know how to get alblum covers up yet but at least the artist and name of record will be there.

  16. I was sorry I missed the challenge. But timing was not right for me! But...then you have another coming up.

    I only wish I had more time to read every one elses!! Darn day job just takes too much of my time!!


  17. Wow, Lee, I need to give you a virtual Uncle Sam trophy, but haven't made or found one yet. I
    kept up all along the challenge and now, I am behind, posting on everyone's site. It was a wonderful exchange of words, kindness and friendship!

    Thank you so much~

  18. Lee, I'm still plucking away at the alphabet and am determined to finish. Wanted to let you know that I tagged you in my "s" post today. Check it out if you have the time.


  19. Blogging Queen!!! That sure sounds good- for all my socialistic leanings, I am a monarchist at heart and love the idea of being a queen- specially if I get to be a benevolent monarch!

    And yes, like someone said, communities are hard to form, and you have formed one- congratulations!

  20. Gregg -- Perhaps next Monday I will post a how to for posting the pictures since you are not the only one who's mentioned this. I guess you could do albums all by the same artist, but eclecticism is nice.

    Sig -- reading all of the posts would be a major undertaking, but it would be fun. Next event is 15 favorite albums on May 17th.

    Ellie -- I thought the end of the challenge would slow things down, but I too am behind trying to make my rounds.

    Carmen -- I will be answering Thursday May 6.

    Rayna -- I'm sure you would be a very kind queen.

  21. As much as I love hearing how great my blog is, I love hearing about what others think about your blog more. It's all so true. And yes, I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you so much. Love ya!


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
