
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Suddenly Saturday--Again!

          Can somebody please slow time down!  Is it just me or do the days seem to be going by faster and faster?   There is so much that I try to get done but never seem to find the time to do all of it.  Well, at least I'm staying current with my blog.  In fact I've been deemed a prolific blogger.  But we'll get to that later.  First I'll look where this blog has been over the past week and where it is going in the week to come.

          Last Monday, in my installment of the Persnickety Penman , I talked about accuracy to make sure your writing is dealing with facts and truth.  This coming Monday I'll be talking about being a good liar (is that an oxymoron?).  The two topics are actually very similar I think.  Please check it out and tell me what you think.

        If you missed my Tuesday English Toffee tasting experiment, you might want to go back and take a look if you enjoy things that border on the absurd.  Did I say border?  It was totally absurd, but some readers got a kick out of it even though it did leave me with a tummy ache and sky high blood sugar levels.
This Tuesday I will continue on the topic of food as I present my own chili recipe using a Dolores Chili Brick.  And if you don't know what a chili brick is then you'll just have to stop back by on Tuesday to find out.

        My Father Who Art In Heaven was a post that had great meaning to me and I was pleased that others enjoyed it as well.   I will be reminiscing once again this coming Wednesday. 

           My last Thursday debate discussed the relevance of fiction versus nonfiction.  You are always welcome to go back to any previous debate and express your opinion.  This coming Thursday the debate will concern the jury system:  I'll tell what I think and I hope you'll tell me what you think.  By the way my daughter Emilee was the only one that wondered about the weird pictures on my Thursday post--did any one else wonder why they were there?

         Yesterday I present a poem on the topic of death  and received some nice comments.  Next Friday I'm going to talk about "spelunking" and how it relates to death.  If you don't know what spelunking is.... well stay tuned for next Friday and I hope to see you there.

          And now for the awards!

      I want to thank Carol Kilgore at Under the Tiki Hut for kindly bestowing a Prolific Blogger Award upon ol' me and my blog.  Thanks Carol-- I have been posting everyday (except one) since I started Tossing It Out back in September of 2009.  I have been trying to treat this writing mission like it is my job, which is part of my job plan I think, so to me it has been important to keep posting and make every attempt to put thought and quality into my posts.

       And I'm not the only prolific blogger out there.  Some of these bloggers may not post everyday, but they also have jobs or businesses to which they must give attention and doing the two is a feat which deserves admiration as well.   So in honor of the hard work and dedication they show to the blog world, I pass the award to the following:

Ernest Boston   at   My Worlds My Words My Worries --- I don't know if he'll know that I've passed this to him unless he reads this post because so far as I can tell his comments are turned off.  But this guy posts pretty regularly and he posts some pretty weird stuff that is quirky and thought provoking.  And according to his profile his "Primary Goal in Life: To be the nicest person in the Universe."  That is according to his definition of the word "nice".  

Judy Harper  at  Sixty Is Just the Beginning and A Creative Writer in Progress  -- Judy's actually got 3 blogs going, but I follow these two.  She was participating in the NaBloPoMo one post every day challenge for a while, so if nothing else she should be recognized for that.

Tamika  at The Write Worship   I don't think she ever posts on weekends and she has unplugged for a week at least once, but most of the time she's there almost every weekday.  After all, she does have a strong loyal following that counts on her posts.

B. Miller at B. Miller Fiction  -- Well, maybe potentially prolific.  I started following this writer with interest recently and curious to see where it will all go. Dark fiction?  Hmmm --the blog posts have been kind of thought-provoking so far.

          These are but a few of the really fine prolific blogs out there and many others are well deserving of this award.  Perhaps one of the above recipients will pass to one of you.

             Has time been going too fast for you?   What are you not getting done?   What slows your efforts down while time passes you by?


  1. Time certainly does pass by quickly these days, is it because we are busy.....or getting older????
    Look forward to what you have on offer blogwise next week.

    Enjoy your week-end.

  2. You are right 'time is an illusion lunchtime doubly so' as in the words of the author, Douglas Adams, The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy.

    Is it because we are getting older or are just running out of plans for our future?

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Thanks for giving me some new blogs to check out!

    Mystery Writing is Murder

  4. Love new blogs! Can't wait to check them out! Congrats on the award and Congrats to all the winners!

  5. Congratulations on your blog award. I agree. How is it Saturday already?

  6. Congrats on another award!! Good choices for passing it along :)

  7. Congrats bro on the award. Geesh...I don't know if I could blog everyday. Don't know if what I have to say is that important...LOL
    Be blessed bro.
    Keep on blogging.
    DJ GlenMC

  8. Me again - I've got an award for you over at my blog :)

  9. Lee I can't thank you enough for the kind words! If there be any praise let it go to Calvary!

    God has given me such a gift in the freindships through blogging. I admire your zeal and perservance!

  10. I know exactly what you mean about time getting away from you. Seems like I'm too busy to breathe some days!

    Lee, thanks so much for the award! Your kind words made my day. THANK YOU!


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